How was this fat fuck even allowed into boot camp? Are US military entry standards that low?
How was this fat fuck even allowed into boot camp? Are US military entry standards that low?
That guy isn't even really that fat in American standards
I don't think you understand conscription
He was a perfectly normal weight for his height.
it was a draft but you know this
mods mods
>tfw you probably would have laughed at hartman's epic banter as well
So what if it was a draft, couldn't they just take one look at him, realise they most like couldn't make a soldier out of him, and boot him out and get somebody else?
I mean fuck even conscription has to have some standards.
If that was the case everyone would have got fat before the war to avoid the draft
Then every faget would just pig out to dodge the draft
Easier to send the fatties to die
Nah, they'd just make you work your ass off even more.
its a one size fits all production line youre a retard if you think they get individually or had time spent on them
remember only a certain percentage pass boot camp anyway so thats their filtering mechanism
stop being a retard
you think all soldiers are fit?
>Are US military entry standards that low?
They are now
>The plan would officially reverse a requirement announced by then-Commandant Gen. James Amos in late 2012 that women would soon be required to do at least three pullups to pass the PFT. Eight would needed for a max score, while men have to belt out 20. This was to end the era of the flexed-arm hang.
The plan never made it off the ground, though. Data collected in 2013 found that 55 percent of female recruits couldn’t meet the minimum requirement. A study of 318 female Marines found that the women could complete 1.63 pullups on average. Roughly 20 percent of those Marines could only hit three pullups if they used their lower bodies in a "kipping" motion.
>“some current [fitness] standards are either not relevant, not challenging or not attainable,”
>E Q U A L I T Y
Plenty of fat fucks enter Boot Camp and drop out.
They don't even let you leave any area without ammunition anymore, and will pat you down after you leave the range to ensure you can't bring any back to your squad bay to kill yourself with.
One kid tried hanging himself with a MCMAP belt in the shower while I was there though.
I heard a story from an MP at MCRD about a kid that ran away and managed to get to the airport. I didn't go to MCRD so I wouldn't know where the airport is relative to the depot. One kid years ago on the Island apparently "escaped" but died after cutting his feet open on some kind of clam or some shit.
lolnope, everyone passes basic training. Pretty much the only way to fail is to get injured
when are you ever going to do pullups on the battlefield
Wait, I thought you didn't get drafted for the Marines, aren't they like a 'higher level' sort of organization?
Wasn't it a draft to the army but you had to volunteer to go into the marines?
Scaling walls nigga
Broke my immersion how he couldn't do pull ups. He's pretty jacked under that fat.
Pretty much. I was weak as fuck when I went. I was like 120 pounds and caught pneumonia and had it the entire time and still managed to pass. Only way you get dropped is if you threaten or try to kill yourself. Even people that get injured can still pass depending upon the circumstances.
Why the fuck they beat the shit out of him?
It felt a little over the top.
If you got conscripted they could send you anywhere but if you volunteered before you got called up then you could pick which branch to join
Cause everyone kept getting punished for his fuckups, theirs only so much people can take before they get weary.
Well that's stupid, barely anyone was actually drafted anyway in terms of percentage of the population so I highly doubt someone would purposefully endanger their health and attractiveness on the off chance they might get conscripted
Yeah military training is standardised and lots of people drop out of it but the government spends a lot of money on that training. They could save millions if they took even the most cursory of limitations on candidates instead of letting in every fatty who will inevitably fail.
Think I could make a career in the Marines if I started to identify as a woman?
The group got punished for him breaking the rules. Beating him served 2 purposes: revenge, and motivation to not be an idiot again (i.e if you take a fucking donut from the mess hall again we'll beat the shit out of you again)
>fuckface keeps getting you into trouble
>can't do anything to the CO
>how can we vent our frustration?
Are you a robot?
The actor honestly isn't even that fat. I'm slightly less fat than he is, and I walk around the woods all day carrying chainsaws and sledgehammers for a living.
