What are some good films where I can vicariously experience a normalfag adolescence instead of the one I wasted playing counter-strike and browsing Sup Forums every day?
Kino only, no pleb shit.
What are some good films where I can vicariously experience a normalfag adolescence instead of the one I wasted playing counter-strike and browsing Sup Forums every day?
Kino only, no pleb shit.
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Any movie with the famous irish actress Saoirse Ronan
watch some independant european coming of age movies
this a qt thread?
coming of age films basically
Wes Anderson shit maybe like Rushmore or Moonrise Kingdom
I'm trying to think of some other ones
if you want tv shows maybe something like Skins? it's really fucking retarded but it's full of horny teens with stupid accents making stupid mistakes
really trendy show
There's all sorts. There are some that are for losers like you that make you feel all sweet and tender, and then there are ones that remind you that other people go out, have fun, drink alcohol, and bust nuts. The ones I watch are usually teens/young adults.
>Dazed and Confused
>Everyone Wants Some
>Almost Famous
>Back to the Future
>Sixteen Candles
>Ferris Bueler's Day Off
ywn have a threesome with those two.
Maybe La Haine if you grew up in that environment?
90s hip-hop in france with police brutality and civil unrest, teenage rebellion etc.
Funny movie, really well filmed
Looks like a sperg to me.
Her necklace is pretty suspicious .
God damn that ho's ugly
>plays Counter-Strike
>asks for non-pleb shit
no need to bully
Wtf is that
You think that shit is cute?
fuck, I kinda wanna watch Skins now again even thoough I know how fucking unsubstantial of a series it is and how shit the storylines end up being
I just liked the characters, the sort of surreal fantasy teenager paradise lives they had
>ywn be best bros with Chris and get fucked up on all kinds of drugs together
If you want to see some fucked up grimy shit then watch Kids, bunch of horny irresponsible teenagers in NY fucking their lives up
it's basically like, "a day in the life of" where you see the kinds of mistakes that can be made in a single day from beginning to end
might be more relateable if you steady got pussy when you were young, I didn't get to fuck until later but yea
Armacord. Adolescence in a Comfy Italian town under Mussolini.
Never Let me Go
Once Upon a Time in America
Sandlot and Stand by Me
Peter Steele?
When you are so perfect, and the genetic make two of you.
Enter the void
Mother of dragons got hit by a train shipping ugly sticks?
Dazed and Confused is what you're looking for