Find a flaw

Find a flaw

it wasnt long enough

the predators were fucking pussy's

Requiem was that baller

Paul WS Anderson

the whole setting was garbage.

should've just adapted something more close to the vg or comics.

Too many humans

Or Grid was rad as fuck.

This. I seem to remember an AvP comic I read many years ago on a output planet that was amazing and totally should have been a film.

all action scenes were way to close up/

this looks like a DXM movie.

can anyone confirm who watched it on DXM?

No interspecies sex

Did you forget that a predator got impregnated.

The Dredd Alien & Predator comics are tight

What does DXM feel like? Any chance of damaging your brain?

>What does DXM feel like?
Not him,

But it's a pretty shitty teenager drug.

It stopped being fun for me so I stopped doing it.

2 predators died to a single alien when one pred should be able to kill several before he goes down.

Hallucinatory? Should I just smoke DMT?

No, its fucking shit. You'll be sick and happy at the same time, but when it wears off youll be sick for a few days and regret it the whole time.

Smoke dmt like this guy said, it only lasts 10 minutes but it will change your view of life

Everything becomes surreal and foreign though visually not much change. Powerful euphoria and idgaf feelings. Has a sci fi feel to itself.

Dissociatives > Psychedelics

if you disagree you're a complete pleb

>Whoever wins, we lose.
>The only one alive at the end is a human.

Yeah but it's shitty non-colorful hallucinations.

Loved it, but it was literally too dark. And then they made the sequal darker.

Is it worth doing if I've never done it before or is the come down not worth it?

PG 13

The comedown is the most anti-depressing contentedness inducing feeling you will ever have. You have to do it often for months for it to do any damage. Have a go at it senpai.

This as well

They lifted most of the plot points from Prey without keeping the reason for them.

Are you a dumb teenager?

Don't do DXM idiot.

What's good on it? Watching movies? Any you would recommend?

fuck this nigger retard.

DXM > LSD, Shrooms, MDMA

Why not breh? Yolo and all that

Matrix Trilogy was made for DXM


>strong female character
>not following logical safety procedures
>terrible plot
The movie should've ended with everyone dying in a predator nuke but I still enjoyed it back when it came out.


I hated every single human character in Requiem. Also they felt so disconnected from the plot and where just dumbass fodder

It exists.


"Dude drugs lmao" pleb drugs are weed, acid, molly, shrooms, dmt, and coke.

Everything else is patrician.

Enjoy your brain damage you gigantic idiot.

>he fell for the brain damage meme

How can brain damage be real if our brains aren't real o.O

This as well. The humans needed to all die grisly deaths.