Why not Venus?

Why not Venus?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=how to move jupiter

too cold and toxic atmosphere iirc

>too cold

the life forms on venus are too hostile, fuck those crabs dude

I am a steel beam that wishes to be melted. So to me it's too cold.


but there is a proposal to nasa for a manned mission using rigid air ship to float around at the 1 bar level
kinda interesting, you should google that shit up if you're interested in space exploration

not op but you have just intrigued me

how do you follow this stuff?

generally nasa.com and popsci magazines and websites

Venus is the only planet in the solar system where you could survive buck naked with nothing but a scuba tank.

Unfortunately you'd have to be at a very specific altitude above the acid clouds.

But if you were at that specific altitude you'd be in a carbon dioxide atmosphere within human tolerances and with the acid far below you. With a handy oxygen tank you could walk around naked and be just fine.

You'd need some sort of fucking zeppelin or balloon fort though.

But still. The idea is fascinating.

Why? There is no reason to send people on such a hazardous mission. Plus the airship would need to carry all the fuel that would get it back into orbit which would be very heavy. A disposable robot would not need to carry all that fuel and wouldn't have to carry the supplies needed to get it back into orbit to rendezvous with the command ship to return home.

>Doesn't want a cloud city

ok dood

I know somewhere in the solar system besides Venus where humans can survive buck-ass naked without any respiration equipment


There's a video on youtube, maybe sci-show that explains how venus would make a good second home, provided we could build Bespin.

found it. PBS space time, not sci-show.


there is also a proposal to have heavy ships do a circuit from venus or mars to jupiter to move the smaller planets into a more human friendly orbit
and if mars were put in orbit of venus as a moon, the venus-mars system would have about the same mass as the earth-moon system, making them ideal partners for an L4-L5 partnership
and mars and venus would kneed each other's cores restarting their magnetic fields

Implying we actually went to mars, or even the moon....lol

Trump voters, ladyboys and faggotmen.



is this true nigga?


There has never been talk by nasa

It's always been science fiction talk

the heavier the "towing" craft, the lighter the "towed" body, and the longer the loop the faster the process is
the guy that wrote the paper even proposes that by doing a ring between Sol, Jupiter, and Alpha Centauri we could move Jupiter where we wanted it


No you retard

There are not fucking talks about this

It is all conjectures in the science fiction community.

sorry i was more interested in the magnetic field portion of it (for deflecting solar radiation)

that's something i'm actually working on in school and have never heard of this concept

This shit is absolutely preposterous. This is even too preposterous for most sci-fi.

>There are not fucking talks about this
>published in a legitimate scientific journal
pick one
protip: the one your dumb thinks it is, is wrong

Someone working out the (literally astronomical) energy/mass requirements is not the same as it being achievable, even if they did get it published. Being published isn't a sure indication of truth, either.

Which journal?

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=how to move jupiter

most experts believe the reason the earth still has a magnetic field when the other two similar sized planets don't is because it has such a large moon that orbited very close for a very long time
if that turns out to be true, then the best way to add a magnetic field to a planet is to put a large moon in orbit around it

lol psuedoscience at its most catchy
entertaining, not a reliable source for truthfull information though.

Hypothetical talk in a journal means dick you retard

you know anyone can publish shit in a journal right? get back to me when a lot of independent sources have verified the paper. until then its just a wild theory

that model is bullshit.
would love to see a real image of an earth devoid of water though.

>don't have hopes or dreams
>if something can't be achieved in my life it is as good as impossible and not worth trying
this is why Sup Forums has turned into nothing but shitposts


That's the point op

Name one major human endeavor that was not achieved in one life time. There will never be a major single endeavor achieved in successful lifetimes because nobody actually cares enough about that shit after they grow out of their high school optimism

It really wouldn't be that interesting. The depth of the oceans is pretty insignificant relative to the size of the Earth. Mountains, too. You don't notice mountains in pictures from space, do you?

>Name one major human endeavor that was not achieved in one life time
the cathedral of colon

Look into its actual history

You'll find it became the pet project of a handful of people throughout its construction as pipe dreams they thought they could complete in their own lifetime. Again it doesn't show anything because if there was an actual plan it would not have taken centuries, it would have taken decades

nice moving goalpost there faggot

Op. Please learn some actual physics before suggesting moving planets with giant spaceships

What would be the fuel for such a spaceship and I'll remind you the only way to propel yourself in space is via expulsion of matter. Where would you get the matter in the first place, and how would you put it together?

The goalpost has always been to show me people that aren't self serving

And you still haven't

Why not both?

not op

find the paper and read it
most of the energy comes from gravity turns
that is why you need at least 3 bodies
after getting the initial route started it requires very little propulsion, just enough for minor course corrections

>The goalpost has always been to show me people that aren't self serving
>Name one major human endeavor that was not achieved in one life time.
pick one faggot

Look at the place it looks like where I live already. I wouldn't wanna have other people come here too. But yeah the atmosphere is terrible image what humans would do to it even if we could make it the place.

They are the same goal post retard

A human endeavor as in an endeavor taken on by humanity, not taken on by a couple people that wanted their name on a placard for "finally completing the eye sore that's been taking up prime real estate"

so only one person worked on the cathedral of colon?
and one person made the entire great wall of china?
and the roman roads were all made by one person?
the pyramids?
any structure larger than a one room rough hewn log cabin?

just because one person is pushing it doesn't mean that the it isn't a human endevour

unless you're going full retard (which I think you are) and trying to claim that every single person alive needs to be involved in something for it to be a human endeavor
in which case there have been none
not "no human endeavors that fill the requirements of your request"
but no human endeavors, ever

has no concept whatsoever of what a peer-reviewed academic journal is...

>The climate onVenusis widely known to be unpleasant -- at the surface, the planet roasts at more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit under a suffocating blanket of sulfuric acid clouds and a crushing atmosphere more than 90 times the pressure of Earth's

Muh planet. Is butiful.

>Earth is the only planet in the solar system where you could survive buck naked with nothing.

When you are talking about massive amounts of energy like that claiming gravity will take care of it does not say anything about the initial movement of it

Take it this way. Our moon is the result of a giant asteroid smashing into early earth and splitting a giant chunk off (that technically hit us again splitting another chunk off that then became the moon)

It was such a massive impact it caused our axis of rotation and plane of revolution to be off by a massive 23.5ยบ

Guess what? It didn't appreciably change our location in the solar system. Even if we were able to eject the moon from Earth, we would barely change our orbit relative to the other planets (we may gain or lose a couple months depending on the direction)

not bullshit, but also not what it looks like. it's meant to exaggerate the differences to make them visible. earth without the oceans would still look perfectly round to the naked eye at such a distance.

it is not moving by impact
it is moving by gravitational pull over a long period of time
hence when voyager passed through the jupiter system it slowed down jupiter and a few of its moons to gain the momentum needed to escape sol
it is the same mechanism, just on either a longer time scale, larger timescale, or both
yes the amount of energy needed to do it is massive, but it is nothing compared to the change that it affects

>after getting the initial route started
which takes about the same energy as an entire planet. a lot of scientific theories are only hypothetical. it's the same with finding intelligent life or even anything larger than a microbe on other planets. scientists already know this won't happen, but it's still a scientific topic to discuss a hypothetical scenario.

>finding information in the Internet age is hard.

Fucking millenials.

Lol penus