Listen up ladies, Ghostbusters (2016 TM) is actually brilliant. Now start purchasing tickets for you and your girlfriends immediately.
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is a reboot
no, its a remake.
Not so fast:
What is that beard he has?
you convinced me user, i was a #rolfecopter before but now i'm a #kongbuster!
I wish I had female friends to see this with.
Movie looks like an interesting watch to see in cinema.
Thats because Feig worked on that too.
He and Webb were Amy Pascal's pet project directors.
She's the one who demanded Spider-man be rebooted.
most people forget is that the original movie was great because most of the lines were ad-libbed
not the ghost science stuff, all that shit were based off of some nobel prize winning book about paranormal science
I still have no idea why they didnt do Spiderman 4 and got Tobey back.
>I wish I had female friends to see this with.
Do you really want to go to the movies with friends?
I thought Spider-Man was rebooted because Sony loses the license if they don't make one at least every 5 years
who else is /gonna see it just for the possible memes/ here?
Will she get fired if Ghostbusters is also a flop? She must really have friends in the highest places if she can survive killing two franchises like that.
It's got everything. Laughs, scares, fanservice, and kickbutt ladies. Sony has done it again!
script problems and things just not going well in filming so they eventually pulled the plug
>implying I would ever go to movies alone
Never done it and doubt I would
I definitely want to see it for Hemsworth
Another successful Sony reboot!
Reminder that Sony has in the past been sued and settled out of court because they invented a fake movie critic to shill their films.
Now you will.
it must have been genuinely fun to make that video
to just embrace your absolute autism so hard that you make masked speeches in a bane voice with sinister music behind it
>account created 10 months ago
>300 subscribers
Thank you SONY for telling me what to do
Because of being judged for being alone of course
>asked my sister if she was gonna see the ghostbusters reboot
>she said yeah because she liked Spy
What do?
Let her crash and burn solo on that one, friendo.
convince your parents that she's too stupid to be given responsibility over any of their things when they die.
And what exactly will that do to you?
That's right, nothing.
Stop giving a fuck what other people think, and be you.
It's not like going to the cinema alone will determine your fucking future.
Holy shit. This is literally the guy that was posting here the other day saying how "fun" the movie was and how great it is.
They are so desperate they start creating fake accounts on YouTube to force their propaganda down our throats.
Why don't they spam Sup Forums? This guy's yt acc is pretty well made, they should be able to bait some of us into liking the movie.
So what are we saying here?
That guy is a paid shill? Sony only takes down bad reviews?
I can't wait for the new movie to bomb, people finally appreciate Ghostbusters II.
>literally some 300 sub nobody got invited to watch ghostbusters for what reason?
sony has been taking down positive views exclusively on their ghostbusters videos to further drive in that only woman hating misogynist trump supporters won't see the movie
More credibility to shill with.
None of these fuckers give a shit about the movie. Theyre all paid. This was supposed to be a viral marketing campaign but it backfired because that first guy was honest.
Now it's all damage control.
>"Gal Gadot as wonder woman was frickin amazin"
Ask your sister if women find purity attractive in a man
Is there a more incompetent movie studio than SONY?
I appreciate it user
Directors cut when?
I've seen the 2nd one first.
I loved it.
Then I saw the first one and I loved it too.
The fuck kind of language is that
Well I mean that 300 subs is practically nothing, the dude was getting ~50 views on his videos and somehow out of the millions of people that do this stuff he was invited to go to their HQ to watch it? All the other people that were invited had ~30k, 80k and 600k subs respectively.
She's really ugly though
Polish...I believe
post pics of her and we'll tell you what people other than he brother thinks about how ugly she is or isn't
kurwa language
Probably just a why not bid.
Looks polish.
I guess you're not very good at Geoguessr?
Hello Sup Forums
Who's this fucker?
Comments on every review. Autistic or Paul Feig?
Kate McKinnon is the next Harold Ramis
Actual good review. You can tell he tries to be fair but still has issues with it
>Harold Ramis is a bronze bust towards the beginning
>at the end it says "For Harold Ramis"
at least he didn't live to see this shit
Something makes me so wanna go see this! I will wait tho til the actual reviews so I can hear both the pros and cons
You rain down ejaculate and fist until she is a shell of woman who could never be loved
OR you could just hammer nails into your own dick for two hours and save 15 bucks.
The meticulously shaped 5 o'clock shadow.
>your girlfriends
Face it: this movie's cast is excellent especially Wiig, Kate and Hemsworth.
This movie does look really fun to see in full length.
Shill or retard?
Open minded
I've never seen Wiig in anything that she wasn't playing a huge cunt so excellent is really a word I'd use to describe her.
Shill then.
I just like the idea of her as someone who wrote a book of ghosts and got backlash on it
Everything you type reeks of marketer.
have a gold kind stranger ;)
>listening to what male gingers has to say
you only have yourself to blame
that doesn't sound like a sentence anyone would ever honestly think to say of their own volition
average white male circa 2009+
What the fuck is with my hatred of McCarthy's face in this scene? There's something incredibly unpleasant about it. I can't figure out if it's the expression, the lighting, the angle, or what.
REMINDER that comicbookgirl19 made a video decrying the the remake and callingfor a boycott. a little while later, James Rolfe made a video simply explaining that he won't be reviewing it for his channel because he isn't interested in seeing it, doing so without any negative remarks toward the movie or its makers. James Rolfe was then crucified by the media, while not a peep was heard or read about comicbookgirl19.
I never get hate on GB2. In retrospect this movie is not as hood as first one but still good on its own.
It's almost like people have a shitty agenda and only sees what they want to see.
fat people are disgusting
Did any of you actually think this would do poorly either monetarily or review wise?
Don't get me wrong because I think this was a movie that should not have been remade, like the upcoming ben-hur movie, but come on.
When have reviewers not sucked Feigs dick when he's directed a movie?
she could be cute and then that haircut, those glasses and the shitty arm tattoo. whats wrong with modern women
I always liked that movie as kid, never got the hate
>those youtube coments
I don't want to give him another view, could you share some of your favorite comments with us here?
anyone got the webm of them shooting the logo ghost in the balls?
Based Rolfe making the right call ahead of time to not review this infested dog shit
Listen here, Trips, that shit acting of hers wont get her far. She might need to start liking dick soon if she leaves SNL
> poorly deadpanned "wha wha"
Siema pl
>Listen here, Trips
>gets trips
you don't give views if you don't watch a big part of the video
I think people hated it back then because it was too similar to the first?
I think it's because this was in the late 80s, and no one had the hundreds upon hundreds of remakes, reboots, or films of old shows back then, so a sequel that was exactly the same or too similar would have been disappointing.
My god, she's hot.
Ya, I was seven when GB2 came out, I knew it wasnt as good as the first. But Dammit, I still loved it and want a 3rd movie even if these guys are fat and old. There are plenty of fat and old plumbers and exterminators working in the real world that it wouldnt be too farfetched to believe in them still doing the job now.
He could've given it a shitty review and gotten tons of views/ad revenue, but choosing to ignore it sets a good example of how we should be treating terrible movies like this. Based James turning down easy money for the greater good.
she already was fired for something she said about obama in the email leaks