Eternal /got/ general


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Azor Jon


And hey again brad.

Seriously, why are you making them early when we're slow?

whats his end game?

Jonsa in shit.

Azor Bran

>Seriously, why are you making them early when we're slow?
so that jonsafags like you can't

Jon Con isn't happening faggot

Get cucked again


What's her endgame?



How much more can he take?

does anyone else get the feeling their CGI team forgot to add in the warg eyes in this shot

Reminder that Ser Bonifer the Good, of house Hasty, is the father of the Targaryean bastard Rhaegar Waters (or Storm, if you want)

>posts this tumblr tier shit fan art every thread trying to b8 a tripfag

jesus you're autistic.

You're a bad liar considering you've been making them early since before anyone talked about jonsa , made prior to bump limit, made before 300 even

What was his nickname again?

i didn't make that :)

quick GoT

predict how one of those characters will die

predict where one of them will go next

He is popularly known as Bonifer the good, or Baelor Bigdick

Genji - Jon
McCree - Jaime
Pharah - Yara
Reaper - Ramsay
Soldier 76 - Stannis
Tracer - Arya
Bastion - Hodor
Hanzo - Blackfish
Junkrat - Euron
Mei – Night’s King
Torbjorn -
Widowmaker - Ygritte
D.Va - Dany
Reinhardt – Bobby B
Roadhog - Mountain
Winston - Sam
Zarya - Brienne
Lucio - Bronn
Mercy - Thoros
Symmetra - Mel
Zenyatta - Bloodraven

Brad doesn't even like Jon x Dany.

He is Jaime x Brienne and CIA x Sansa. And maybe Rhaegar x Lyanna?

Euron "Big Cock" Greyjoy will kill half of Caloreesi's companions in a naval ambush


>And maybe Rhaegar x Lyanna?
i ship rhaegar x joncon desu

but there's little to no good artwork of that



Let's face facts, brad is anything that gets (you)s

I don't think the general public want another brother and sister fucking, 2bh. Before someone goes "they're really only cousins" would you fuck your sister if you found out she was really only your cousin?

Jon is a bastard and a Jon. Jon Con and Rhaegar together are a bastard and a Jon. Poetic.

There was that nickname Jaime dubbed him by

If my sister looked like Sophie, we didn't interact much growing up and she wasn't the colossal soulless bitch she was and will always be and it was politically advantageous, yes

>Is it alright if I drop you off right here. I got some more undead things to do. You know how it is. Cool? Thanks pham.

go back to tumblr nobody gives a fuck about your ship wars here

that's ygritte. you have to steal ygritte x jon fan art bc jonsa fan art is shit. kek.

But Jon and Sansa did interact


Not in a sibling way considering she was an ass, he sulked in the corner while the rest of them played and she was closest to her mother.


>looked like Sophie

thanks uncle benjen

>he's still going for it

The absolute madman.

Shitposting about shitposting is still shitposting

>he doesn't like Sophie with red hair
>he doesn't want those long legs wrapped around him
>he doesn't want those thighs around his head

Longclaw is hers by rights.

She would want her senpai to have it

Yep, I don't like.

>0/10, would not bang

Arya to King's Landing or to Winterfell next season?

"Kyyaaa Jon-sama is holding Longclaw! I wish one day he would hold me as dearly desu~"

kill yourself

>caring about a little fat under her chin or her hair being pulled back

That body of hers is perfectly healthy, besides the massive amounts of booze and drugs

Go to winterfell and she will bump into Mellisandra.....remember she did say they would meet again.

>can bran warg a wight?

of course he can and season 7 is going to cold open on a wight wolf dream in the land of always winter

screenshot this

Could you explain, how my appearance related with her? She obviously one of the worst addressed in GoT.

She is ugly. She has a terrible body. Nothing you say will change that.

They might do a timeline thing where she goes to King's Landing to kill Cersei and the Mountain using poison or whatever (pottery for Joffrey dying to poison), only there does she learn that Jon and Sansa have retaken Winterfell, and then teleports home in the next episode or two.

>how my appearance related with her? She obviously one of the worst addressed in G

>That body of hers is perfectly healthy,
>eternal Anglo
>perfect it healthy

And nothing you say will prove to me that you're not a faggot and shouldn't fuck off

>She is ugly. She has a terrible body.

>fags battle images instead of arguments

>tripfag's projection

how am i projecting

"C'mon j-bear, you beat greyscale, you can do anything!"

Dunno, usually people who posts such pictures looks the same.
Also, I still dont understand how so some else appearance related with Turner's acting skills.

Keep shitposting guys

i don't look anything like that

He cant get closer to the wall. That heart tree is most likely the one jon swore to when he joined the nightswatch. The area is safe since pretty much every wildling is on the otherside and the undead cant get closer....until bran fucks everything up

massive cast failure
and considering Sophie plays the younger, supposedly hotter version of Jean it is blasphemy

>i wish you good fortune...

> the crawl back to castle back lol

Jeor should have left it with his house when he joined the watch

>you will never fuck Theon's boipucci into the dirt

he left it with jorah but then he disgraced the family so he gave it back to jeor

>undead cant get closer

says who

Yeah sure, you look like usual numale.

i don't look like a "numale," either. i don't have a beard and i don't wear glasses.

>Benjen's horse rides into Castle Blackwithout him in season 1
>Benjen magically has a horse in season 6

Of course we believe you mr. Fag.

Shes hellbent on revenge and has a few more names on her list. Ilyn payne, the mountain, cersei, melisandre. She knows where cersei will be, so im betting on kingslanding

in the books he's riding a stag

but you knew that already

"boipucci" is only an ok term to use when youre talking about a cute twink, not some goblin fuggo who looks like his face was stomped on a few too many times as a baby

When is King Gendry coming to take what is rightfully his?

Boys have penises. Girls have feminine penises

reminder that this happened


why the fuck did they fucking cut one of the best parts of that entire arc in favor of that crasters keep horse shit?

Started reading the books (probably a terrible thing based on any past experience about reading unfinished series) but holy shit Tyrion is even better in the books. I'm only like 200 pages into agot and he's my undisputed favorite and has the best chapters so far.

Its a safe assumption based on the fact that he is quite dead, the walls magical, and he didnt bring them closer or hes like that asshole that dropped sam and gilly off a days walk from the citadel

>would you fuck your sister if you found out she was really only your cousin?
Yes. Yes I would. And I would be disappointed to find it out.

If stannis had just bent the knee to renly the lannisters would be long gone

But I thought it was renly who was the bent one?


did anyone else find it weird that same didnt give as much as a "thanks" to the guy who dropped him off.

just seemed off and weird to me

that was an extremely unrealistic battle

Cancerous newfag.

for you

what happened to the 20 good men?

What are the chances that all the interviews and behind the scenes stuff implying a rivalry between Jon and Sansa next season are made up bullshit like when they lied about Jon being dead?

where my emiliabros at

i dont think the barrier has a several mile radius lol

i think he just dropped bran off there because it was convenient for the plot