how do we get them out of our art board?
it's clear the mods and janitors are scared of them so they won't do anything
how do we get them out of our art board?
it's clear the mods and janitors are scared of them so they won't do anything
Other urls found in this thread:
reddit, gamergate, and Sup Forums are the only real enemies.
You don't. Once they feel welcome they will never leave
Just look what happened to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums(before the huge crack down)
>he doesn't like Sup Forums
>he doesn't like an interesting Sup Forums with diverse opinions that everyone can learn from
Look at him. Look at him and laugh.
Sup Forums as a whole was Sup Forums-lite. But desu stormfags do ruin the board. I like laughing at niggers, but other than the migrant crisis, I don't see eye to eye with white supremacy.
'Europe for Europeans, though.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums leak all the time
But let's be real, Sup Forums was never good
>cuck detected
Look at OP's image. It's about Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
Sup Forums isnt a fucking subreddit idiot, its where Sup Forums users go when they want to discuss politics like Sup Forums is where Sup Forums users go to discuss anime. If you don't like it then fuck off back to red dit
Sup Forums is just where I go to find interracial cuckolding porn dumps to be entirely honest with you fampais.
>year after year Oscar racebaiting
>muh need more blacks in movies
>Jews literally own Hollywood
Sup Forums is right
Report posts - it's the best you can do
What I hate is making obvious Sup Forums threads, with zero to do with film of TV
Except Sup Forums is attraction legions of teenager shitflingers who adopt a 'Sup Forums is legun' mentality and shit on every board they touch. Sup Forums is quite literally cancerous. It's the neo-Sup Forums.
To be honest I really blame moot for this.
When he kicked the wasp nest and started this whole cuck shit is what drove off most people who made Sup Forums what it was and were replaced by non-ironically stormfront fags.
Then you had GG some time later and that also brought a ton of retards as well.
Sup Forums is a place for people with low-IQs such as yourselves
I suggest you return there
>Unironic SJW defenders on Sup Forums
Why do you even exist
Not even memeing. But for years Ive masturbated to fucking interracial porn.
I have regretted it every single time.
Yet I cant stop. Seems like I will always be a cuck.
No. I refuse to return. Instead, I'll stay here and indulge my passion for arguing political topics on both boards.
How does that make you feel?
How the FUCK does that make you FEEL?
Cry more, nobody is forcing you to come here.
Never going to happen.
>muh Oscar baiting holocaust gimme shekels movie
Every year.
Guess what user. You don't need to be a fucking genius to see what is happening, it's pretty obvious to everyone.
>Sup Forums thinks its good
While I do agree with you on that pol is a big circlejerk for dummies, that doesn't mean we should ignore what some of these user, for some reason, put too much importance into.
but, desu, I dont care lmao
Not always. We dropped the fucking ball big-time with our prediction of a Mitt Romney presidency. Most of the time we're right, however, which scares a whole lot of people.
Cry more bitch nigga
I gurantee I've been on Sup Forums at least twice as long as you've been here and probably much more than that. Youre just upset because people have opinions that dont agree with yours and crying to the mods to ban them doesnt work. Nobody cares, especially when you whine. Its pathetic
>like Sup Forums is where Sup Forums users go to discuss anime
Except that example doesn't work because they also think they run the whole site.
>pol is for people with low-IQs
Confirmed for never actually having an in depth discussion on Sup Forums. There are actually some really intelligent posters there desu
I'm not going to stop calling a spade a spade. Sup Forums is a spawning ground for cancerous shitposters. The sooner they stop involving the rest of Sup Forums in their childish crusades the better.
>Sup Forums
>not having been childish since 2003
Its a free country, you can do what you like, just dont make us suffer with you though please by spamming cuckold porj everywhere
No friend, the left with their transgender, feminist, Jewish bullshit is the cancer, spreading and eroding at society.
Sup Forums is an immunoglobulin-e response.
Greg (((Lansky))) wants your race to go extinct
Just fyi
>Sup Forums
Sup Forumseddit needs to get the fuck out right now
The worst thing he has ever seen is a girl with a nazi tattoo
pretty bad i guess
now i have to deal with a retard
>not appreciating Sup Forums
>calling others retarded
Just kill yourself m80
SJW bullshit insidiously festers and subverts boards? No problem
People make posts with even the slightest right-wing lean to them? OMG MUH Sup Forums BOOGEYMAN THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM HOLY SHIT REEEEEE MODS MODS MODS
i know you are but what am i
>creator of interracial porn site
You have no fucking idea how hard I'm laughing right now.
