What does Sup Forums think of this movie?

What does Sup Forums think of this movie?

How did the Korean guy see the plane every year from prison?

If Edgar was born on the train (and as far as we can tell all the English speaking passengers in the tail speak American English; further, his mother died), then why does Edgar have an British accent? How did he pick that up?

The tracks just fix themselves I take it?

The only way to keep the population in check is to have a civil war? Family planning is out of the question then?

Why not just make new parts for the engine instead of using kids? If they can make the jelly food out of cockroaches surely they have some sort of industrial ability on board?

Who cares

wah im poor and got a free ride on this train and didn't pay a dime and deserve the same treatment as the rich people who paid millions

the point of the movie is not to ask quetion about some fucking details of the plot but about your actual place as a workingcuckslave in the actual society.

from a filmmaking perspective, its very impressive and well done

as a movie, it doesn't quite work as well as was probably hoped, and feels like less than the sum of its parts. a little too on the nose and preachy the whole way

7.5/10, worth a watch

It's an allegorical fantasy movie about class struggle and determinism, who the fuck cares

are you legit autistic, i thought we were memeing here

I watched it. Wasnt very impressed.

The arm freezing for a punishment was pretty shit.

The whole pretence of it was stupid. Extremely unbelievable ideas and portrayal.

an interesting allegory of the tyranny of demoracy and the blind envy of the proletariat and a scathing critique of the decadence and narrow-sightedness of the modern bourgeoisie

tons of plotholes, very little emotion, atrocious dialogue, ambiguous message

will manage to piss off both ends of the political spectrum, just about the only political group that will emerge pleased areanarchists and antimodern democrats

wouldnt reccomend

>Taking the movie literally instead of as general visual metaphors

It's a ride dude, you're more supposed to feel it than anything.

who was actually maintaining the tracks?

>poor people worry about having to eat cockroaches

Don't they realize that they instead should be grateful that their needs are quenched, and that they're maintained alive?

Besides, if kept in a sterile environment, cockroaches have a high nutritional value. It's litterally the only food that would work on a small train. Experts argue that we'll all have to feed on insect meat in a century rather than on that of a livestock.

So it's litterally poor people revolting against generous rich people. Like always.

And look where it got them: the train is destroyed lol.

Bumb you faggots.

>I know that babies taste best.
>An actual fucking line.
This film only gets any attention at all because of leftypol fags.

woa are there really non-shitposting answers or am I dreaming?

Interesting movie, but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

The part that made me laugh the most was when they discover that they've been eating insects and almost throw up but they ate human flesh before. I'm guessing it's based on an old book or comics when eating bugs was a big taboo in "modern" society, unlike now.


I knew it.

>That ending where man-a is the real-a animal-a

could it have a more Korean ending? I mean they could have had someone having fan death but that would be a little much.

It's based on a French comics.

>Room of guys with hammers
>they start counting down from 10
>not bumrushing their asses at 8 but waiting until they get to zero

>It's based on a French comics.

still a pretty nihilistic, bleak, anti-humanist message. They did invent post modernism famalamadingdong

Hated the super ham fisted environmental message. Also how is that gook bitch gonna survive at the end?

>>Taking the movie literally instead of as general visual metaphors
idk interesting settings like these make me kinda wish it became a series instead of a standalone "visual metaphor".

I legit wanted to read more about the animals from Animal Farm.

This, libcucktry at it finest


But demn multcuck brownpoo babie!!!! dats worths all civilizations!11

Saw 10 minutes of it before I turned it off. What a joke of a script. The idea may not be that bad if ya skip the silly train-setting and push it into a industry/factory built upon a volcano or something similar. Jurassic park/terminator/star wars/etc have shown that silly ideas can still work and be both entertaining aninteresting if executed rightly. This film is an excellent example of the end product when the excecution fails. The questions op asked are just the tip of the iceberg, they all arouse in the first five minutes and nowhere does the script hint a "believable" answer (as in skynet going berzerk, frogdna, "le force").

He was only in prison for about 2 years when the movie starts.

Is this what years of political and film study gives you? The ability to spout off big words while saying absolutely nothing at all?

I guess that means that movie needs no logic or consistency, right?

If the movie were to explain every single details of the world/train, the movie would be boring. It's soft a sci-fi.

if your bothered by minor plot holes and inconsistencies then you are too autistic to appreciate the appeal of a movie like this