How does it feel that your country has only a pathetic 200 years of history

how does it feel that your country has only a pathetic 200 years of history

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How does it feel that you won't have a country in 200 years thanks to Muslims?

Considering how young it is and how it's already the biggest super power pretty damn good, fag

But yet, we're still a superpower

Kek your country is going downhill with all those sjw and non binary trans . also spics and niggers

>implying God Emperor hasn't begun the inevitable march for the mass suiciding of the mentally ill and deluded
January 20th, 2017 - The Cleansing Purge shall begin by their own hand as they are #Triggered beyond rationality.
Let their wailing lamentations fill your ears with joy until they silence it themselves with their utter realization that their cause is lost.

>200 years of history
>most powerful nation on Earth
What did America mean by this?

Wrong. It's the baby boomers' last stand to reap short term benefits while fucking us short term. But some faggots still think it's about which side won.

How does it feel to not be able to do anything about your government running everything into the ground?

>pathetic 200 years
And in that short amount of time we have become the most powerful nation in the history of this planet.
Question is, how do YOU feel?


mine has 99

trump is literally Hitler


And thats a bad thing because?


I don't know dude. I feel pretty great. A country that is only 200 years old and by it's 100th year was already on a level to partake in international world conflicts, its currently the world's superpower despite how young it is, and the country that is probably the most influential in the modern world.

How long did it take UK? Several centuries of dismantling kingdoms from the Saxons, Normans, and English dynasties?

People have been living in North America for thousands of years. We have deep-rooted history in Native American and indigenous cultures

>implying the elderly and infirm will not soon follow the mentally ill and deluded into the Great Silence
The God Emperor wills it so.

We need another Hitler to get rid of these types of losers. Need a good culling.

considering that our country has either:
- saved your ass from tragedy
- given money to your country
- freed your country
- shown you who the fuck is boss
feels good man


You know I caught this conspiracy theory about satanic beings being involved in the recent US shootings. I think you should go back to mythologically inspired ones, they're equally detached from reality, but much more imaginative.

Alternatively if you ever get past this mental issue feel free to actually check Europe out and see if it lines up with the Mad Max imagery your ideological bubble associates with it.

>only a pathetic 200 years of history
tfw Poland
This is the the future you chose.
You could have prevented it. You could have saved yourselves.


Interesting conspiracy theories. Meanwhile I'm living here in a stable, wealthy society where people are generally happy, and the muslim population actually makes up 0.75% of the total.

But don't let me take the edge off that excitable narrative you got there. Some people dig Tolkien, you want something more contemporary, I get it. Plus, it's an automatic win in political publicity right now cause it's topical atm.
>Muslim population is 4.5%
>not .75%
Nice try, limey.

Also this surprises you with the UK importing people by the batches from Nigeria and Pakistan?
Still not quite the apocalypse you were hoping for though, eh. Or do you think humans breed on 2 year lifecycles or something?

Here's a hint as to where I am - 50% of arabs are atheist here.

Islam's going the same way a christianity.

Depends - how many Muslims you got driving trucks into crowds, and beheading people in the streets?
Life expectancy could get pretty low in those areas.

>people thinking america is still the no1 superpower

>Life expectancy could get pretty low in those areas.
I don't think you understand how averages work.

So anyway, how many shootings have you had this week?

So the land of Bullshittia, where you can believe what you want regardless of facts.

Superpowers don't exist anymore.

>go to market
>need some cabbage and sausages
>take my kids with me for a nice shopping trip
>truck runs over the little ones
>Damn them Muslims, 2nd time this week, and still need cabbage and sausages


In some bumfuck village nobody gives a shit about with 300 or people or so, and by 50% of Atheist Arabs you mean the only 2 families and one of them being Atheist.

Nobody cares about your hobbit country town fucktard.

>200 years of history
200 years of degenerate European occupation, go back to England and take your niggers with you.

how does it feel to know that the US will be the last one standing?

try getting your filthy mitts on this one.


I give it 50 more years.... tops.

sad little man

meanwhile at op's house......
Yeah it looks like a paradise. Im jealous

That only makes our global dominance in culture, economics, military, intelligence and diplomacy more impressive

You're not telling us your nationality because you know you live in buttfuckistan where their main import is being irrelevant

Sure. Because Europe is one big refugee camp.
Just like a FEMA camp represents the entirety of American society.

Enjoy aids

Give it 20 years. Most European countries will be under sharia law.

