>Iron Man is a female nigger
RIP capeshit babbies
Iron Man is a female nigger
Christ, the comic sales must be doing worse than I thought.
How does the hair fit in the helmet?
How will this change it? They will just steal the comics anyway.
>print media isn't doing well
I just don't see it. Black people aren't capable of being engineers (especially black women) and haven't invented anything. Name one black nobel prize winner for science. You can't because there aren't any. All technology in this day and age is thanks to white people and jews. And any black person calling me out on this has to face that fact. Sorry bruh, that's just the reality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>G-guys the jews agenda is a meme
Hahahahah, can we destroy americucka already?
>Clickbait news article claims shit in a comic will be on big screen.
I loved the movie with Electric Superman.
There's no practical reason to do this besides to get brownie points with the current white-hating left. No regular comic book reader actually gives a shit.
>intelligent young black woman
I know these are comics, but that's a little far fetched, even for the medium.
Marvel really going over board with this progressive stuff.
Why not make Captain America a gay Muslim in a wheekchair
Did they make iron man a black woman because of tanking sales?
Yeah, they Riri did it. Riri.
If they wanted odd black woman names, they should have gone with Champagne. It'll make her sound high class when she takes those one dollar bills at her side job.
Why would she be called Iron Man if she was a fucking women.
Thor, sure its a title, but I mean what are the gonna change iron man to Iron Person so its a title as well?
Wow this will certainly have long lasting implications for Iron Man and will certainly not be changed back after the shock value wears of or anything!
You don't know what clickbait means do you? You get the entire article by reading this headline, it's not clickbait.
You mean Le-A
RDJ already acknowledged that this black female Iron Man will be the one to replace him in the movies. It's in the article.
My only qualm with this is the fact that I can't imagine a black woman being a genius engineer. I mean, that is never going to happen.
It's because they're short term chasing and in a death spiral.
If not for the movies, Marvel would have been taken out back by Disney and shot already.
>Step 1
Bad writing pisses fans off, causing decline in sales
>Step 2
Initiate some faux outrage, pointless shake up or shameless pandering to cause a short term sale spike
>Step 3
After the initial issue, the sales plummet because it turns out putting aside quality for an agenda is a really fucking stupid idea in a long term plan
Repeat as necessary
to be fair, asians do their fair share as well.
American major corporates must be destroyed before every character in any work of fiction becomes a nigger.
ms marvel is a muslim teenager now.in case you didn't know.
Also spiderman is black/PR and Thor is a woman
Does anybody actually find nappy hair attractive?
She looks decent enough but that's because she's 2D and kinda mixed, real nigress are hideous unless mixed.
I'm okay with this.
I never wanted to bang Tony Stark but I do want to bang that nigger.
She doesn't look mixed at all.
There are plenty of regions in Africa where full blacks look like her.
all these racist cumskins in this thread are making me laugh. you just mad cause the times are changing and for once black people are being represented in media. baka. white people. come the fuck on.
So much airbrushing, makeup and complimentary lighting in this picture. Nearly every single black woman has the same facial features as black men
I vote Rihanna for role!
Put your trip back on, Krager
If her costume is exactly like that with her tummy showing then I am ok with this
>Big afro instead of dreadlocks or cornrows
Basically this Her facial structure is nothing like a nigger one. Images with heavy lighting like yours don't change much.
Anyone from Sup Forums here that can explain how comics and cartoons became so JUST?
How can you even wear the Ironman helmet with hair like that?
>still calls herself Iron Man
God, this is almost as bad as Jane Foster stealing Thor's birth name.
I bet you'd call her shooped even if you met her in real life.
>not calling herself Iron Man
You guys need to review your periodic tables.
You have to be clinically retarded to think that that picture is not shopped, and I doubt I would look twice at a black women anyway irl
>likes thug shit instead of natural hair
You need to go back.
She looks like she's in her mid 20s.
So, so far we've got:
>black Captain America
>half-black, half-latino Spider-man
>black female Iron Man
>female Thor
>Asian Hulk
>muslim Ms. Marvel
>teen prostitute Wolverine
>hispanic Nova
Who's next on the enrichment list?
>black spiderman
what the fuck did they actually change him to be black now?
Sounds like you're just racist and coming up with excuses to validate your prejudices.
If you hate blacks, just say you hate blacks instead of pussyfooting around.
