ITT: Times you acted like the Joker
I pretend to not hear things people say to me. I look confused and say "what?"
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker
I pretend to not hear things people say to me. I look confused and say "what?"
Other urls found in this thread:
I leave the cap off the toothpaste so it goes all hard at the top
One time when I went to a restaurant with my parents, they left a 10 dollar tip, but I took 2 dollars, only leaving the nice waitress 8 dollars.
I borrows my friend's mechanical pencil before a big test and took all the lead out.
He had spare lead though. Boy I got him!
>neighbor goes away for vacation
>leaves me his keys and tells me to water his plants and feed his dog
>wait until he leaves
>wave until the car turns the corner
>break into his house
>go through his garbage
>find a bank letter
>now i know his address
I actually don't hear things people say to me, I have to saw "what?" Excuse me" "I'm sorry, what was that?" sometimes 3 times before I get the gist. People get mad at me, as though I'm jokering them, even though I'm not. Shit ain't funny, you ableist scum
>penis inspection day at school
>no foreskin allowed
>teacher gets to me
>I drop trou with one hand and pull back my skin with the other at the same
>grabs me dick head
"This all seems to be in order here."
>unfurl my foreskin, entrapping the teacher's hand
>do a sideways flip
>the force slams my teacher's temple into the side of a nearby desk and he starts bleeding profusely
"Guess you couldn't foresee that coming!"
And it was the best day of my life
once I told someone something but was merely joking. he probably broke his hand
it was the 2nd grade. and they never found out
my mom once told me to do the dishes but then i didnt
i think i've had enough of this chinese animation forum
>Neighbor's kid accidentally throws a football over the fence into my yard
>See him walking over to ask for it back
>Quickly throw it back over the fence into their yard just as they reach my door
>Sorry! Your ball isn't in my yard.... ITS IN YOURS
>MFW they wasted the trip
sometimes when my family is saying grace at dinner, i keep my eyes open
I ate a Snickers bar while I was grocery shopping and then I didn't pay for it on the way out.
I was walking in the park eating an apple and decided to throw the core right on the ground when I finished. Theres gonna be an unwanted apple tree there in a few years.
>I pretend to not hear things people say to me. I look confused and say "what?"
I fucking hate people like this.
>be at mall
>have some subs on me
>wrap that shit in my friends hoodie
>throw it down the escalator and screamed "MAH BABY! OH MY BABY!"
>tfw salami everywhere
Drive thread?
>be me
>get home after a long day riding around on the train, staring freakishly at cute girls
>take off my purple joker dinner jacket and throw it onto my bedroom floor
>notice how worn the fabric is
>it's covered in rips and brown stains and still reeks of the time I spilled one of my piss jars on it
>pick up the jacket and inhale deeply
>remember all the great times I've had wearing the jacket
>put it back on, one last time
>one final joke
>stride hilariously out of my room
>travel up the corridor
>creep into my mother's room to ask her to drive me to the shops so she can buy me another white dinner jacket I can dye purple
>my mother is on the bed, four fingers plunging furiously in and out of her quivering vagina
>she's shocked but too close to cumming to stop
>about to back out but the jacket infuses me with the spirit of the joker
>leap onto the bed and whip out my phimosis encrusted dick
>stab wildly at my mothers engorged labia, ejaculating my dark grey semen all over her hand
>collapse on top of her, whimpering "m-mom's gonna... f-freak"
>take the jacket off my face
>I'm actually lying in a gutter
>covered in shit and garbage
>my mom kicked me out six months ago due to my NEET lifestyle
>pop the collar on my crusty tie dye dinner jacket
>point my fingers to the stars like a gun
>fire the gun and bring my finger to my lips and blow
>"See you, space cowboy..."
>tense my bowels as hard as I can and shit diarrhoea down my legs for warmth as I roll over for the night
>it's going to be a long winter
You're fucked up man.
>Watch horror movies
>crack a smile when people die
15 years ago as a little boy I played with my mom's big delicious tatas while she was passed out drunk quite a few times.
I browse Sup Forums...while I'm on the job!
I can't believe I browse the same website as you psychopaths
absolute fucking madmen
Sometimes I use two or even three sheets of toilet paper to dry my penis.
wow guys this is too much...........
I just gave up,you can never get the last drop and it only takes one drop off piss to make you smell like granpa simpson
I died from drugs
your neighbor: btfo
>I pretend to not hear things people say to me.
>tfw people carry out conversations with me but I just zone out
>sometimes even inquire about what they and still zone out
>nu Sup Forums humor
My God, Reddit needs to fuck off
>open link
>close link
thanks for the cringe famalam
Oh it gets worse. He's pretending to be a "real life supervillain" in a video response to the Phoenix Jones and the Real Life Superhero registry. Calls himself the Trickster, because apparently he didn't realize there is already a villain called that. I would kill to see what was going through this person's head. Like, did he think people wouldn't notice he was doing the Joker? Did he not realize a lot of people saw that movie?
I wear makeup and insist that I be allowed to use the women's restroom even though I'm a man.
>tfw genuinely can't hear them