>daddy doesn't love me so i ran away from home and died lol: the movie
Daddy doesn't love me so i ran away from home and died lol: the movie
Why didn't he fuck Kstews character? Was he gay?
I think the implication is that he was gay
I dont know if they are saying that something to do with why he ran away or not though, or if its just an incidental thing they added
whyd he kill himself and not his dad
>I'll never have a meaningful experience in my life so let me shit on people who actually had the guts to pursue that
Wasn't it because she was underage and he was a fairly moral guy?
>dat scene where Hal Holbrook asks if he can be his adoptive grandpa and he gets brushed off
Nah, pretty sure it's because he was gay.
>implying you'd reject a jailbait kstew
>I'll never have a meaningful experience in my life so let me shit on people who'll never have a meaningful experience in their lives
she says she is 18 and he is like...are you suuuuuure
are you suuuuuuuure
he is clearly trying to get around the fact that he desperately wants to avoid sex with her
I don't think the movie is very much like what the reality was.
Apparently he was closer to a severely depressed robot and was just fucking sick of society
This movie has literally changed a lots of peoples life
No he wasn't gay, it was because they were creating a connection and making sex with her and then disappearing to his impermanent life would not be nice.
[citation needed]
That's pretty gay
>you will never be a drifter with kstew by your side
I'd create a connection with her
we are on Sup Forums not /lit/
Yeah because hurting people you like is so cool.
she's got such a white trash face
irrelevant to what was said
Fucking people you like is cooler though
This man basically committed suicide. There's nothing remotely heroic or noble about what he did and he deserves none of the attention he got from his book or movie.
His is a cautionary tale to people that think they want to "leave" society but don't have any actual ability to do so.
I can not get over how a lot of people kept talking about this guy like he was some kind of mysterious wise man or some shit when the retard didn't even think to bring a compass and proper map to a location he had never been before.
The fact that he died within a few miles of a tram that could've led him across that river and was a known landmark to everyone native to the area is indicative of his stupidity.
I genuinely lost respect for people I heard talking about this man in any way other than remarking how stupid he was.
In the Book, he is never interested in the girl and she follows him around and is annoying. No other interaction happens between them if I remember correctly.
Hollywood hates movies without romance though so they wrote a fictitious scene to have a "love interest." (Probably sells more tickets to have a love interest subplot.)
In general though, the movie would have been bumped up a rating if he had fucked her, and that can be very bad for sales too.
He got some weird nutrient starving leeching disease from eating poisonous seeds...cbf'd looking it up
That's only a theory the author of the book hypothisied.
In reality:
>However, an article in the September 2007 issue of Men's Journal, by Matthew Powers, states that extensive laboratory testing showed there were no toxins or alkaloids present in the H. alpinum seeds McCandless had been eating. Dr. Thomas Clausen, the chair of the chemistry and biochemistry department at UAF said, "I tore that plant apart. There were no toxins. No alkaloids. I'd eat it myself".[20] Analysis of the wild sweet peas, given as the cause of McCandless' death in Into the Wild, found no toxic compounds, and there is not a single account in modern medical literature of anyone's being poisoned by this species of plant.[2] As Powers put it: "He didn't find a way out of the bush, couldn't catch enough food to survive, and simply starved to death".[20]
well, update:
>In September 2013, Krakauer published an article in The New Yorker following up the claims of Ronald Hamilton.[5] A sample of Hedysarum alpinum's fresh seeds were sent to a laboratory for HPLC analysis. Results suggest that the seeds contained 0.394% beta-ODAP by weight, a concentration well within the levels known to cause lathyrism in humans, although the interpretation of the results was disputed by other chemists.[4] The article notes that while occasional ingestion of foodstuffs containing ODAP is not hazardous for healthy individuals eating a balanced diet, "individuals suffering from malnutrition, stress, and acute hunger are especially sensitive to ODAP, and are thus highly susceptible to the incapacitating effects of lathyrism after ingesting the neurotoxin".[5]
So he was poisoned, but he would have been okay if he knew how to live in the wild.