>implying you arent some tumblr tier faggot who shits up the boards crying about "edgy" posts
Makes you realize how many of (((them))) browse Sup Forums
How you doing Anita?
Yes goyim
Obsess over the negroid impregnating your women. Good white goyim girls, enjoy that BBC, you can't resist it yessss
The guy who promotes muh hybrid vigor and says that people should do more race-mixing is literally a jew living in tel aviv. You can't make this shit up.
All pornography is cuckoldry. It's literally watching someone else pleasure a woman while you touch yourself. At least watch lesbian
Jesus christ you Sup Forums-fags love to pull the victim card.
You want to split up everyone into opposing camps convinced that "IF you're not with us you're against us!" and cannot comprehend that most people don't give a fuck about your pathetic squabbles and just want a board free of these shitflinging contests.
Sup Forums admitadly is at civil war within the alt right wing movement.
One side: Patricians, the others; stormfags.
SJW do the exact same thing:"White silence is white culpability"?
>not appreciating the /Path Of Light/
Get out.
Oy vey, anuddah shoah is upon us
So is this the whole patricians vs stormfags I hear about?
I hear the alt right is at civil war with itself a bit like second wave vs third wave feminists.
>muh swastika
Nice context denial, faggot. You complain about Sup Forumsfags doing an us-vs-them shtick while posting in a thread about witch hunts against Sup Forums. Do you not see the cognitive dissonance?
Red dirts out themselves so easily
Lad, just because they're the equivalent of SJWs doesn't mean that every single person who browses Sup Forums is a stormfag.
If you're going to be specific, target them.
Are jews even human?
More human than whites if they're able to manipulate and control them.
What? If anything that only furthers the substantiation that they are unhuman
Swastika is a prehistoric symbol. Theyve found it on cave walls in Europe, nobody has any founder's claim to it. Nazis used it because theu thought it wad a good symbol to associate with the idea of an Indo-European tribe who migrated across Northern and Western Europe and settled in India (some Nazis literally believed Aryans were fleeing the sunken city of Atlantis from Plato's Republic, no lie). The reality is that Aryans likely came from modern Iran and spread outward from there. It's why linguistic and mathematics along Europe and central Asia is so similar.
I get being upset about it if its used in a strictly neo nazi context though
Sup Forums is a board of peace, you fucking bigot
>a thread about witch hunts against Sup Forums
It was about Sup Forums, Sup Forums fags are just more sensitive to criticism and immediately resorted to damage control.
If Sup Forums wasn't so cancerous there wouldn't be threads accusing them of being irrepressible shitposters would there?
Actually the eurasian steppes, around crimea and the caucasus region.
Not Atlantis, the now sunken continent of Lemuria/Mu. You ever wonder how pyramids are found on every continent? Alaska, China, Bosnia, South America, Antarctica, etc. There is a big chunk of human history that is being kept hidden from us. Clearly there is some significance to the swastika, or whatever the real name for that insignia is, just by the fact that it has transcended so many cultures.
circle logic. If your post wasn't so fucking shit, I wouldn't be replying to it.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
>this will be deleted before the interracial midget porn thread
You just gave me a tacit admission that Sup Forums is in fact cancerous.
>Sup Forumstards complaining about SJW spam on Sup Forums
I have literally never seen this, yet there's hourly cuck, interracial porn, and Jews control hollywood/the banks/the shadow government threads
Fact is every culture has a flood myth. It happened. Sinking continent makes sense. The fact that architecture and symbols transcend cultures when they were supposedly le huntaz n gatheraz is an unanswered question. There is a lot of research on Lemuria/Mu, if you are willing to dismiss something without extensively researching it then you are just broadcasting your own ignorance.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
What a pleasant surprise!
>mfw it's possible some kike from JIDF is making this threads
We shouldn't had memed about them.
I mean I'm one person, but yeah I believe it. You can stay brainwashed to your ZOG masters though, idgaf. Question everything
Sup Forums is what Redditors call posters who say mean things about nogs, gays, or whatever else was acceptable to say here 8 years ago.
Most jokes that started on Sup Forums make the Redditors here cry about the Sup Forums boogyman.
>ZOG masters
This is what Sup Forums actually believes