In 200 years we discovered part of the world thought not to exist, sent the first humans to the moon, became the largest benefactor in the world, achieved greater social equality than any society (though the feminazis may change that) and made it possible for the young to pursue their dreams (admittedly however college in the United States of better than your shithole-istan has become more and more expensive for the average Joe) Murica.


France has a disproportionate representation because it used to be the proprietor of Algeria and Congo until recently. UK used to own Pakistan, Nigeria and Lebanon until recently. They're still special territories with free movement.

The rest, virtually is completely white. And only a few of the population are seriously religious. Most are overtly atheist, including most arabs.


In 20 years, we'll be taking in American and British economic refugees.

Brits more than you though. You're just a loose cannon right now, the Brits have mercykilled their economy. Bankruptcy incoming close of fiscal year 2017.

How do we know? Because we've been on the receiving end of their capital flight. The last 6 months we've seen an obscene amount of wealth flow in from them on top of what we already had. In 20 years we'll be bailing you out in all likelihood. Hell in 2 years.

Right now our chief concern is filling the new jobs and figuring out what to do with the money. We're making some long term investments and putting some of it towards gentrification projects and building new more upscale districts since the real estate market is through the fucking roof because of this.

>implying american history starts with the declaration of independence
>implying there was not an american identity going back to the 1600's

The history of America and Americans go back to the mid 1600's its not just Revolution onward.


Ah yes, the Dutch, a proud people with a rich history of not being relevant in any fucking textbook and if they were to poof we wouldn't even notice.

Somehow, even though you've been a nation for longer than the US, you have infinitely less.

We had enough to bail out Detroit when your budget went belly up.
Maybe that's why we offered our services pro bono when you sunk New Orleans into the ocean and didn't know wtf to do.

Smaller population, sure. But then Somalia also has more people than us.

Not him but god Op what is your fucking problem. You just make a thread to insult someone's country unprovoked?


Sorry for violating your safe space faggot. Should've been more politically correct I guess. Go ahead and brainstorm this white genocide, ignore I was here. It's what you'll do anyway.

>only 200 years of history
>has done more with that 200 years than some have done with 2000 years
feels pretty good to be honest

That's almost as retarded as saying America is a superpower. It's now a power grab for world superpower. Putin tricked Trump into thinking we could work together, and now that an actual meme is the president of the United States, the CCCP is gonna roll everyone

Oh wait shit I just noticed you thought I was OP.
Not him. You're just making enough of a spectacle out of yourself that you're drawing spectators and pressing the issue to the point where they just have to say something.

Which you know, normally would be considered a dialogue. But if the information is inconvenient to your narrative, I agree, that's atrocious. Thank god generalissimo Trump has made his stance known on this liberal "free speech" mumbo jumbo.

White genocide?

Anyway, it's not about a safe space I'm just wondering why you're so bitter about Americans.

I literally said in the first response to you that I wasn't the guy you were responding to, are you daft?

The Dutch pioneerd the African slave trade you nigger read a history book, if it wasn't for them then the plantation money that drove your country for years wouldn't exist. Also
Op is a faggot and so are you

Man you sound delusional. What little ass country are you from? Where the population is 5 million.

That's nonsense. America is still the most powerful and influential nation on Earth and is regarded as such. This isn't an amateur opinion, this is an academic one. The term superpower applies to the United States and only to the United States.

I'm not bitter about Americans. I actually like Americans, I dig the culture and I think we have a good rapport. And I actually want to see you succeed, I consider you allies.
I'm just responding to a conspiracy theorist who's beating his chest until he gets a response. Look at it from my POV, I see my place get lumped in with domestic US politics as some political effigy all the fucking time. It's getting old. And you never get it right.

When we were being used as some example of anti-gun fanatics it was bad enough, since it's considerably easier to get guns here. But with the alt-right white genocide bullshit its just gone from us being misrepresented in the vein of "eat your spinach cause children are starving in China," into a full blown psychosis that I would really like to be kept out of.

Oh yes thank you for the slave trade now we have nig nogs and dindus running around killing themselves and asking for handouts.

And yet our military is better then every other military combined

Nobody outside the US thinks or cares about the US. Or rather, they do as much as you do about Liechtenstein.

This isn't just a casual day to day observation, this applies to policymakers too.

Wtf happened to this board? Are you all actually fucking retarded or what?

