How badly will this movie fail at the box office?
How badly will this movie fail at the box office?
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It will fail, but everyone knows about it, and some people will see it just to spite others. I think it'll be a flop, but not a huge one.
It's gone to break records, and there's going to be a whole goddamn trilogy. Mark my words.
if you keep talking about it it won't flop.
aww cute Sup Forums thinks it got it's own tortanic like big brother Sup Forums
It won't fail. These type of things never fail.
that finger looks awfully feminine user
Aww cute Sup Forums thinks its video toy flops have the same cultural impact as the biggest movie flops that are common knowledge by even normies. Films like The Adventures of Pluto Nash or Cutthroat Island have far, far more impact than your MMO that everyone forgot about 5 months later.
It won't fail. It will make big numbers. It barely has any competition for the summer, and all the internet hype + exposure that was brought on by the haters has undoubtedly had a positive effect for the film. I really wish it would fail, because so many bad movies get made, but the truth is it is unlikely to will fail seeing that the film has done a great job of capturing everyone's attention.
Feminists will see it.
Numales will see it.
Kids will see it.
Bored housewives will also see it , remember that Minions was a huge success with this demo.
The chinese will most definitely see it too because it's a big summer blockbuster, and those tend to do really well over there.
I'm sure even among the hardcore haters there are many that will pony up the dollarydoos to watch it.
There are even tumblrites that will go to see this five times just to spite the fedoras and the manchildren.
So, how can it not fail? You have to admit what they've done to market it is absolutely brilliant.
I actually dont want it to fail because I am intrigued with what they could do with a sequel with Zuul.
If they make it darker and less comedic there may be hope.
god that post actually hurt my eyes to read
go fuck yourself you newfag autist
We need to know if foreign plebs will watch it
>Speaking to Yahoo!, the duo said Ghostbusters' external drama had been incorporated into a scene early in the picture. Very slight spoilers ahoy, but they revealed a scene that sees the posse read belligerent online comments was altered on-set to specifically address the YouTube hullabaloo.
Wiig said “I feel like the part was in already, but we changed what was said,” with McCarthy adding “we did something on the day that slightly tweaked it." The pair said the loosey-goosey nature of the script is a trademark of Feig's style, and it's something they're used to after teaming up with him on Bridesmaids.
It turns out they changed a scene. Anyone know what?
t. sony marketers
t-the s-sequel might be good, g-guys
it'll be d-darker! you like dark movies, r-right?
It'll make a slight profit, but lack of merch money will stop the proposed trilogy and shared universe.
3,44$ has been deposited to your account
I wish. Who knows how much those sony marketers make, it sure must be easy work.
But no, it's people like you who are to blame. The kids that make 10 threads a day about this shitty movie in the hopes that others will join them in trashing it. They're too stupid to realize they are the ones doing the free marketing and then wonder why the film is getting so much media attention.
Isn't it banned in China because ghosts?
> The chinese will most definitely see it
It's not playing in china
Feminists have a tendency to complain but not support with their wallter content that panders to them
Kids will watch Dory or The Secret Life of Pets because they don't care for middle aged woman ghostbusters, just look at how the toys are selling.
Boree housewives would rather watch Tarzan for that hunky Skarsgaard or whatever than an action film starring middle aged women
The Chinese are not big fans of seeing Ghosts portrayed like that nor big fans of average looking middle age housewives looking women (and gorillas)
NuMales, some SJWs and some fan of the original might go and and pay for a ticket but that's not enough.
Sony in full damage control on a taiwanese anime pillow production board
Much like Emma Watson's new movie, Melissa McCarthy will gain 47 pounds.
McCarthy uploads videos of their first ghost hunt to Youtube, commenters start shitposting and the actresses ad lib le epic burns directly addressed to the internet shitstorm surrounding the movie
Just like how that helped Fantastic Four !
>the truth hurts
Sup Forumseddit btfo.
Go back to your manchild board.
I personally think it will have a okay to decent opening. But slowly fade after that not making as much as they'd like. Hopefully it will be panned and we can all pretend to forget.
I had no idea about the no-ghost rule. But i'm sure they'll cut it in a certain why to get passed it. Apparently some films have gotten around that ban. Who knows if sony will manage to pull some strings.
You can't compare the number of ghostbuster threads to those of fantastic four. There have been a few threads about Fantastic Four, the majority of which were made after the film was released. For a year now people have been making threads about Ghosbuters pretty much non-stop, and recently more so than ever.
It's not Santa Claus or Freddy Kruger you fucking retard.
It's not just here but the whole Internet was in rage when the Fantastic Four reboot was announced and the hate train never stopped. And it ended even below the studios expectations. Even with the Director's mental breakdown right before the film.
But Fox didn't play up the controversy card.
Of course we're going to talk about that film when Bill Murray is on Jimmy Kimmel looking like he wish he was dead, or when Judd Appatow says that AntiGB are Pro Trump. But the majority of people on Sup Forums just torrent their shit so does it matter ?
The Neon Demon has had a few thread since it came out but when it will be released on BluRay expect a lot more threads.
Posting about GB here doesn't mean shit, it won't help the film and it actually convinced me to not see it in theaters. (I quite lile to watch a trainwreck in good conditions)
It's going to lose to the secret life of let's and Star Trek 3
He looks so based
It won't do poorly enough that I can laugh at all the Marcy Darcy morons. And it won't do well enough that I can laugh at all the autistic man babbys.
I am surprised with all the practical stuff that this movie has
Insightful post!
Why is she so cute guys?
I want to smell her butthole
the fant4stic hate train was pretty intense
and paul feig hasn't yet personally appeared on Sup Forums to talk shit about the production
China doesn't allow Ghost movies. Sony is screwed.
Dan Aykroyd on this new film:
>"People who loved the first 2 will love this one because they stay true the essence of the first 2 movies and they stay true to the intelligence of Harold's writing. And the intelligence of his plot structure."
in one of the newer trailers the Apeman fails at stage diving and says "I dont know if its racist or sexist but i OOGA BOOGA"
She thinks she's hot shit because of SNL not realizing SNL hasn't been good for years.
Fuck you ancient aliens cocksucker!
>The Chinese will see it
Holy fuck do you shills get more stupider by the day or what?
Why would anyone who isn't paid to shill for this movie? There's being Devil's Advocate, and then there's idiocy.
Thing is, most people don't like the first two, just the first one.
So I guess what he's saying is true: if you love anything with the name "Ghostbusters" on it then hey you'll love this movie.
It's possible it will get a Chinese release. Pixels did.
that's a lot of reasons it COULD succeed.
but only one reason is needed for why it WOULD fail.
it looks like unfunny shit
Pixels didn't have actual ghosts.
Pacman ghosts were edited out.
China's No Ghost Policy = this one is a stinker through and through.
Could you please source the bit about the mental breakfown and Murrays interview? Sounds lulzy