>Show supposedly comes out next month.
>No announcements online.
>No information anywhere online.
>Sam hasn't said anything about it.
Is World Peace confirmed for some kind of meta prank and Sam has been pulling our legs the whole time?
Show supposedly comes out next month
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw someone makes a MDE shill thread other than me
now is not the time for fear, doctor
that comes later
Can we all just agree to be cool and never post this faggots dumb face ever again?
Secend morneen I wake up. Another snek. Same coler same seize. I kill the snek.
The third mornen...the turd morneen. Another snek. This snek look up on me and says to me
I leave the snek. I find no more sneks in the morneen
Is he the ugliest person to ever attempt a career in entertainment?
True MDEkino
why does it matter? are you a homosexual or something? what is with millennial and their focus on a man's looks instead of the content of his character?
fuck off faggot
Check it Out and Decker are currently airing
there was nothing except for a twitter announcement a month ago, and a 30 second clip the week before they aired.
Lena Dunham
> six episode tv show
> 700 page book out soon
> Deep as fuck game starting development soon
Sam keeps busy
this man knows his kino
every time i see him i giggle cause i have a friend that looks just like him
>you'll never fuck Katie who likes to fuck strangers
Feels bad, man ;_;
freak me out
i'm watching that fucking vid right now
I mean, she likes to fuck strangers so you got a chance
How the hell does this loser pay for all this shit? I thought he was NEET.
>tfw you realised the alt right bullshit wasn't part of the act and that Sam Hyde was actually just another retarded Sup Forums shitposter
Ruined the whole thing tbqh, there's nothing funny about being a reactionary moron.
MDE Dollars
you're right
MDE are Sup Forums
Shit gets tiring, following him on Twitter was a mistake
does anyone know her name or social media
>you'll never pound the fuck out of a red pilled hunchback pixie
Not really true. If you listen to Sam on Anthony Fantano's podcast he says he just rallies against the norm. Since the Left is now considered the norm he goes Right. If the Right was the norm he'd be left etc....
But yeah I agree with you in that MDE and Sam in particular are at their best when they don't go overly political.
muh dillweed
she looks changed. is that a recent pic?
Who is this phallus chalice
Trying to find her for months now;_;
>tfw she played all of us
>she's laying on a tropical beach right now
I wish he'd do more podcasts/serious shit. He seems pretty intelligent and I'd like to hear his views on shit
>If you listen to Sam on Anthony Fantano's podcast he says he just rallies against the norm. Since the Left is now considered the norm he goes Right. If the Right was the norm he'd be left etc....
No he doesn't.
t. poster from /r/h3h3productions
Proven to be a trap
he made fun of dick cops in Officer Maggot.
Now he makes fun of BLM
I'll try to link the time in a moment. He says to Anthony that he just goes against whatever is the cultural norm.
That's a very simplified misrepresentation of what he said.
Sam legitimately has nationalistic and conservative views.
keeps getting better and better
i don't
he literally does.
For real? Gimme that proof then. No shame in pounding some boi pucci.
>implying you are really sam
timestamp or gtfo nigger
i've been watching their shit all night and fucking dying
im not
That's not really what he said. The dude's a genuine conservative in a lot of aspects.
>a white boy using the word "nigga"
fucking dropped
>All trip users are faggots
>Sam is a faggot
His story is checking out so far
prove or GTFO (especially since Sam has claimed multiple times he doesn't even come here)
>implying AS advertises their weirdo 4am productions
Obviously he's conservative in many aspects but specifically the degree at which he does it in his video isn't genuine.
im not
>it's a Krager episode
pinetreegator core
Same wood paneled house, same voice, same hairstyle, same facial structure. There was a video of him going full tumblr with dyed hair and playing a guitar, singing about cis people and shit, but I'm too drunk to find it.
god damn.
all those great vids with 55 views
>If you listen to Sam on Anthony Fantano's podcast he says he just rallies against the norm. Since the Left is now considered the norm he goes Right. If the Right was the norm he'd be left etc....
Haven't listened to that particular podcast, but I'm pretty confident you're hearing what you want to hear. If you read his subreddit, you'll see this is a reoccurring theme from many of his fans who tie themselves into knots to convince themselves his beliefs are contrarianism/provocation. Routinely, you'll see angry plebbitors lashing out at him when they finally realize he genuinely holds far-right views on many issues, such as immigration.
Read this (would have directly linked to the FB post but it keeps getting marked as spam):
borderline-illiterate people really like the word "genuine/genuinely"
I legit feel bad for people who don't find him funny, it's like someone saying they hate chocolate
There's nothing funny about being a progressive faggot either.
>Sandy Hook shooter
I fucking lost it at this part.
Just fucking kill yourself you marxist shitstain.
Nobody cares about your bullshit terms like "reactionary".
>when they finally realize he genuinely holds far-right views on many issues, such as immigration.
So, he's right on immigration.
Go move to Sweden you retard.
The only thing I like of theirs are these two videos.
Everything else is mediocre at best. Actually the TED talk is good too
I didn't say he was wrong.
It's not gay if I'm fucking him or he's blowing me
You didn't like Moms? That's GOAT thankscomputer. At least you mentioned prodigal stun(na), which I never see mentioned.
Sam is a very perceptive and intelligent man.
Cheers from fans in Russia, Samuel.
4 > 1 > 5 > 2
What did he mean by this?
nah hes just cynical and elitist
tough as fuck to watch
but so rewarding
>everyone should be a SSRI-weed-constant stimulation happy go lucky pleb that afraids to have his own opinion on anything in fear of being called elitist
Americans are a blight on the face of the Earth
i hope the eventual engineered race war will cull your abhorrent ranks a bit
I had to pause every 10 seconds and pace around the room.
not an argument
TOP SAM HYDE (Not necessarily MDE) VIDEOS
1. Mind = Blown
2. Round Bread
3. Batman 2016 DC villain "Georgio"
4. Mcdonald's Rush
5. Williamsburg Street Fashion (all parts)
6. MDE WHYPZ (all parts)
7. Red Ropes
8. Japanese Culture
9. Paint Me
10. Mom is Cool
damn. making this list i realized i haven't scratched the surface
god forgive me
Is there a playlist for this kind of stuff? I don't enjoy the sketches as much as when he's just fucking with people like in his keynotes.
Are you serious? Sam's a fucking piece of shit, probably one of the dumbest people I've seen online. He literally just thinks he's smarter than everyone else.
I mean, just watch a single episode of kickstarter tv, he just rants about garbage for hours. He's legitimately dumb as fuck, Joji-tier. Makes garbage and then says his fans are idiots for enjoying his videos when he's the one fucking making them lmao
No 2070?
k. I like him
pure pleb
That's fine, I think he's funny but he just seems like a real piece of shit. Him and Nick both, after seeing the car salesman video. Charls is cool tho
Charles is GOAT
mediocre garbage for the banepost generation. no wonder Sup Forums likes him
You're fucking crazy, Nick is the coolest guy ever.
i still haven't gotten my fucking t shirt or custom screech you assholes.
Cool, still a piece of shit though
>trusting Scam Hyde with your money
Lmao why would you give him a fucking dime man, I ripped off his kstv shit the second I found a link
speaking of Bane
cause this was approx year and a half ago, when no one knew he was so untrustworthy
every video description/ending
>pls don8 to keep me gassed up
Where do you even get this from. From every video he seems like the most un-abrasive and reflecting of all three.
His jokes off schetches are so inoffensive and observational.
Are you just saying shit for no reason or what