post webms from television and film
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what is that from?
I feel as if it would've been better to put the cheese on the bread before the bread was put on the grill. Swish that around, then put them together.
id put my dick in that sammie, ya know?
The Cook
The Cuck.
but only post ones related to sexual intercourse
no one cares about anything else
The Cock
the stunt double went full beast mode for this one
this is technically tv right? i got a ton of these
was he okay?
did he rape her? what is this from?
He'll be alright
Someone should splice Hannibal into this. Seeing Hannibal make a grilled cheese would be kino
it's not the same without the sound and the music
Problem Chef 6
were earbuds even around back then?
GOAT opening sequence.
well son, your feelings don't matter for shit.
That is a goddamn masterful grilled cheese sandwhich.
once upon a time in america
what a slutty neck
what the hell is that?
nice clavicle
just before I go
i dont know what any of these are from
What Kino is this?
i think you are not telling the truth
I discovered it.
It's from the movie "Welcome to Me".
Bone Tomahawk webms?
why did anton always get to do movies with all the top tier qts
It's in the file name you idiots. Teeth.
About a girl with vagina dentata
He paid his soul for it in exchange for dying young
Hollywood needs a new Anton type. It could be you!
>character is a chef
>doesn't grate cheese on the outer sides of the sandwich to form a crust
Does anyone have that clip of the guy playing guitar and the girl playing drums together? I think it's in black and white.
i'm looking for a soft porn movie where there is a boy that stalk her neighbor and then she finds aout and comes to his house and asks him why he does it.
Then she cloes the door of the bedroom, strip off her skirt and she starts to asking him
'What is your fantasy?'
And the guy ansewers: 'this is my fantasy', while he rubs her breasts.
Can you help, user? It's from the 90's i guess.
it's called Just Before I go you retards
how fuckin fat are you ive had grilled cheese everywhere and literally no one does this
Coming from /fit/ and /ck/ to tell you, this is fucking garbage.
Grilled Cheese are always contentious on /ck/.
But I'll tell you what's wrong.
>American cheese
A grilled cheese once and a while is fine. They're ridiculously fatty, but an exception is fine once and a while.
Just so long as you use real butter.
And real cheese.
And dip it in tomato soup
ur fat
This was the best (You) I have ever got.
Thank you.
I remember oldschool hearing aids being shit you had to wear on a belt and it piped into your ear like that. But it's probably just some retarded extra.
In 10 years it will surpass Citizen Kain
>Batman: Oh lawdy, don't hurt me mastah. I just was making a joke, sah.
I fucking hate the people who think this is decent food. Go fuck yourselves you tasteless pleb fucks.
Is this decent food?
>tfw no qt vampire gf to drain you of blood
Your book is getting soaked you stupid whore.
>it's a jackposter
I hate every single last one of you.
lol i was flipping thru that and at first i didn't see the pyrex dish, i thought he was emptying it onto the stove and i almost fainted.
put some more fat on it
It does not look like it
now you dik gone nikka
This movie was great
Do you want to provoke me?
worlds best
>people think that OP's webm is a shit ton of butter
man you guys have no idea how much butter is used on meals you get at a high end restaurant. Worked as a chef for Melisse out in Santa Monica and that's basically par for the course or even undercutting it a bit.
>american cheese
you do realize that's the actual color of cheddar?