Post nudes.
It's not entirely about fat which makes you strong. You can be fat, but have muscles. I don't think Fulll Metal Jacket man had muscles. I think /fit/ as a meme for this, but I'm fat without muscles, so I don't go there.
I think he just slipped through the cracks or something, considering everyone else seemed normal. He could shoot accurately and that's most of what they want; a killing machine, ready to die for war. And the film was portraying what the army can do to a man who isn't mentally or physically prepared.
And then, it was about how nothing can actually prepare you for war; going into battle, your friends dying, leadership, killing someone who is simply defending their land. Amazing film.
I really have to admire this woman's blunt honesty and I feel pretty bad for her. It's one thing to be unable to meet certain standards because you're lazy or unfit but those you can change. But to be unable to meet standards because of what you are would suck. What she said is true all the same though.
>I highly doubt someone would purposefully endanger their health and attractiveness on the off chance they might get conscripted
There were people who changed countries completely. So yeah, people went to all kinds of lengths. Plus, I don't think you understand boot camp. It's months long and they force you to do hard physical exercise all day every day coupled with eating balanced meals of appropriate serving sizes. You might go in fat, but you're not coming out fat unless they kick you out early.
Additional plus, the draft existed because the military was desperate for people, so they only turned people away on the spot if they absolutely had to.
With a tit of subtlety their drill instructor pretty much sanctioned the soap party, yes?
user a child can be taught to rooty tooty point and shooty its a war you take whatever you can get
Yeah, the drill instructor had absolutely no mercy or compassion. Even when faced with being shot, he was still barking orders.
I never got why he flipped out towards the end when he actually started to get praised for finally doing things right
"I Ain't Fat" starts playing.
He was the best soldier in his platoon by the end of basic training. He could beat Joker's ass to a pulp.
His mental health was the problem.
Men fight wars because they are expendable. It's about damn time bitches realise this.
His mind was broken and deranged. He was psychotic and with a bloodlust for the man who tortured him.
I admit that it's a bit of a stretch though. He's somewhat disturbed and one night transcends to autism breakdown-level madman
Does this actor have range whatsoever? I only know him from FMJ and Daredevil. Just a coincidence or is he a Tom Hardy?
He literally plays The Drill Sergeant From Full Metal Jacket in everything he's ever been in.
He IS The Drill Sergeant From Full Metal Jacket.
He was The Drill Sergeant From Full Metal Jacket before he was in Full Metal Jacket.
Full Metal Jacket didn't even have that drill sergeant character before he showed up.
He was fat by 1960's US standards.
Conscription isn't a system where everyone goes. Everyone picked in the draft is sent before a board and evaluated before service begins. Clearly they were not paying attention to his physical charts.
During Vietnam, draftees were recruited into the marines because the US agreed to only send a marine task force to aid the South Vietnamese so when shit hit the fan they just increased the number of marines they had so as not to go back on that original agreement.
>when are you ever going to do pullups on the battlefield
>Sound off like you've got a pair
>when are you ever going to do pull something on the battlefield
Gee I dunno user. Maybe your shot comrade's screaming wounded body into cover?
he should have learned to shoot better instead of doing pullups then
I never really understood it either. Not so much because he was a fatass but because he's so obviously feebleminded and shouldn't have passed any applicable tests of literacy or numeracy.
Hes overweight, but no so much so that he couldnt be in the military. He likely passed physicals, looks like someone that graduated hs a year or two ago and ate like he did when he was playing football.
Boot camp wouldve got him in better shape.
Still waiting on nudes.
>mfw I get to eat a donut whilst the rest of the squad has to do pushups
hope you enjoy blanket parties pepe
Having been in the army I think the movie was pretty accurate.
I bet you're the kind of frog that would fuck a guy in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.
I love blankets
what did he mean by this though?
Like what?
Not really, standards for fucking reservists don't exist though.
Dead Man Walking? To be fair he played the stereotypical police-boss in seven