Earlier I made a thread about smoking and the least smelling one

Earlier I made a thread about smoking and the least smelling one.
I ended up getting pic related and I still smelled but hid it pretty well.
I had one too many (about 4 over a few hours) and i feel sick as fuck.
Smokers of Sup Forums how can I get rid of this nicotine sickness quickly?


Don't smoke. Vape.

eat some bread and prepare to die

I have a vape, a purple sub box but I need a new coil and all that shit I can't get until Thursday.

you can't.
just know this is your limit and this is your goal

fancy candy for manchildren
just smoke and die with horrible lung cancer like a man.

listen, im just a stranger on the internet and most advice you receive on Sup Forums is false but just quit man, i smoked for over a year and then quit cold turkey after seeing the effects it was having on my hearing, my eyesight, and mostly my gums. you body does recover from things but dont normalize things that are bad for you. i would smoke a few cigs a day and smoke weed all day long and eventually it was nothing to me, but now i feel even better without these things. be happy you are anything at all, why have a dependency on anything but yourself? if you tell me to fuck off fair enough, who am i to tell you what to do, but seriously think about it man, your health is worth far more than a nicotine buzz, or feeding into negative addictions.

all about moderation . Go eat something . Also menthol will give you that robotic voice box shit , either stop smoking menthol or vape or smoke non menthol . just start off with camel lights or some shit .

Nice try, Surgeon General shill.

>listen, im just a stranger on the internet and most advice you receive on Sup Forums is false but just quit man, i smoked for over a year and then quit cold turkey after seeing the effects it was having on my hearing, my eyesight, and mostly my gums. you body does recover from things but dont normalize things that are bad for you. i would smoke a few cigs a day and smoke weed all day long and eventually it was nothing to me, but now i feel even better without these things. be happy you are anything at all, why have a dependency on anything but yourself? if you tell me to fuck off fair enough, who am i to tell you what to do, but seriously think about it man, your health is worth far more than a nicotine buzz, or feeding into negative addictions.
advice you receive on Sup Forums is false

like i said, tell me to fuck off, but i dont want you to do something that you'll eventually regret, and be unable to return from. how long have you been smoking?

he's trying to hide the smell

25 years

Found your problem

ok that bit of context really does matter, you have obviously made up your mind and if it makes you happy or feel complete then dont listen to what anyone tells you.


Stop fucking smoking. The pack literally says it will kill you, and it doesn't mean if, but when.

What are you, eleven?


>>Been smoking since i was 14, so about 10 1/2 years now. No one should smoke,you start off small, if you get hooked, you end up smoking like a pack a day and slowly killing yourself.

>>I can chain smoke one after another with no problem at all and love every fucking second of it, no dry mouth or any noticeable changes, been a pack a day or more for about 5 years now.

>>Dont smoke, quit now, dont do it again

Quit while you're ahead.

It's your body telling you to stop smoking crap, there's stuff out there to smoke that works for everybody it just always isn't packaged with a meme on the front

i would if it wasn't so cool

These people have the right idea.
Been doing it for about 8 years now, quit cold turkey for like 2 months not long ago and caved.
Is not worth it user.
>I type this as I smoke a cigarette

>giving people advice on how to be a man
>posts on Sup Forums
