Why dont they get physically violent with Chris?

Why dont they get physically violent with Chris?

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I think they were to suprised to do anything, and I am sure everyone thought he was either a cop or the parent

Because the shame and regret from getting caught in the act is too great to transition into rage. I mean, look at how that doctor guy acted when he got caught.

They are lovers not fighters.

Because there are half a dozen people off camera that come into the room after Chris.

because pedos are bitch niggas

They're not big guys.

Why would you get mad when you're just going to the beach after? I wouldn't want to ruin my day.

Do these guys get arrested immediately after? I've never actually watched an episode of this degenerate show.

the whole point of ambushing them with the camera crew, besides getting a juicy reaction, is so they'll panic and flee the house. prior to that, they assume chris is law enforcement, so they wouldn't dare attack him.

>pedo enters house
>decoy tells him to wait in the kitchen
>chris hansen tells them to take a seat
>"so what are you doing here?"
>sweatytowelguy.png as he goes through the chat logs
>tells the pedo they're free to go
>pedo leaves the house
>cops arrest them outside

Are all generic white males like this?

Whaaat? No way.

at first they didn't, which led to them have to sting a guy twice.

afterwards they started working with the cops, which then led to a guy an heroing

>Hanson: You're free to go
>Pedo's face is like well that sucked, but its over now
>Pedo walks out the door
>Down on the ground! Police tackle them before they even finish the sentence

If they are indeed generic then yes they are


What makes people do these things?

Is it the crushing depression and awkwardness that they cant escape pushing them to the edge?

what did he mean when he did the lewd mouth thing?

1. What did he give her?
2. What was he doing with his mouth?

who cares, shoot them in the head and move on

for you

>degenerate show

m&m and condoms i think

>he doesn't think pedos are degenerates

Or, give them a psycho eval and get them rehabilitation.

Most of them are terminal paedos. They can't be rehabilitated

>Hansen VS Predator won't release in your life time

Post some fucking links to good eps you useless fags

You sound like an idiot.


Because they just want to get to the beach.

Make love with kids not war

But what he didnt know


That is not fair.

>from a country that glorifies faggots and trans





Chris is a big guy

Is this some kind of setup?


WHAT? no way

Cuz of the cops

I'm a psychologist in a facility for criminal offenders who also suffer from mental conditions.

There are basically two types of pedophile sex offenders:
1. The people who are true pedophiles. Their sexual orientation is towards children and will never change.

2. The people who are mentally disabled and don't really know the difference or don't realize it's inappropriate to do this stuff with kids.


Some of these guys do seem straight up retarded.


well it's a show full of degenerates



getting caught wasnt part of their plan.

He was having second thoughts about that cookie

if you're the BigMcLargeHuge from i-mockery you are a complete faggot and utter, total disgrace for using a trip

if not, have a nice life, queer

Because all pedophiles are naturally pathetic omegas and Chris has too strong of an alpha presence

Based Satan putting tripfags in their place...

Lmao looks like my coworker

>ruining someones life because 14 yrs old whores

Nightcrawler had more dignity than this people.

What did he meme by this?


You're right, pedos are filth

>unironically being a moralfag
>not enjoying it solely because people fuck up their lives

What the fuck did he trip on?

all paedos must hang


I just was gonna be friends and hang out....I want to go home....

Remember the guy who took his kid with him to the underage shag? That was fucked

I've watched it a couple times to work this out too, but he doesn't trip on anything.
I think he stumbled because he was light-headed after what just happened.

>Doesn't even close the door

Absolute criminal scum

post the video


I don't see anything wrong with cuddling.

>closeup on his untied laces

Me on the bottom right.

Aw crawp

Anyone knows when Hansen vs predator will be released?

You know what? I don't even want this cookie


Biologically, evolutionarily what's definied or referred to as pedophilia is entirely normal.

Women age like fucking milk in July sun, we're hardwired to find mates with the best chances of producing offspring. Females are sexually mature often by 13 or so, thus they're the most attractive.

The whole, "B-b-ut my innocence!" in western (read, US, the only relevant white country) exists due to bandy-legged, christian faggotry from hundreds of years ago, the culture was and is full of those who try to shame people for sex, their desires, lust, feelings; which are all biologically reasonable.

How come no one made anything like this for female pedophiles?


Well, that too.

Women are physically and emotionally the weaker sex; what do you expect?

Besides, who spends 40+ years crying over 30s of having a warm piece of meat in one of their holes other than an emotional child.

This guy got 75 years to cry about it

They don't need to use the internet, woman can just approach children in the open and take them into their house without anyone caring.

Same with blacks in their own community

I don't know whatca talking about .

They don't get violent because they are just trying to get to the beach.


>put that shit on ice already ya little faggot!

Jesus Christ, seriously dateline?

is billy corrigan's career over

It was reduced to 50.

Who is this strapping young man? Looks to be about thirty. He's cute. Built good. I want to have him again and again.

if he sent them to prison would they die?

It would be extremely painful

he thought the step was higher up, you can see his foot try to touch it and nothing is there. Probably hurt his ankle i imagine.

Never seen this episode in spite of the memes, but I would bet my left tit that man is a Floridian.

>so you know who i am then
>Chris Hansen's dad?

>daily reminder Genericwhitemale got off on all charges

ITT: Sup Forums as usual has no clue what a pedo is

the decoys are teenagers you fuckwits. These guys are retarded but they(probably) aren't pedo's, just desperate.

gentle reminder you aren't a pedo if you just want to hang out and maybe kiss their feet