Why is Sup Forums so autistic about this movie? Is it because it portrays a successful autist on an adventure of his life, something Sup Forums will never be?
>b-but he's so stupid, bridge, poisoned berries! map!
that would be beside the point, he wanted to escape civilization
it's Sean Penn's typical self-indulged wanky inspirational shit. Still a pretty nice movie though.
>he wanted to escape civilization
and did it through dying alone, slowly and painfully? What did he accomplish?
Could have done that by moving into Alaska instead of driving into fucking nothing with zero plans.
but he really is stupid, you cannot escape civilization and i don't see why you want to escape civilization because that's our natural environment it's like a fish would want to live on land
But didn't he go to alaska?
>What did he accomplish?
escape from civilization, independence.
it killed him but he still achieved what he wanted, he was sick of society and wanted to live by himself. For however long, he achieved it, and then he died. It was better for him than betraying his own morals and conforming.
No he couldn't, he would still be in civilization. Driving into fucking nothing with zero plans is precisely what he wanted.
Also, pretty sure he died in Alaska
>i don't see why you want to escape civilization
his own reasons are outlined in the movie; disgust with society's various attributes, disgust at his parents, a desire to be independent
An "adventure" that consisted of him writing in a book about stupid shit while starving to death in the remote wilderness. Calling it an "adventure" is not accurate. He did nothing "adventurous" aside from wander into a place where he didn't know what he was doing and died because of it. It would've taken him less than a year to learn the skills he needed to survive.
It takes 5 minutes to familiarize yourself with the idea of a map, and 5 more to learn how to use a compass.
nice pasta, but its only breakfast time
>you cannot escape civilization
You sound pretty stupid too, go watch some nature documentaries there is a lot of people leaving isolated.
He tried, but he failed. The point is, he wasn't afraid to try and die for his ideals.
Yeah, but he didn't move there, he just drove into the middle of fucking nowhere in Alaska.
Like, live a few miles from a small town like Home or Girdwood or something.
>escape from civilization, independence.
>it killed him but he still achieved what he wanted, he was sick of society and wanted to live by himself. For however long, he achieved it, and then he died. It was better for him than betraying his own morals and conforming.
and when I'm sick of society and want to kill myself, people say I'm sick and lock me up. I should have just gone into the woods to die and then I'll be a hero.
>implying you arent dying alone slowly and painfully while achieving no sense of accomplishment, self-actualization which he did
Appealing to cold logic will make a lot of people seem very stupid. There was no rational, technical thought process behind his actions. It was emotional, he had a desire to escape. I'm sorry if your emotionally-numb autistic brain can't realize that.
>It takes 5 minutes to familiarize yourself with the idea of a map, and 5 more to learn how to use a compass.
He didn't want an easy escape route. If he really wanted a map he would have got it.
That's the only kind of adventure you could get in today's times. Well, the other would be going to war, but then you are fighting and willing to die to fulfill someone else's agenda, so that's shit too.
yeah but how long will you survive away from civilization?
> disgust with society's various attributes, disgust at his parents, a desire to be independent
why did he moved in an isolated village from another country?
Sup Forums reveals that it is illiterate: the thread
I personally don't think he's a hero, and people who are sucking his rotting dick because of some Sean Penn flick are dumbshits. But it's still admirable that he did what he wanted to do, regardless of the results. Most people do not fully commit to doing what they want to do.
How dare you
Sup Forums is one of the most intellectual boards in existence
And he didn't wander downwater to the tram line. But hey, Hollywood romanticization.
>why did he moved in an isolated village from another country?
how do you escape civilization by staying in it user
He wan't disgusted with ol uncle sam, he was disgusted with people
please tell me you aren't actually this socially retarded. he's like 23 and a basically moral guy, he doesn't want to pump and dump a genuinely sweet 16yo and mess with her head before he goes to live in the wilderness for like 2 years.