>implying you go out in the first place
Black women are unattractive, most people agree. Sorry if this triggers you Shaquisha
Don't you have a liquor store to hold up?
He's from an alternate universe and the white one is still around.
TL;DR they're not actually good enough for their core audience, so they're pandering to demographics that don't buy comics.
>hating niggers
Racism is a social constructed word, humans, like all animals, are naturally inclined to hate or not trust members of species who don't look like them. Racism is a meme imposed by some self-destructing retards that's destroying the world.
>most people agree
You don't speak for most people.
He's righ tho, look up any statistic on the matter.
Jewish Deadpool?
He's right, nigger.
You forgot Indian Spider-Man. Yup, it's real.
oh I hope Marvel don't make this into a film
>Iron person
My gender is now Iron.
I've never once jerked off to a black chick and I'm not racist. I find their bodies faces and hair to be completely off putting from a sexual stand point.
There's already plenty of Jews in comics though, like Magneto. They need to replace a white male with someone who's obviously not white.
Why do you think black men throw themselves at fat white women? Even they are more attractive desu
Don't forget the Muslim Captain Britain
>He's from an alternate universe and the white one is still around.
BRILLIANT! What I mean is: if the comics have 2 spidermans in multiple universes, this means they could bring back Tobey Maguire to play spiderman again and join with Holland!
>ib4 SJW's criticize it for being too white
just fuck anyone who says this. No way am I letting Tobey disappear from the spidey role!
>Why do you think black men throw themselves at fat white women?
Same reason white men went after black women.
>people who've never read comics
There have been at least a dozen people other than Tony who have donned the Iron Man costume over the years, this isn't exactly anything new.
She's just the latest addition in a long line of Iron characters.
They should have just kept it at Italian Spiderman
I stopped taking Marvel seriously 20 years ago.
Cap is black and Ghost rider is mexican as well.
Steve Rogers was a Nazi all along
Liars or samefag?
Probably both.
>literally a fucking Fe Male
>pretending this isn't an obvious diversity stunt
>teen prostitute Wolverine
>heavy lighting
What exactly is "heavy" about the lighting?
Regardless of lighting, her facial structure is almost identical to the OP.
>claims that black women are attractive
>gets corrected
White man- Black women is the most rare interracial combination, even white man- asian women is more common
And I thought nobody could top the French when it came to bastardising Arthur
Introducing a non-white character will always be a diversity stunt to you.
>look I can pull out a single panel from a single comic from a single year
>this means comic books are ruined
This is how you spot a normie.
Captain America's totally secret and legit HYDRA indoctrination is a publicity stunt. Rebirth is a publicity stunt. What you're seeing right there is the pitiful attempt of a nu male to keep his nonexistent readers happy.
Black women are the least desirable, here's proof.
Afro is sexy, locks are trash.
>black Captain America
Don't forget about FEMALE black Captain America beating up Trumpdock.
>Captain Britain
>a muslim
Pretty fitting desu. Also she wields Excalibur.
buttmad black woman or troll?
>Steve Rogers was a Nazi all along
It's hilarious that by issue 2 it was revealed that it's just Red Skull fucking with his memories. I hate Marvel but they sure know how to dum up a shitstorm for normies
Nobody fucking reads comics so why do they care?
Because it is. What's the point of replacing established characters with minorities instead of just creating new characters?
Actually, their declining sales are a pretty good supporting fact that they're pretty shit right now.
>i broke your WALL
>i came with religion of peace
I'm a white dude and I've dated plenty of attractive black women. You're not going to find them sitting in your basements looking at Leslie Jones articles though.
Comics are such a fucking carney industry
Maybe that's got something to do with fuck ton of variant covers they have. Or maybe because they keep jumping from event to event and trying to bank from as many tie ins as possible. You know, these problems that are relevant to the comic book industry.
But nah, you don't read comic books. You saw a shitty alternate version of Captain Britain in the middle of a Marvel universe changing event and you thought "jews".
Think he's talking about X-23, Wolverines clone
Oh my god, is that Trump? I know comics have gotten political for decades but I hate when they do this shit
From a business standpoint, legacy characters have a better chance of selling since they got the name. At least that's the usual case, now lately it just seems like they're trying to pander to the pc crowd.
Because established characters have name recognition. It's the same reason they don't tend to introduce new characters period, even white ones.