i love Donald Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

he loves dee returds

And love that he will be your president and not mine

Don't call Martin Shkreli a retard.

That's not what he was actually doing but it's still lulzy

what was he actually doing?


Republicans claim he was just jazz hands

What country are you in nigger

oh i see, cause during a republican speech got to break out those jazz hands.


this makes me kek every time. I even showed my mom and she laughed.....

>what was he actually doing?

Making fun of somebody for saying something stupid the exact same way he has for 15 years.

He has made fun of stupid things he himself has said/done in the past with the exact same voice and body language.

I watched that clip and i see what everyone is freaking out about. But I bet there's a chance he was just doing the stereotypical "duh look at me I suck" impression that people do.

Not that it was very presidential, but I think it accidentally mocked the reporters disability.

But it doesnt matter cause if you agree with me you're an alt right racist and if you agree with everyone else you're just on the "lel the golden globes told me to hate him" train.

Except he refers to the guy while spazzing out, if you don't think that's a clear reference then you're a moron. Oh wait, you voted for this ape, right? Then say no more.

Citation needed

Fuck you, smelly immigrant

>don't mock that guy for the way he was born!
>lol Trump is white and male


i love how liberals and actors still trying to talk shit about trump as if it wont make him president, fucking kek shits done and over with he is the President let it go.

Roger that I'll just be over here getting my MAGA on

What if he gets assassinated tho?


i'm going to let you figure that out for yourself.

Whenever I'm taking the piss out of someone, I do a similar thing. I think it was just unfortunate and the libtards pounced on it.

Same deal with the "grab em by the pussy" remark. He was just amazed that groupies let him do anything - but the special snowflakes fucking ran with it.

Yeah and Republicans we're TOTALLY FINE when Obama was elected. For all 8 years they were happy about everything he did.

You're better off shutting the fuck up until you can understand a liberals point of view.

You had best hope he doesn't because then you get pence. See Trump didn't pick him because he is a great politician or even a good leader. Nope he picked him because he is a safety net. Noone in Thier right mind would kill Trump and risk having a Christian zealot as POTUS. Checkmate Trump.

Liberals point of view:

>constant virtue signalling
>it's okay if we do it because we're right
>nitpick everything and label it something-phobic
>using logic hurts my feelings

Uh excuse me but being anitintellectualphobic is one of my triggers. I'll be reporting you to the mods.

Nice attempt to squirm out of it, but no one with half a brain would believe that crappy excuse.

Keep trying though. Junior high school level intelligence achieved.

What he was doing in that speech was a normal act on trumps speeches... He does it constantly to mock normal people

Easy, friend. Confronting someone with anger and violence only further cements their beliefs that they are right and the other side is wrong. Humans are strange creatures and refuse to see the other side of an argument when it is presented in an angry context. Shhh....

Yea well I will see my way to your side and fuck your wife bitch.

Conservatives are the same way but with different stances. The only way to fix this country is to stop the double standards and hypocrisy on both sides of the argument. Realize that for people to actually listen to your argument you must present it in a compassionate and emotionally level context, lest your opponent back into a rage induced frenzy of just trying to take you out.

what simple bait.

And this is why neo-liberals are hated. I'm almost ashamed to call myself an independent liberal at this point..

Ya sure, disabled reporter, acting disabled. Not accidentally. Trump is an a-hole.

Your just mad cause we are on the right side of history and you and the other Brown coats will be going down. The great ghetto uprising will wipe you smug white bastards off this continent and send your asses back to Europe to be raped by Allah.

I like to call a spade and spade and a potato a potato.

he can barely contain his laughter, luckily i don't have to

In my experience, modern day liberals are just not willing to do that. It's the whole reason Trump got elected.

And rather than learn their lesson, lick their wounds and move forward like adults, they're screaming, rioting, crying and doing more of the fucking same that put them in this situation. They're fucking crybabies and they're sitting in a shitty mess of their own creation.

Ok now you're just baiting. Nice try m80

FUCK I didn't know you had the Jones card.