Stop, they're going to pretend to be socially retarded as a joke.
Let them be. There's nothing you can do.
christ you're dense
>yeah but how long will you survive away from civilization?
I don't know, overall I would say less but sometimes life is also a matter of quality as opposed to how long.
Thank god. She'd probably find a way to cheat on me.
Do you like girls anons?
Kstew is loyal.
>muh cheating on pattinson
That was never a real relationship, just a PR move to milk even more money from Twilight.
Yeah, but I also like not going to jail or hurting people's feelings.
I know, I fucking love it!
16 y.o. is ok. Feelings don't matter unless they are your own.
>It's an user pretends to be a sociopath rerun episode
Fuck this spineless guy.
This and the book are literally my ex's favourite book&movie, and that's one of the reasons I left her.
This is the story of a guy who goes crazy (literally: crazy, you can't deny that). Because even if you want to live in solitude there are many MANY different ways to do it.
He just had an existential crisis, and istead of facing it, like every fucking one of ourselves did, he run away. And everyone is acting like "woah dude deep". No, fuck you, that's what happens with 70% of adolescents.
It's a story about a guy who instead of facing his problems, he run away and died like a fucking idiot.
>Muh veganism
fuck that. I can understan not wanting to hurt animals, but many vegeterians will agree that they are ok with "being a hunter for survival"
>Muh deep
no, no no. literally any philosophy book ever will adress his "moral questions about society" better than this "awww fuck dad *cry*cry*". Furthermore, if you only have seen the movie, IF YOU FUCKING THINK THE MOVIE IS ABOUT HIS PHILOSOPHY, you are wrong.
you are wrong, because in the end of the movie, he wished he had been with his sister (or lover).
I think it's the babby first emotional breakdown, and it's basically babby's fight club, in the sense that both can make an adolescent "think", but even if fight club is sometimes cringe-tier (but mostly because people don't understand it) it manages to do in a miles better way.
tl;dr: if you like this guy you're either underage or girl or faggot
Haven't read the book, but the movie is for sure a cautionary tale. This kind of characters, though, with their huge hunger for life and their thirst of independence, will alway appeal to gullible unsatisfied people.
There are numerous clues in the movie, that point to how excessive and childish the guy's behaviour is, but they're hidden behind alI this illusionary half-baked wisdom. All in all, I found this was a deliberately misleading movie, which is quite amusing !
user, I may sound edgy but these are my honest opinions
>istead of facing it, like every fucking one of ourselves did, he run away
Every fucking of ourselves chooses to conform, which is easier than what he did. You can hate his ways, but it takes much more balls than becoming one of the billions of drones
>16 is legal in majority of the world and even in many states
>user gets assblasted and condescending because he's a faggot
You should just be yourself, user. It's not wrong to be a faggot anymore, if you ask most people.
You aren't from the US. Fucking an underage girl is taboo
it's not about conforming, is about having an objective point of view instead of running away.
because if you take time to think about it, in a mature way (not like our protagonist did),you easily realize that:
1) not everybody is a piece of shit (wooow, your daddy is a fucker? well it means you hate everybody)
solution: Actually have DIFFERENT opinion over DIFFERENT people! hard right?
2) you don't really hate every single human product:
first because unless you were a lying piece of shit, until your "breakdown" you enjoyed everything you purchased/used
even then, after your departure:
-you wear clothes done by someone else with tools done by someone else,
-you have a rifle
-you live in a old human product
-you read a book written by someonelse, with someone else tools, etc.etc.
not only that, you could argue that he was alive because of these tools, that he could get to alaska because of other people and their tools, etc.etc.
solution: actually THINK about what you do like, and if you have to buy it, buy it! woah you don't want a new car, fucking shocking am I right? No you are not. if you are not a teenager you'll realize that you could spend the same money in your hobby. who knows, maybe musical instruments and a course about it? or maybe, MAYBE, you just don't care about having fancy cars, FUCKING SHOKING, NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER EXPERIENCED THIS FEELING, WOAH
3) I don't want to become a white collar:
ok, let's assume he was a fucking retarded, and he didn't realize that until he graduated. it happens, you are stupid. let's ignore that.
solution: DON'T BE
turns out there are many different jobs, including working as a farmer in lands.
