Why haven't you killed yourself yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, Sup Forums?


it would upset a few people I care about

logically I'd need to sell all my stuff first

i havent seen a good movie this year

Jungle Book senpai.

Holding out for one more plinkett review desu senpai


But I think it's good cowardice because my life is not THAT fucked up

I will hang myself soon, just have to take care of some things before.

Mike texts me every morning to see if I'm still alive.

New Alien movie comes out this year, also Godzilla and the Wings of Honneamise sequel. This is actually looking to be a solid time for science fiction.

If I'm being dead honest it's because I dont want to kill myself and then find out theres a meme lover 3

I also don't want my ex to be sad or satisfied spending on how she still feels about me

I'm not past that point yet where people decide to kill themselves

I can still live long enough to ruin everyone else's lives.

I'm waiting for the Ghostbusters release. If the movie flops, I'll be able to die happy.

My mom is already an emotional trainwreck, and by killing myself I would destroy her life. I am planning on doing it though, when my parents are dead or suffer from dementia/alzheimers.

Why kill yourself when you can escape inwards and seek refuge in your own fantasy world?

because I have a girlfriend, a job, friends, money and fun

suicide would be pointless

Get out of here, normie.

I'm afraid that when I die I'll cease to be aware of existence, and I'll no longer be here to witness delightful trolling, and the harassment for liking something.

Because I just saw this and realized life is worth living.

I'm throwing myself from the staten Island ferry later this year like Spalding Grey did.

What in this movie made you realize that?

Hi Rich

But at least he made some memorable talks.

Don't want my parents to carry the burden, who already have pretty shitty lives themselves.

you know whats fucked up is if you killed yourself and had to watch the people on earth living life like watching your ex get dicked that would be hell i think. when epoepl say "he's in heaven and watching over us" that sounds like hell in my opoino i wouldn't want to be in the same universe as earth in the after after. that is assuming all of this is real you know

reasons why i don't kill myself:
>i'm a pussy and worry about how much it would hurt
>i don't want to upset my family
>i don't have the wherewithal - guns are not easy to access in my country and i worry that i'd just fuck it up and leave myself in more pain
reasons that aren't why i don't kill myself:
>because life is enjoyable to me or worth living in any way

It's just that good.

I enjoy living.

nah mate reality is created in your head
it's like a dream

1. Stop jerking off.
2. Work out.
3. Drink way more water.
Your life will turn around user.

Eva 4.44 isn't out yet
MGSV used to be my reason to not shoot myself but that eventually came out so I switched it to something more implausible

I don't know how to. I tried to snap my own Adam's apple but it wouldn't break

Call the police and when they arrive walk towards them with a fake gun and they'll shoot you dead

I tried doing that. Still no job, girlfriend and living in a third-world country.

I don't have any problems, probably because I'm not a child of divorce like every other fuck up on this website

I would walk toward them with a real gun and shoot them and die in a shootout. But I'm kind of a pussy

It's fake af bruh

I'm working on it faggot

I have to get a gun license and enough money in my account to purchase a gun then it'll be done and over with

I want to get a real slick ass revolver like some Civil War era shit

>I dont want to kill myself and then find out theres a meme lover 3
You'd be dead user, you wouldn't find out anything after

>last girlfriend was a 10/10 redhead who's favorite movies were Robocop and Terminator 2
>would sit by the fireplace watching twin peaks and bang to 70s vinyl
>cosplayed silent hill and metal gear

>dumped me and went full normie, banging Chad
>never found another woman like her

The only thing keeping me going Is the delusion I can find someone like her and tell myself I didn't fuck myself for good

>Dad realizes I'm a failure
>Mom still has hope

Because somehow I'd be a bigger burden to my mom dead than alive.

Who did she cosplay from Silent Hill?

Because I accidentally gained aspiration for life
On top of that, I have a girlfriend who loves me, parents who support me and friends who I get on with

Life may be meaningless, but that doesn't mean that death isn't too

I just got a new job, I'm also waiting on a couple of packages from eBay and a graphics card preorder. That comes in tomorrow and all my eBay stuff is scheduled for this week though. So I'll see how I feel in 7 days.


what I ended up doing was alienating my entire family and making myself come off as more of a burden alive than dead

so now it feels like they hate so when I eventually do kill myself it won't feel that bad, of course they'll cry and shit but at that point it won't matter, I won't exist anymore

You just have to work and manipulate everyone in your favor so that you feel comfortable with your final decision, since after that there's nothing you don't have to worry about the repercussions

>tfw some user mustve killed himself before ever getting to see actual pornkino based on the opening 5 minutes of a subpar superhero movie from 2012 written by the autistic shitfflingers of a Sri Lankan zoetrope discussion forum

Holy fuck I can't deal with this

because im playing a lot of overwatch

People always say that if you don't commit suicide there must be something for you to live for. Those people are wrong.

It's easier to live as a nothing than to kill yourself. You need strong feelings to commit to suicide, something we don't have

True. I guess you get used to your own misery, given enough time.

I tell myself I'll bear witness, but the real answer is that it's obiously my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide.

Its more of the fear of the unknown to me, We can't possibly know whats after this so might as well live it just in case this is it.

I feel you on that

it's impossible to know what not existing is like

you always hear of peoples saying they don't fear death etc.

fucking bullshit

those motherfuckers just haven't dedicated anytime to thinking about what it means to NOT EXIST, every experience we have is because we exist, because we're ehre, we have no memory of what it was like before we were born, and nobody can tell us what it's like after we die

hence religion and coping mechanisms etc., death is the scariest thing ever imaginable and people don't think about it because they know it'll spin their entire worldview out of control and send them spiraling downward

I had to write a philosophy paper on fear of dying years ago. Basically, it's an irrational fear
>if you're religious, then heaven's waiting for you
>if not, there's nothing, same as before you were born - there's no discomfort or fear because there's no you to feel anything anymore
The rational fear people normally confuse with it is the fear of dying since the process of dying is normal very painful and stressful

You're rationalising the state of death as something comprehensible, when it's not
You shouldn't fear something just because it's unimaginable

>You're rationalising the state of death as something comprehensible, when it's not
>You shouldn't fear something just because it's unimaginable

that's a very admirable and learned stance to take until it's staring you right in the face

I don't think I'll ever cement my feelings about death until I'm right at the doorstep, only then will I know the truth, and only then will the truth cease to matter as I jump into non-existence

I did that, made me wan't to kill myself more

Family and friends, my friends would understand tho.

Is it normal that when I don't masturbate I get incredibly depressed and suicidal?

Might as well see if I can somehow make something of myself, if I fuck that up horribly that's when I'll kill myself.

One more semester before I graduate.

I'll wait to see how that goes...