But it's not an excuse though, he has been mocking people, including himself in this manner, for nearly two decades. Whether we think it's right or wrong is irrelevant, it's just how he behaves unfortunately.

Here's a video of him acting like a moron.

Look back to when Obama got elected, it was the same way on the other side of the fence. We must look inward and realize the inherent flaws in ourselves before we can have a rational argument with someone with a different viewpoint. It's rabid dogmatism on both sides and it's tearing this great nation apart. It all starts with you.

Funny how you guys are always arguing about how shitty the people on the other side are rather than the issues.

All just built up resentment and identity politics rather than real politics on both damn sides.

And look, in the second part or your post you did the very same thing you are complaining about. Sheesh.

Libtards listen.

1. Trump will benefit us (liberals) the most re fiscal policy.
2. He'll destroy red state filth.
3. He'll destroy the GOP for decades to come (repealing medicare/social security/healthcare/disability/welfare).

Sit back and relax. Retard tears are soon to come.

But we did lick our wounds and came back at our own party choosing the outsider. No riots just peaceful protest.

Hey I'm not
You're better off espousing your steady-handedness to someone else though. I keep coming on here and fucking trying man, but the nature of Sup Forums is not conducive to rational discussion.

I'm afraid it may be time for another Civil War. Tragic... but that's reality. Liberals HATE red state filth. And those retards HATE liberals. We all want to kill each other. Let us water the tree of liberty with republitard blood.

Pour you a glass? Hell, I might just drink straight from the bottle.

I hear you and appreciate your efforts.

let's share a fine bottle of cognac (or 2) and laugh at the retards, friend. for they know not what awaits them.

Sadly were it to come to blows, whichever faction appealed to conservative liberals would win. More guns and ammunition stockpiled, not to mention they have control of the food supply.
Oh really? I seem to recall Conservative media and a Republican Congress fighting tooth and nail to stop the liberal progress.

The funniest part is how i rants about "overrated" actors and such each time they comment on him. When he's even telling an 8 year republican governor in fucking california he's shit. Getting elected as a republican in California and reelected is a fucking miracle.

keep drinking that kool aid dumbass.
who would benefit from a civil war in america?

china, russia, iran maybe
you've been played son.

Why does this retard make fun of Trumpfs speech?

alpha as fuck. would let him breedmywife/10

thank you lul

The coasts are worth billions. And who says conservatards have more guns? 3% of the country owns the vast majority of its guns.

There are about 200,000,000 more people in blue states.

Food supply? The coasts import most of their food. And give red states billions to not produce crops (so as not to cause another dust bowl).

My money's on the liberals.

lol with what guns, libtard? I would never advocate for large scale violence, but if you instigate it I don't think you'll like the results.


YES thank you for noticing that as well.

I know and am friends with staunch Liberals and die-hard Republicans, and the constant that I see between them is what you guys are discussing. Every political conversation I have with someone ends with me trying to get them to at least see where the other side is coming from, and every time people refuse to buckle under the weight of their short-sidedness.

Using logic is not one of the Conservative strengths. Logic is missing from their brains.

Trump refuses to divest. He'll be impeached.

President Pence will be fine for me, economically (I'm a liberal).

As for the red state, uneducated, jobless, meth-addicted filth that elected trump -- you deserve exactly what's coming.

This whole post was made invalid by the fact you said there are 200m more people in blue states. You do realize the US only has a population of 360m right? Way to pull 'facts' out of your ass friendo. Way to be a neo-liberal and completely disregard what I've been saying.

Conservatives point of view

>even more virtue signaling
>whining more
>more virtue signaling

Conservative SJW's are the most annoying brand of SJW in human history.

More annoying, whinier and angrier than any fag/tranny/feminazi SJW. Period. Full stop.

I am referencing the electorate not the actually tools in Congress. Yea most states up this pieces of shit back in because of corrupt party rules that left us no choice but we did give the repubs the middle finger when we selected Trump and not their golden dynasty bush

Yes. And I'd be surprised if 160,000,000 lived in flyover states.

Population Centers are in Blue States.

Sadly the largest group on welfare in America are whites in Red States (not blue).