4) baww I cry 'cuz no reason to live:
let's cut this shit that I'm getting tired. You can:
-find a reason to live by yourself
-find a reason to live in your hobbies
-find a reason to live in helping others
-find a reason to live in religion
-find a reason to live in egoism
-find a reason to live in hedonism
I could go on and on, point is, the choice is not "conform or run away", you can actually chose what to do with your life. For example I don't have a facebook account because I don't feel the need for it, and I think it's shit. I don't do that famous national sport because I don't care about it. I don't watch capeshit because I find them boring. and so on, and so on.
fucking crazy right?
fuck you
>it's another I didn't watch the ending where he realizes he fucked up thread
The movie is about a guy who is an asshole, but only figures that out on his death bed. For most of the movie he pushes away cool, friendly people for no reason. That is the point of the movie. I think viewers get confused because the character is played in a convincing and confident way.
That's the reason he writes this
>happiness is only real when shared
>you're autistic because you see how retarded this man child was
yeah, thing is, the book didn't have that, so muh deep removed by the movie etc.
I didn't know that. Is he not supposed to be an asshole in the book? In the movie he hurts most of the people he meets in some way.
I'm not even defending him desu. Just let the guy do what he wants. He did what he wanted, took the risk, it didn't turn out well for him.
He would've probably ease out on it in time if he survived. After all, as someone has pointed out already, at the end he realized he fucked up.
But he just managed to break free of his family and at the time felt the need to go full retard.
>He would've probably ease out on it in time if he survived. After all, as someone has pointed out already, at the end he realized he fucked up.
nah, he's even more of an asshole
What irritates me the most is that it was/is pushed in high school english class curriculums as some eye-openibg and important piece of mind-expanding literature.
Then you inevitably spend 3 class periods watching the movie to too it all off.
No fucking wonder kids hate reading with shit like this.
Nobody understood this movie. The whole point was "dont be selfish".
It's not "learn about survival before going on a trip". It's not "camping is cool". It's not "it would have been easy to survive".
Fucking autists.
This is not /lit/ though. OP posted the movie. My post says "This movie". Go away.
edgy SJW kills self cuz the big bad world is too much, the movie
>>This movie has literally changed a lots of people (white teenagers with endless money supply from daddy) Instagram accounts.
You can learn to not be selfish without dying.
>lived like a bitch
>died like one too
But but Dad wants me to go to college, get a real job, grow up and not be a stupid faggot. I'll show him! I'll run away to some obscure place in Alaska and not take proper supplies or let people know I'm there, then I'll die of starvation. Then somebody will write a Men's Journal article, a novel and a film about my adventurous stupidity. That'll show my Dad up! - Le Kino
This guy gets it.
The movie's a trap, though. The point made clearly isn't obvious enough for the average Joe.
Happiness is only real when shared.
tl;dr. He died trying to find what he had all along.
>dont be selfish goy
>think about everyone else and put yourself last so that you can never get ahead
literally good goy in here
Most backpackers I've met have only seen the movie and haven't read the book.
most people dont read books
theyre good at going to restaurants and getting drunk though, if instagram is any indication of the most popular hobbies
Yeah fucking people, going places and enjoying themselves
I'm so much better than them, that's why I hate them so much
did you get upset when someone commented on reality? thats funny
>hurt someone else
>because of empathy, you feel hurt
>this is your feeling
>your feeling is important
wew lad
So how the fuck does a 22 year old donate $22.000 to charity when I'm 21 and have £-258 in mine?
Because you leaved the EU you retard.
Rich white family. His parents gave him the money for college but he said fuck you and left to kill himself in the wilderness instead.