I've read the script, AMA
I've read the script, AMA
Tell me about Wonder Woman, why does she wear the bra?
When is DC going to reboot everything? I'm not giving this universe another cent of my money until it gets a complete overhaul after that shitfest that was BvS.
She is actually the only one in the movie who has the same costume as she did in BVS. Everyone else is dressed in Greek clothing and shit
Why can no one get shot?
How's the romance between Steve and Diana? And how is Diana's personality? This is supposed to be her coming of age story, but she's like late 5000-ish years old when the movie starts, so how she at the beginning of the film given all that?
Are the Germans cackling villains that steal candy from French children?
Does it seem like it could translate into a decent film?
How big a part does Claire Underwood have?
And is it le strong womyn themes?
Is it kino?
Who the fuck taught you to read?
Is there decent mythical shit like gods/creatures or is it mainly WW1 shit? Because if its just Captain America again Im going to be pissed
Could they find a more average-looking group of women?
Does Steve get put in chains?
What did you think of the second rape scene?
Does Booster Gold show up and show his penis to Batman?
Do they reveal HAILISRAEL to be a clone and then cast someone good enough to actually emote and deliver their lines in a way that would not require subtitles for understanding?
is it as comfy and self-aware as Thor?
>Warner Bros
>self awareness
god i hope not. I want it to be good
Does Gadot put on weight?
There's a scene in the beginning where they go through her history
yeah actually, the Germans take him in custudy in one part
No, its pretty serious. About the same tone as BVS
There's a Booster Gold Easter Egg
are there any references to ancient literature and mythology like in MoS and BvS?
such diversity
nothing says "warrior woman" like an emaciated jew
Good god this looks like a youtube fan film. Why do people pay money for this lazy bullshit?
Why is it a thing to make these pseudo-historical outfits all drab and earth tones and dull?
They did it with Vikings, who in reality wore bold colours.
They did it with the Three Musketeers show, where the real ones also wore strong colours and lots of frills fashion.
Now this isn't based in history as such but they're clearly trying to rip off greek styles.. even if they went by the comic books it'd be strong bold colours.
But instead it's boring. And I guess it'll look like everyone's standing in front of a green screen and we're looking through a blue and brown glass pane.
How much rug munching is there?
The greeks had some pretty bold colors. Lots of reds and blues, but then again they didn't really wear much, so it was just on their shields and helmets
the user(s) who keep making these is GOAT
there were only 4 colors in the olden day, 2 in the ancient days
so you've seen the movie?
is it good? how much of it is in ww1/2?
why do they keep casting skinny twigs with no muscle definition or tits as amazons?
Are there any:
Reminder that pic related is why Sup Forums is triggered over slim Israeli's. Their precious Palestinians are landwhales
>it's another nakba!!!! ur JIDF!
>precious Palestinians
No, no, no user.
LIBERALS love Palestinians.
>thinking Sup Forums doesn't hate both arabs and jews
>its an user wants to leak information on a film episode
>doesn't use a trip
lmao this. Stop feeding this autist. Always remember, report and sage kids.
To be fair you should hate both. Arabs for being degenerate, Jews for being deceitful zionist monsters.