>Magua understand white man is a dog to his women. When they want to eat, he puts down his tomahawk to feed his laziness.
What exactly did he mean by this?
>Magua understand white man is a dog to his women. When they want to eat, he puts down his tomahawk to feed his laziness.
What exactly did he mean by this?
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This is one of the greatest films ever made. Wes Studi is great in it. Surprised it's not Sup Forumscore for "villains who didn't do anything wrong" or "redpilled villains" and other shit. The climax is one of the best examples of music and action working together ever.
Hurons were a redpilled tribe senpai..
>Surprised it's not Sup Forumscore for "villains who didn't do anything wrong" or "redpilled villains" and other shit
But it is and you're right about everything.
He meant the women were whiny bitches and the men just did what they said so they could rest too, making them no better.
He saw European chivalry as a sign of weakness. The British officer was far more concerned about the women's comfort rather than the march through hostile territory.
It's been years since I re-watched this... now I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Such a fantastic K I N O
Watched this movie recently and it was kinda shit. The theme music gets annoying when they keep playing it constantly every few minutes. There's not really any point to the movie either. Maybe I just didn't get it.
i get it, thanks
A lot of women have the same problem. Try mean girls. That might be more your speed.
Can I also nominate this for GOAT soundtrack? This shit is so good.
I never thought I'd get a Last of the Mohicans thread on this board.
We have one once a month.
seriously, it's like a war movie that they abandon half way through to follow some cheesy romance instead. if you dont see why its shit then maybe you should kill yourself
>The climax is one of the best examples of music and action working together ever.
what else even comes close?
its not a war movie though
The theme music was overused.
>it's an "user doesn't know what a good film is or how it works" episode
can you please explain why you like it other than "muh epic music"?
Chad ThunderBird is alpha as fuck
>he didn't notice how it steadily increased in intensity throughout the film
no, you are obviously just stirring up trouble. Please leave
Thank you.
if you like the soundtrack, then go jerk off to the soundtrack. it doesn't mean the movie itself is anything more than melodramatic trash.
>The climax is one of the best examples of music and action working together ever
That's like Michael Mann's shtick
He does that in every one of his movies
The one in Public Enemy is my favorite
Duncan was such a bitch. He let himself die so his fiancee could fuck Daniel Day Lewis. What a cuck.
Have any of you guys read the book? The first chapter is one of the most boring things ever written, but whenever Magua shows up you know shit's about to get real. The final chapter was great, and not in the film. They bury all the dead characters and it's so sad compared to the way the movie ends with them talking on a mountainside.
The Last of the Mohicans is closer to a western than a war movie. It is well shot and well acted. The costuming is spot on and has few if any anachronisms. The main villain is a tragic figure with a detailed backstory that explains his motivations. The story is complex and compelling and well paced. It is also quite atmospheric than makes the suspension of disbelief easier.
Do you think the natives were mad when the white guy shot duncan 5 seconds after he started burning
I could never tell if they were pissed or were just happy that he was dead one way or the other
She was too pure.
Nowadays if a woman got captured by people of color she'd be looking forward to the facial abuse.
I like to think they we pissed. They were robbed of the honor of killing an English officer and robbed of the show of seeing someone get roasted alive.
no but i might now
Well said.
>tfw gonna listen to this all night while dreaming of a glorious death
dat formation
I love this part of the movie. I hate that it got cut in many versions. It show that Duncan is actually a competent officer when fighting a conventional enemy.
She was a coalburner
At least he held his own against the natives
The chief that told Magua his strategy for survival was against their culture was a cuck. And now his entire tribe is on a reservation mired in alcoholism, sexual abuse and suicide.
Wheeling on center was a needless risk. Using a flank is always more orderly.