The moon always faces us in one direction

>the moon always faces us in one direction
>the part facing us is full of craters

There's literally no reason why that doesn't make sense.

because the part of the moon not facing us actually has more.


its really far away
plenty of room to happen

you just fucked my brain up, fag

yeah right. earth would drag the meteors away. also the craters are fuck huge.

checked mr baitalicious


faggots didnt go to school

The moon wasnt always title locked bro, ive asked this question before.

Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

why does this trap post here everyday?

And after this you still think the earth is ball shaped? Stupid cuck.

No atmosphere to burn off meteorites. Duh

totally because a small star made of ice collided with a small star made of lava and formed the craters there, son

you know that space is utterly big.
like, you can actually fit all planets of the solar system between earth and the moon.
People just can't grasp the idea of how big earth is and assume the moon has to be super close bc we can see it so clearly.
but its just huge as fuck too.

The moon used to turn. That's when those craters were formed.

Today only one side of the moon is facing the earth (google "tidal lock").

even a stupid nigger knows that the solar system used to be the sun and a huge mass of rocks tumbling through space, which formed planets.

then the flying spaghetti monster came along and took all the rocks that didn't form planets and threw them at the far side of the moon, which he's still doing.

thing is, his aim isn't that good so some of the other planets get nailed once in a while, but mostly the moon.

heathen faggot



Ackshully, it's an oblate spheroid.

Actually it's flat... you don't have to believe everything they tell you. Do some research in flat earth. You'll be surprised how much more sense it makes.

It only makes sense if you are stupid.

I read that in Yogi Bear's voice.

The Earth, as seen from the moon, looks about the size of a marble held at arm's length. So even disregarding that things in space move in curves, the Earth blocks that tiny amount of the sky as seen from the moon.

True, but that is almost totally because of the maria, lava fields called "seas," that wiped out older craters across much of the near side face.

This thread is so fucking cancerous

Science has disproved craters. Do you read science?

Not sure how triple sevens can be wrong. But that's wrong. The Earth would pull MORE meteors into the Earth/Moon system -- while absorbing some portion of them, that would result in MORE meteor strikes on the moon than it would likely get if it were off by itself somewhere.