What did she mean by that?
What did she mean by that?
>niggers spend every day looting and killing each other
>act like they're a unified community when a cop shoots one of them
basically if you don't have a bull, you are a fucking racist
That when black people say "he wasn't doing nothing" we should just listen to them and believe them and not check the facts or physical evidence or video recordings
She meant go back to Sup Forums
We went over this yesterday
Do american liberals mind that their country has barely any actual leftists, just corporatists that use the latest trendy social issues as a distraction for their right-wing economic policies?
>black nationalist kills 5 people
>white people need to be better
Sometimes it feels like I'm living in one of those post-apocalypse Sup Forums greentexts.
Most people don't care, because Americans are a bit docile.
why do i have to listen to their plight?
I dont want to.
why force me.
wtf america.
niggers dont care about me i dont car about them.
isnt that good enough?
"Black people please vote"
What's even the argument of this picture, that the government is corrupt and Sup Forums is right?
Red pill. Too deep
I don't get it though. She's a dem so she's already getting about 90 percent of the black vote. Pandering to blacks is pointless in her case. If she thinks she can pull an Obama while white she is seriously deranged
Lived in Chicago my whole life, worked at UPS in a nig filled hub. The only reliable workers were white or mexican. Dindus almost never showed up on time. Took several days off. Would come in wearing Jordans instead of the required work boots. Get fired for stealing Black and Milds ALL THE TIME(we shipped a lot lf those, they bust open the box and take a bunch) I was never even slightly racist till I worked that job. Now I see nig behavior more and more.
literally burying herself, I'd be shocked if she made president after this
I think she meant, this is Sup Forums so stop posting unrelated content you Sup Forumsmbler bitch
>barriers YOU face everyday
Blacks are Soul Reapers and can see spiritual barriers and beings like in Bleach.
>"Black Americans need to..."
We won't ever hear that
They feel justified in their behavior for what their ancestors went through. They're never going to stop being ignorant shitheads.
She's not pandering to blacks, they're just useful idiots. She's pandering to Asians, Latinos, and self-hating whites who all resent white people and want to see them publicly acknowledge their original sin every five minutes
really makes me think
With blacks, it's not about getting most of them on your side. It's about getting their lazy asses off the couch and into voting booths. Turnout is the key. And I agree that she won't fucking get it. The only reason blacks turned out in 2008 and 12 was because WE PRESIDENT NOW.
Still, it's disgusting how she panders to special snowflake minority groups. It triggers the hell out of me every time I see a spanish-language tweet from her, or wishing the Religion of Peace a blessed ramadan instead of saying anything in commemoration of D-Day, which fell on the same day.
I've come to the realization that most blacks don't want equality, even though they say they do. Equality carries great responsibilities and requires that actions have consequences. I think that what blacks really want is special treatment, as a protected class, who can't be blamed for any of their bad decisions or behavior. More and more non blacks, like myself, no longer feel any guilt or sympathy towards blacks.
The meme liberals like to present is that there is some giant conspiracy that tricks everyone into being racist. But the truth of the matter is that we become "racist" just through observations and personal experiences throughout our lives. I'm not racist because someone in the media told me to be. I'm racist because I've had years of first-hand experience dealing with blacks throughout my life that lead me to an obvious conclusion. To say nothing of the stats that back up all our personal experiences.
It's the same as with every special snowflake group. It was true of gays and feminists as well.
It's always the same pattern. First they want equality of opportunity. Then they want equality of outcomes.
for gays, first they just wanted to stop being persecuted. Then they wanted equality. Then they wanted their shit forced down everyones throats, like forcing christian bakers to make wedding cakes against their will. It's not about equality. It's about finding whatever avenue necessary to further your agenda.
So the bottom line is that when a group is fringe, they play the victimization card until they are granted power. And when they get power, they don't play by the same rules, and fuck the other group up as much as possible.
And those that do care, can't do shit about it.
racism is usually coming from who don't deal with other races, otherwise new york would be one of the most racist areas.