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The Truckers and sister fuckers.
the rape gangs
'The book was better'
This scene was terrifying.
Those rifles had no ammunition.
Doesn't matter. There's at least 6 men there. They could easily over power you and capture you, which would suck because you'd probably be raped/tortured, killed, then eaten. In that order.
The book they truck had no fuel and was pulled along by dozens of adult slaves in chains. The guards were more numerous and armed with javelins.
On the back of the truck was a cage of several pregnant women being used for milk, getting dragged behind in shackles barely able to walk were children catamite sex slaves.
The book was disgusting
I-I don't remember that part of the book. Cormack's writing style was sometimes hard to follow
The army in tennis shoes scene
>An army in tennis shoes, tramping. Carrying three-foot lengths of pipe with leather wrappings. The phalanx following carried spears or lances tasseled with ribbons, the long blades hammered out of trucksprings in some crude forge upcountry. Behind them came wagons drawn by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen in number, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites illcothed against the cold and fitted in dogcollars and yoked each to each. All passed on. They lay listening.
When I read this scene in the book, I imagined them walking slunched over and swinging their heads from side to side, like predatory animals. Also imagined them wearing creepy shit like this.
The slave caravan was a different scene in the book.
I wonder how big the "army" is. Realistically it can't be more than several dozen, but Cormac's writing is so good and vivid that I picture thousands.
The truck scene of OP didn't happen in the book
It's adapted from the slave scene.
Sorry, slouched.
It was large enough that they heard and felt its approach so it must be significant
You dumb motherfucker, it's early in the book. They're forced to use one of their two bullets on a marauder from the truck and have to ditch their cart and flee. When they return, the cart has been ransacked and the dead marauder has been gutted and eaten.
I dont whats more horrible, that scene description or your knowledge of the word 'catamite'
Cannibal Capiche
Huh. Well going by how little life is left and seen in the book, an army that size must represent the majority of people left in that greater part of America
I want to call bullshit, but I read the book so long ago and I'm not sure if I got to this part.
I've never read The Road, but after reading Blood Meridian I felt like a disgusting person (it's my favorite book though).
He's confusing one scene for another. There's the OP truck scene, and there's a later scene with the army and slaves.
There is a special place in hell for boy fuckers
>there will never be a open world game that traps you in a world as hopeless and grimdark as the Road
no, none of the fallouts come close
Rolling Cattle
Can confirm because I remember the hillbilly asking the guy if he is a doctor
It's the same scene you illiterate child.
No it is what it is.
Post excerpts from both scenes.
I'll wait.
it would be boring as fuck you moron
This reminds me of that Noah movie with Russel Crowe. The camp that attacked the Ark was equally as barbaric. Humans are sick
>little ammo, emphasis on scavaging for supplies, can die from dehydration and starvation.
>goal is to make it to the coast from some fly over state
>have to develop makeshift weapons to defend from mutated and emaciated animals and cannibalistic marauders
>bleak as fuck
Fund it
The Road is second only to Crossed as the shittiest apocalypse to live through.
Did daddy fuck you when you was a boy user?
There's a mod for New Vegas that basically turns it into The Road. Dust I think it's called. Everyone is dead or a cannibal, a few hits and your dead, ammo is really scarce. It was good back when I played it last year.
Nah my nigga, I am not a muzzie
Sounds cool, I'll check it out
In the end of the book and film, the Guy Pearce character is named The Veteran, the implication being he is military.
The film dropped the implication, but the beauty of is the another good guy is looking to rebuild and replace the order of humanity, which they end up doing in the epilogue the kid starts a family with the daughter in some hidden valley where the stream has fresh water and fish.
Kind of interesting. A single man starting over after nuclear holocaust is kind of like Noah, but a man made destruction instead of God
Trigger Finger Niggers
That's nice. I always imagined The Veteran would not feed The Boy to his family. After all, you really couldn't put your trust on a grown person you found in the wasteland, but a naive, frail little boy who is dependent on you to survive? That's who you can trust.
Big Bane and the Small Guys
(Featuring U2)
It never clearly states what the event was.
Just a light from the sky, then global cloud of atmospheric particulates, then blood cults impaling people and each other on spikes in the streets for about a year.
A long sheer of light, followed by a series of low concussions. Sounds like a meteor, but to get caught up on discussing what exactly the apocalypse was is missing the point. Doesn't matter what it was, the world went to shit and that's all we need to know.
It's obviously a volcanic eruption or a meteor.
Yes same here.
The book and film both handle that while arc so well with the whole tracking the Man and Boy by the Veteran, the fact he knows the man is dying, the dog scene with the bunker, it showed the Veteran is military personified with foresight and protection and regrouping motivating. It's actually a beautiful redemption in a horrific story
Freaky how civilization could descalate so easily and people reverting to animalistic nature to survive
There's no food, so there's no hope.
When it's them or you, you're willing to do a lot of messed up shit to survive.
pg. 62 "Something woke him ... God, he whispered. He reached and shook the boy, keeping his eyes on the road. They came shuffling through the ash casting their hooded heads from side to side ... Then he heard on the road behind them what sounded like a diesel truck."
pg. 96 "An army in tennis shoes, tramping ..."
Seriously, where the fuck did they find the fuel for that truck?
Dunno where they got it, all the guy from the truck says when the father asks is "There's three fifty-give gallon drums in the bed."
They must've hit the motherload and found some well-hidden storage. No way you can just scavenge up that much juice.
But Crossed is far ahead of The Road as the shittiest apocalypse to read.
Least you get to have fun if you turn in one piece.
Wood burning gasifier is the only way the truck would still be running. Gas goes bad after a year. Unless those mauraders are based out of a Well and Refinery....and have power...even though there cannibals and desperate.
I know its Slavs but still
Gas goes stale because the fumes gradually leak, right? Is there no way to do air-tight storage of gasoline?
Even with perfect no fume storage (good luck using drums for that). Gas still Oxidizes starts getting dark and will just destroy an engine immediatly if its as old as the books would suggest.
Is this worth reading? I need something to occupy me until I go back to work in August.
Flesh gangbangers!
It's extremely inconsistent. The best arc is the free webcomic Wish You Were Here by Simon Spurrier. The original story by Garth Ennis is also good. Avoid anything written by David Lapham.