I am known for being highly critical of single mothers...

I am known for being highly critical of single mothers, often saying they can not raise boys into men and they are the reason so many young men are so screwed up.

Then theres my sister. She says she is an "alpha female", married to a country boy masculine no nonsense construction worker, raising a 16 year old boy together.

How did they fuck him up so bad? He is mousy, emoish, dyed hair with bangs over his eyes, low voiced, weak grip, needy and clingy, whiny and hyper emotional. Very beta. he currently likes girls but I seriously believe he will go full faggot by college years.

Domineering alpha moms and distant detached fathers also raise pussies. My apologies to single moms.

What turned the boys you know into pussies? Or what turned you into one?

At least hes not out commiting crimes like a nigger

True but he commits whines instead.

"Why do people always use me and throw me away?"

"When you love someone this hard its okay to cry isnt it?"

"sometimes we all need to just breakdown for a little while."

his recent FB updates. Arrrrggghhh!

>alpha female

That's the translation for overbearing bossy bitch. The kid got whipped into a sissy

Tbh, some parents are shit and their kids are shit, nothing to do with if theyre single mothers or not.

How kids turn out is largely genetic. If the parents are fucktards then the kids will be too. There's a higher chance that fucktards end up as single mothers or dead beat dads avoiding child support, so thats the correlation. But being a single mother will not cause the kid to become fucked up if neither parent was fucked up themselves (for example if some girl is widowed)

I agree. She is an unbearable bitch 97% of the time.

IME being an only child whos a boy will make you an annoying shithead. Dunno if its too much attention, too high expectations from parents, never learning to deal with siblings and share or what

IDk about that. it seems there are always outliers...you know kids of single moms that turned out okay and so do i but evidence backed by statistics say single moms do a terrible job raising boys. My theory is single moms teach boys to be girls and can not teach them to be men. Girls are taught to express themselves fully. Theres a reason boys were always taught to control their emotions. Its called testosterone. Today we have legions of hyper emotional boys used to arguing with single moms and grandmothers, unable to receive instructions from other authority figures, like the police. Girls have estrogen so they express emotions differently, less physical. Boys have testosterone and emotions have a physical expression. (My sisters boy seems to have lots of estrogen though)

This guy knows

My mom was the same and I'm full fucking faggot

I hate hating my own nephew. i really do. But when he stares at you in needy silence its enough to drive anyone crazy. That stare that says rescue me, hold me, baby me. I can not stand that. Its too much. I have to detox from him after a few days exposure.

Yeah I just think its too easy to blame single moms for everything. I only say this because I personally know a couple of real pussy ass faggots who each come from homes with both parents. One has a fucking doctor for a Dad, who makes a fortune.

Neither of these faggots will amount to anything. .. They are already overweight, (one has a shitload of allergies and asthma), and one acts suicidal even though nothing bad as ever happened to him in his cushy life

Really? Do you think your mom had something to do with being gay? I recall a time when it was thought that a lot of gay men were raised by doting mothers and emotionally distant fathers. IDK if that is still a common theory but it sure seems to be the case with my nephew.

Heres examples...ask him a question and she answers for him...if he is not is her line of sight she stops everything and drags the entire group she is talking to into a dramatic "Wheres my son? I need to know where he is" moment...she openly discusses every ache and pain and moment of anxiety the boy has right in front of him...it just seems completely emasculating to me and i think it could turn a kid gay since he almost certainly must hate her deep down.

Instead of blaming single moms, blame the dads who ran away.

Stop caring about what teens think and what they post on their FB. These messages aren't aimed to you.

Could you tell us how many children you properly brought to adulthood, just so we better understand your credentials?

My father raised my brother and I alone, my mother was an alcoholic. With just my dad for guidance, my brother and I learned real quick about our father's patience and respect. He lead by example and always showed that helping strangers and overall being good is the best thing to do. He's a real "iron fist" kinda man. My mother had two more sons with another man. This man ditched her and my little brothers of course. Those two boys were raised just by her, and i'll tell yah folks. It aint pretty.

Well different genetics. Your dad was a good guy, you turned out like him. The other dude was the sort of guy to ditch his kids and run off aka a loser. Those kids are also losers. Your mom was just a receptacle

I have 3 sons. Idk what i did but they are all 3 handsome, popular Chads with cute little girlfriends and masculine mindsets. They are into shit like skateboarding and jimi hendrix and tattoos. They arent perfect but they seem to have escaped pussification, robotization, NEETness and hip hop culture. For all that i am thankful.

calm the fuck out hes 16 he'll grow out of it when he leaves highschool. i bet he gets mad emo pussy

Interestingly enough, i have a male cousin with 4 sons. He raised 2 of them while his mother, their grandma raised the other 2. the 2 he raised are hardworking and mostly decent young men. The 2 the grandma raised are thug criminals always in legal trouble, violent little gangtsa wiggers. weird how that works.

Um...he tries to "kill himself" whenever girls break up with him so, even if he is getting pussy...(he isnt. hes a virgin)...hes learning all the wrong lessons from it.

Wtf is wrong with your cousin that he only raised 2 of his own 4 kids? What a fucking asshole seriously. As if grandparents should have to raise grandkids at their age. Of course they cant do a good job its hard enough raising kids when youre younger let alone old as fuck when you just wanna be left in peace

I cant say for sure but I think the grandma got the first two when cousin was in prison and mother overdosed. Second two came after prison but that mother ran off and wasnt present. I guess after a few years in prison the first two boys didnt want to go to the father or something like that.

Ok. Well all the kids I know who were raised by their grandparents turned out pretty shit. When you're old you get tired easy, you're frail and not physically intimidating, you can't relate to young people at all... kids just take advantage of you and do whatever they want