What is the Final Fantasy VII of movies?
What is the Final Fantasy VII of movies?
Fight Club
Terminator 2 there was a Terminator 1?
nailed it
Probably that half assed Final Fantasy VII movie.
A better question is what is the Final Fantasy 8 of movies (i.e. an underrated classic that only true patricians can appreciate)?
Master and Commander
I have final fantasy 7 on my iPhone 9 also
Advent Children
Sucker Punch
Back to the future 2
Star Wars.
Hook maybe...
You mean something fairly fun, riddled with flaws but shit on disproportionately on release and later had equally disproportionate praise by contrarians?
Probably Jurassic Park 2.
Armaggeddon, its got a meteror lol.
nigger what
but FF8 is literally "Failed Potential: The Game".
What is the FF6 of movies?
Star Wars
>innovative for its time
>quite popular
>set the bar for what movies/JRPGs should do
>gets bastardized more and more in every re-release
Honestly, that sounds more like FF7
FF6 was the last great march of the old guard.
It was all shit really
Yugoslav civil wars and kabbalistic kike demons were better
Tactics Ogre & Final Fantasy Tactics
But Final Fantasy VII was shit. Try Final Fantasy VIII or X
Came here to post this, FPBP
Terminator 2 or Mad Max 2 for sure. Good but holy fuck settle down.
Alien 3 definitely. Took the series in a bold new direction but a fucked up production led to lots of ideas coming out half-baked. Looks much better in retrospect though.
Final Fantasy VII is severely overated and your a pleb if you think it's a masterpiece.
Cast it!
Cloud: Charlie Day
Tifa: Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Barret: Idris Elba
Aerith: Emma Roberts
Red XIII (Voice): Liam Neeson
Cait Sith (Voice): Glenn Howerton
Sid: Domnhall Gleason
Vincent: John Krasinski
Yuffie: Reiko Fujiwara
Zack: Oscar Isaac
Sepiroth: Ryan Gossling
Rufus: Chris Pratt
Reeve:Pablo Schreiber
Reno: Kento Yamazaki
Hojo: Larry David
meh... the matrix?
BvS Blu-Ray cut because I haven't seen it.
Jurassic Park
Literal pleb opinion.
6, 7, 9, X-2 and half of 12 are the patrician flavors of Final Fantasy.
6. Citizen Kane
7. Star Wars
8. Sucker Punch
9. Dark City
10. Star Wars Episode III
10-2. Mean Girls
11. Gladiator
12. Hancock
13. Fantastic Four (2005)
13-2. Fantastic Four (2015)
13-3. Fantastic Four Rise of the Why
Literally Final Fantasy Advent Children
Great game/movie literally objectively and figuratively both shit upon and praised more than they should be by autists on a Guatemalan watermelon farm
>star wars
opinion goes direct to the trash. Shouldn't have wasted your time writing the rest
I wish I could be as cool as you
the only thing i liked about this game is the card game. everything else was average
I bet you skip class to go smoke under the bleachers
and this. It fits perfectly in both reception and actual quality
>that leveling system
Fuck no. Worst of the PS1 era.
I didn't skip class. That's why I can tell the difference between a film and ads for toys
I dunno, maybe this?
You're probably also keen on the differences between a fedora and a trilby. You wouldn't happen to own an acoustic guitar by any chance?
>you can break the game and beat it superfast by not leveling up at all and just junctioning strong magic to your stats
yeah they didn't think that through, also i got yelled at on rv for calling it square's version of a korean soap opera
Batman v Superman