not tru
thanks reddit
That's actually kinda true. Add a bushy unkempt beard and there you have it.
Post rock is def not for normies, kek
Best thread in a while
>I'm so insecure about myself I'm willing to judge a person over their haircut.
Toasting unleavened bread
You probably have a silly haitcut! LOL! LOOK EVERYONE! user HAS SILLY HAIRCUT! LOL!
>a-a person's sense of fashion says nothing about them!
t. virgin
what same person would have that haircut??
t. someone who finally fucked a superficial bitch and thinks that's as good as romance/relationships get
god man you are out of it
go for a hike and think about what you just said
Nah, now it's cool to have that exact haircut except grown out so it looks like you got it before everyone else and just never cut it and started combing it back with motor oil and scalp grease.
Ive literally never met a post rock fan who looks like that
He's not wrong. It might be wrong and judgemental as shit, but I can definitely get a grasp of what type of person someone is by the way they dress.
Yeah, I mean, I can't necessarily tell whether someone is honest or trustworthy or kind (although sometimes you get some pretty strong hints), but I can definitely tell what cultural "tribe" (so to speak) they're trying to identify themselves with and what they're indicating about their general tastes and lifestyle.
I have dreads and listen to post rock try again
post-rock kiddos have long hair and dress in all black. someone post the pic
ok, well if people with dreads listen to post-rock, then it's not different form jam band music at all
it's just jam band music
so morrisey?
But I don't listen to jam bands very much at all
The ones I do are pretty cool though why is this comparrison supposed to be bad
i dress in the most normal way possible cuz attention makes me nervous
I've literally never met a post rock fan
You probably don't deserve the attention in the first place
okay well:
1) sometimes you do cultural signalling kind of subconsciously without really thinking about it, it can be subtle (e.g. the difference bewteen normcore and normal)
2) idunno, maybe, if nothing else, people can tell you don't like attention from your clothes
Maybe you have, and didn't know.
We don't usually show our taste for it at first. We let it quietly grow as we get to know you, then gradually it becomes a deafening roar of appreciation so you simply can't ignore the magnitude of it, then when we're sure you've felt it we let it die back down to a simmer.
post-rock was a thing way before that kind of haircut came into style
>He's an atmospheric post-rock fan
Post yfw someone says they're in a post-rock band
morrissey would steal your boy
Does this apply to the first-wave stuff as well?