Ok that pic is strange (and highly arousing), but has garnered a lot of discussion and dare I say controversy regarding the state her breasts are taking within the picture, It has always begged the question of what events led to them adapting the storage form they have. I've done extensive analysis of it (if you know what I mean) and here's the conclusion I've come to about the status of her milkers, (I violently masturbated to this pic on many occasions.) Basically in ROTJ her boobies were taped to make them retain a round "perky" shape, they aren't in this picture, this is clearly an action shot, she is leaping from the water like the sultry temptress she is (I'm 62, can you tell?). Her bikini is a rigid material (like my penis), so when she shook her un-taped bazongos her left kabooble "splatted" against the inside wall of the rigid Bikini cup, making her mammory appear larger than usual. Thanks for reading.
Ok that pic is strange (and highly arousing)...
Thanks OP! I was waiting for this
Reminder that Disney has banned this outfit
>so when she shook her un-taped bazongos her left kabooble "splatted" against the inside wall of the rigid Bikini cup, making her mammory appear larger than usual. Thanks for reading.
I don't speak Aussie, someone translate
Lol nice timing OP, just got finished watching pic related
Also checking the fuck out of those triple 81s
really makes you think
Good read, OP. Always great to see theories on this pic.
>she said her boobs were constantly falling out during filming of ROTJ
>the film crew had to constantly tape them down and were teasing her that her tits were out
>you will never be one of those people
>you will never see that footage
>you will never be one of the hundreds of people she fucked in her prime
sometimes i consider suicide
She's short as fuck. Short chicks' boobs always look bigger in pics.
It's shooped
Look at the warping on her hip
>begged the question
'Begging the question' means 'assuming the question as answered. Did you mean 'raised the question?'
makes me want to do coke
obvious shoop, get cancer son
still are some serious titties
so what? the shop is clearly better
>she used to fuck fans at conventions
I would shoot a puppy in the face to bang Carrie Fisher in her prime.
what an awesome chick
wtf I hate princess leia now
OP, what a fucking disappointment. I thought you were an expert on this picture.
>she used to fuck fans at conventions
>prime Carrie Fischer will never give you the succ for some shitty coke
>tfw there will never be slutty twilek strippers in star wars ever again
>you will never be a beta in the 80's lucky enough to amuse prime Carrie who takes you to her hotel room and ride you like her life depends on it
Lucky autists, she said they put in more effort on average
More depressing: think of all the women in their prime RIGHT NOW that you still aren't fucking
I-I think I would fuck Carrie Fisher at her current age
>ywn get to hang out with her chubby lil pupper
Yeah but they aren't all coked up with bush that makes Vietnam look like aunt Jean's flower beds
google it senpai. She's admitted it herself.