Then you get Paul Ryan which is great for the status que

Civil war isn't going to change anything much like protests, riots or writing your congressmen.

Trump is just the cherry topping on a baked shit cake. He's the beginning of a flower budding on an extremely poisonous plant. If the problem is going to be fixed it's going to require organization. It will be looked at as terrorism and radical extremists when the fact is that it's just the gardener pulling the weed up by the roots.

To put it plainly what needs to happen is people need to start killing off politicians and businessmen and women who are systematically taking steps to hurt others and take more of their money and rights away.

We are human beings. Our lives have value. We are all just trying to get by and be happy and they are slowly closing their grip on us and if we don't lash out, they WILL take everything from us.

You want to make a change? Start organizing. Start preparing to take out those in power who abuse that power with no regard for human life. Start gathering food, ammo, explosive materials, corrosive materials. Prepare for a fight and be prepared to die for your cause because if you don't then this isn't going to change.

The ball is in their court. Let's see how good they are at running a country. If they start blaming liberals for their shortcomings then they're everything liberals think of them.
I'll just sit back and enjoy the shitshow.

Red states are failures. They leech billions in subsidies and welfare annually. They have failed in every regard. They haven't contributed to America since the early 1800's.

Trump's policies will fleece and destroy the red state filth. And I for one, am extraordinarily excited to watch them suffer.

You see, Trump's one of us. The Coastal Liberal Elite.

Believing him was your downfall, retards.

>Source: Treasury Department

Simply stating "Treasury Department" is not a valid source.

BINGO friend

Hard to organize when they have all the forms of communication tapped. I agree with you though as a people we must have your own French Revolution.

A man who doesn't believe in global warming will be good economically? Are you fucking stupid?

This version's more hard-hitting, I think.

Republicans are back in this bitch.

Did any of the poor states have jobs that where taken away due to federal regulations?

"" is not a valid source.

The time for tears is over. Now you and the other faggots have to keep your parades family friendly and only use your assigned washrooms.

No more special treatment. Failure to comply will result in a free stay at the Trump Reprogramming Camp where you'll be taught how to act like a normal fucking human bean and not the vagrant fucking retard that the liberals encouraged you degenerates to be.


Any data over a decade old is not that compelling.

Handicapped people usually don't want to be treated differently than the non-handicapped. Whether The Donald was mocking the guy or not, people shouldn't get so butthurt over it.


trump will be good economically for the upper-middle class. ie me.

he'll destroy the rest of you. what will his base do without healthcare/medicare/social security/welfare?

it's tragic that the anti-trump middle class will suffer. you're worthwhile. and honestly it will destroy me watching you suffer.

So you have no recollection of people saying "obama's a muslim" "obamas not a citizen" etc etc the first few years of his presidency? Selective memories a bitch huh?

You guys always claim the source is wrong when it blows your bullshit to bits

beautiful graph

red state filth/retards know they're red state filth/retards.

Trump's going to end them. Finally. They've been an economic bane to America since the 1800's.

Office of the democratic leader.....

Nice sauce man.

I could type up a bunch of bullshit on an image and just put some dumbass URL as a source too, but I am not going to stoop to that level.

Don't they teach you how to properly source data in High School?

Oh.look a libtard flyong off the handle in rage because someone challenged their political opinion. Thats why your team lost. You dont provide any explainations of any kind you just get mad and fling shit and call people names when theu disagree with you. Grow up.

you've sucked the GOP cock, is what you've done.

trump IS the GOP establishment. he always has been.

you've now been cucked by Israel, Russia, Trump, and the GOP.

how does it feel? probably pretty good right now. your kind's about to be destroyed. we're not going to bail you out of this one, son.

>they were totally fine (heh, creative sarcasm lel)
>stfu, you dont inderstand the liberals point of view
>someone doesnt share my ideas
I see you're a real winner...

Libtards in a nutshell

Retards. Full stop.

I'm not that guy or a libtard, but I just gotta say, if you think we need guns to throw a revolution, then you're dead wrong. If shit hits the fan, people will just make weapons and bombs out of junk.

Clinton repealed glass-steagill, you dumb cunt.