Trump isn't racist, he's actually one of the least racist people in the media right now. He's just right...

Trump isn't racist, he's actually one of the least racist people in the media right now. He's just right. Libs are too butthurt to listen to common sense. I don't think they know what racism is.

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>itadaki seieki
here you go user

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sauce and no one asked
ma nigguh

He just supports being white.. like me

he's not racist. libs need to get those black dicks out of their mouths.

I agree with this. I've been saying that from the beginning, but everyone then said I was a racist just because I agree we have an immigration problem and an economy that relies on said immigrants and imports.

Only time will tell if he actually does good by his term.

He is racist l, he want's to kick out my family by building a wall and deporting us. But does he not know we are what made America great?

Sure they do. It's when horrible, disgusting, priviliged white tyrants bully poor coloreds. Seriously, whites should all be ashamed, they're everything wrong with this otherwise beautiful world.

I, personally, only talking to black, Muslim, non-binary, LGBTQ womyn.

You an illegal buddy?

FUCK you're stupid, OP.

All Republicans support racist decisions.

Trump is a Republican

∴Trump is Racist.


It's not racist. he wants your illegal family to et out of america because you got here the same way criminals do. Go back to your shit hole and apply for American citizenship. He's not kicking out legal immigrants. and that's not racist it's just law.

I agree, however, the wall shit is retarded. Most illegals come here on a plane with a legal visa and simply never leave. A wall won't do shit and is gonna be expensive as fuck.

Cmon even you guys have to admit something aint right with the media with how they lie and twist everything.

He's actually neither, he's just told he has to choose a side because americans are retarded.


The wall is COMPLETELY retarded.

His Cabinet is COMPLETELY retarded.

His advisors are COMPLETELY retarded.

His arrogance at not accepting security briefings is SUPER retarded.

His disgraceful insistence to keep Tweeting shit he's bitching about is DANGEROUSLY RETARDED.

Trump is a fucking imbecile and the WORST excuse for a "leader" this nation has ever had to endure.

OH, and OP? His birther faggotry and incitement of the white supremacist trash in the Tealiban and Alt-Right are EXTREMELY racist.

This. You're just too fucking stupid to have realized it yet.

Tell me, how fucking RETARDED do you have to be to believe the 6% when they tell you the 94% are lying, untrustworthy sources, to include INTERNATIONAL and BIAPARTISAN media?

Are you fucking high? Just look at the disgusting, vile subhuman cabinet he's assembled. He's a fuicking worthless piece of shit Republican and NOTHING more.

That fucking Legion of Doom of his MUST be STOPPED.

Boo hoo hoo the smart people are calling us racist, homophobic, anti-American, uneducated, anti-science drooling retards "racist, homophobic, anti-American, uneducated, anti-science drooling retards" and it's HURTING OUR FEEWINGS!

Eat a fucking cock. You subhumans are this nation's ENEMY even if you're too fucking stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

These aren't namecalling. These are FACTUAL DATAPOINTS mapping the trending spiral of sheer ignorance and stupidity that Republican voter have been fed through fake news and confirmation bias stroking for decades.

This is YOUR fucking mess. Now clean it the fuck up. It's the INFORMATION AGE. The entire amassed scientific knowledge of our species is available at a few fucking keystrokes. There is NO EXCUSE for the level ignorance that you people bring to this table.

Please fuck off you sad, pathetic excuse for a male. Go jerk off again to the thought of a smelly ape fucking your own mother.

Those aren't even CLOSE to being mutually exclusive and you're a fucking troglodyte.

>hurr durr cuck! It's an alt-right meme I got from Sup Forums! THAT'LL show you, you arrogant educated, sane person!


Your right to consume our oxygen is hereby revoke. Fuck off and die.

I found the actual braindead racist!


>Lost the popular election by an embarrassing amount

>took the combined efforts of the entire GOP, Alt-right subhumans and Russian web brigades to even SCRAPE a win

Keep gloating. The fuckers are going to be BLOCKADED just like the vile treasonous garbage in the House GOP did to Obama.




We called you out on YOUR shit and nothing more. Stop being butthurt twats.

>Stating you're an educated, sane person when none of your ideas are actually sane or your own.

You're funny. Dumber than shit, but funny.

This has nothing to do with Chess.

It's the NUMBER OF AMERICANS who are willing to put up with his SHIT. That's important if you want to, say, avoid the fucking Guillotines.

Libs like you must be stopped, freaking out over this like its gonna change anything. THE PRESIDENT CANT CHANGE SHIT IT"S THE PEOPLES CHOICE, THAT'S FUCKING AMERICA YOU RETARD SO YOU CAN QUIT BEING A BIG BABY.

this go for all of you retards. Putting all your hopes in one person for the sake of the country is retarded and irresponsible, it's not how democracy works. You all watch too much tv, getting all worked up over nothing. Little kids and adult children.

Tyranny of the masses and Tyranny of ignorance are no excuse for handing OUR NATION over to the disgusting traitors and garbage who intend to destroy it.

Argumentum ad Numerum--If 51% of people think that 3+3 should equal 8, that doesn't make it more acceptable or right. It just means there is a fuckload of STUPID people.

>Not understanding what an analogy is


Average completely schooling?


>Average IQ?

>Heavily gerrymandered by GOP trash?

>willing to go AGAINST America's values in favor of their bigotry?

Yeah. No one cares. FUCK the red state drooling morons.

The president is just a face because people feel like there has to be a main guy (leader) for some stupid reason. They could put a giraffe in the white house and it would make a shit of difference.


user+user = dumb nigger cuck shut the fuck up

Two FAKE investigations that were demanded by the witch hunter faggots in the House GOP.

>mishandled secret info
WRONG. She did NOTHING illegal. The DoD and DoJ advise against having a personal server but they do not ban the practice of it and MOST of Congress/Cabinet members keep personal email servers.a It's only a matter of criminal negligence IF the server becomes the point of entry for the unauthorized disclosure of information---hers was not.

Congrats on falling hook, line and sinker for the TREASONOUS SCUM in the Republican party.

Cry harder you uneducated, drooling racist subhuman shitstain. Get the FUCK out of OUR country.

Muh sauce plz

She dindu nuffin!

White countries are for white people.
You want your own shitskin laws? Fuck off to a shitskin country.



once again have to resolve to insults.

>attacks the person making the points instead of addressing the points.

Now you just fucked yourself there user.

>won all those counties but lost the popular vote
>implying that's even an accurate map of counties won

Lol try harder shithead