Implying that both America and Europe are not controled by the same small group of people who puppeteer our lives. Also yes America became a super power because it was a rich fucking land (literally with any kind of resource) with a bunch of hippies living on it. As soon as the europeans started exploiting it the quality of life went into overdrive.

That's objectively false. The conversation frequency regarding us among everyday people does nto erase the fact that we are the world's sole superpower and global hegemon. Any geopolitical event of any significance involves us in some significant way. Our nation is the most powerful nation to ever exist on this planet, and all major events revolve around our interest in some large way.

I don't even like it necessarily, but it is reality.

>Valuing resources above all
It's the 21st century. Developed countries produce most revenue from knowledge industries.

>tfw people think we are totally free and in control of our own destiny but its only been 240 years since we declared independence from the 'international powers' and that really isn't as far from us than most people think, and there is a great possibility that the people who wanted to control us have learned from their mistakes and have already implemented their methods into our modern day society in a much more covert way than back in the 1700's.

>who controls the past controls the future

feels pretty good. after only 200 years we rule the world and have the only flag on the moon.
give us another couple hundred and we'll rule the galaxy.

land of the free

Yeah uh huh..
How about you extend that wall along your seaboards and stay on your side of the atlantic buddy. I don't mind you involving yourself, but it's getting nauseating to watch you keep reaffirming to most of all yourself that our lives revolve around you.

At this point drop it or stay on your side of the atlantic.

How does it feel that by the end of the year you'll be living under full Sharia law?

Thats nicer than detroit

>who controls the money controls the future


I'm from a country where I watched members of parliament bust a move when the latest spate of manufacturers announced their relocation to us and boosted our federal revenue ahead by about 30 years.

Look man, it's not my fault that you and your fellow plebs don't understand basic geopolitics and the players involved. All major geopolitical events involve the United states in some significant way, and all are affected by us in some significant way. The world reserve currency is our dollar, OPEC sells their oil in our dollars, the world is divided into US military commands, we are deployed to the majority of nations on Earth in some capacity, we are the global hegemon. Stay in school.

Well... the people who have controlled money supplies in the past are the same people who do it now... so you're right

Denying that USA didn't become a super power fast because of the massive fucking unexploited continent rich beyond belief is retarded bro. Get a brain.

eh, I think humans will be extinct after a couple hundred years ;)

So much this. Mayan and Inca civilization had a rich and prosperous culture.

I love how condescending Eurotrash get while simultaneously being as uninformed as Americans. It's absolutely fascinating. You're right, and he will just never admit it because Hans can't accept that Americans aren't all like the caricature he sees in Wal Mart pictures.

You are clueless. Go watch more TV...

>OPEC sells their oil in our dollars
So? They also use the metric system to measure volume. Can the French now lay claim to the world's oil supply?

> the world is divided into US military commands
Pic related

Bitch I work with them. We got a good thing going with the US coalition in Iraq, and it's good to see that despite Trump's ignorance of prior treaties McCain and Graham have reasserted confidence in America's honor to treaties and sent some of your fine men over for a potential shitstorm. Not a bad word out of me about them.

But you really need to get past this snowflake thing. They're partners, not servants. You keep treating them as servants, they're gonna stop being partners. I do not answer to American authorities, nor do any non-American authorities. We might pursue mutual interests, or just the interests of our partners because we're partners. But at the end of the day we follow our own interests and answer to ourselves, just like anybody else that isn't a client-state does. You don't have jurisdiction here and we've shot down illicit requests from your officials more than once.

>Dutchfag has to grasp so hard to be relevant that he thinks associating with niggers is a highlight

>Denying that USA didn't become a super power fast because of the massive fucking unexploited continent rich beyond belief
>in the 1700's

If you're gonna try to corner the corn and coal markets now, you're gonna be competing with places like Brazil and Vietnam. Good luck I guess.

>he thinks that OPEC selling oil in US dollars is effectively as significant as the units of measurement they decide use

I'll say it again. Stay in school, eurotrash.

Are you retarded?

It adds stability to your currency. Oh boy you've conquered the world now.


It took the UK long because they didn't steal the world's fucking oil and shit. The technology tree was also expanding at this time and there were 6 million wars happening.

The USA got it easy, and it was literally founded by Britons.

All you Americans act like you went from stone ages to pinnacle of civilisation in 200 years, when in reality, you just war'd and oil'd your way up there.


It must suck being that stupid.