Remember when you guys said Jurassic World would flop?
Remember when you guys said Jurassic World would flop?
I mean, it was definitely a flop as a sequel to Jurassic Park & Lost World, but everybody knew it was going to make some serious money.
I saw it thrice for BDH.
a broken clock is right a dozen times a day or something
I was surprised at the blatant pro family message it spewed.
was laff if uncomfortable.
Yep, just like Deadpool
mai waifu
The movie is shit though..
>that one scene with Jimy Fallon
I understand people are happy to see "dinosaurs" moving, but it's still an horrible film.
Good taste. I'm reading The Fireman by Joe Hill and I can't stop picturing Harper as BDH from this. It's pretty nice.
and this
I enjoyed the big brother/little brother screentime. You don't get that much anymore in big budget cinema.
Ugh, her and that caretaker with the square jaw were the worst parts of the movie.
Unironically me too
I remember the treads that had pics of the Guardians of the Galaxy production and most posters were saying it would kill capeshit by bombing so hard.
Sup Forums is more wrong than right.
I remember when it came came out against zero competition.
Remember when your doctor said your brain wasn't full of tumors?
That doesn't explain it's
God bless anonymity so retards on Sup Forums can get away with retarded ass opinions and assertions without having own up to the fact that they're wrong.
less than 2 billion box office?
Fucking christ I'm retarded. I meant >