Does anyone know an alternative to Sup Forums? I want to discuss vidya without having to deal with console apologists

Does anyone know an alternative to Sup Forums? I want to discuss vidya without having to deal with console apologists

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Why? Because I dont support an greedy anti-consumer company?

>an greedy
REEEEE english

Yes, of course

Go back to your slimy cave you self entitled pretentious pc elitist snob.

Go back to being a corperate slave you disgusting console apoligist.

Everything you do is supporting corporations, you are just as much of a corporate slave, not everyone has money to buy a computer for 2000$

You can spend 300-500 on a decent pc.

Not on one that can play modern games no. And how does buying a pc make you less of a "corporate slave" than buying a console

Or a console for 300 that has to be replace every couple of years because noone produces games for it. Also harder to pirate games on consoles.

>buys latest and highest grade shit for pc
>two years go by
>new game comes out
>specs are almost double of any other game
>5k pc cant run it
>well time to spend another 800-1200 to play this game

Yeah, idc, I'm not a console person myself, what I wanna know is how having a console is making you a corporate slave more than having a pc, you have to replace your gpu aswell to keep up, supporting those dreaded corporations

>Not on one that can play modern games no
Actually you can play modern games better than a console on a 500$ gaming PC

But then again you are too much of a corperate slave to get that.

You can do much more on a pc than just gaming, faggot. They released really cheap but beast graphics cards for the fucks like you so you don't have to spend much.

This is what console apologists actually believe


I don't even have a console you dumb fucks, I use pc
the question was how it makes you more of a corporate slave? Are you gonna answer that or just sidetrac?

Thats only if you are a faggot that doesnt want your fps yo drop from a million, not even a single fps. Otherwise you are alright with having your setup for a long while.

PC sucks m80s

What actually happens
>new game comes out
>1.5k pc built 3 years ago can still run on ultra
>git good you fucking scrub

Modern consoles are at least 5 years behind any decent modern setup . PC has the added of being usefull for your job as well as playing.
>implying user has a job

A Geforce 1080 (or radeon equivalent) will probably outlast 2 entire console generations before an upgrade is needed.


How have i not seen that one yet

The more you spend. The longer it will last you. If you still spend a small amount it will last you from 4-7 years based on my "calculations" but nevertheless a long time.


What? What are you talking about here even? Can you explain? Are you saying they are corporate slaves because they spend more based on you calculations? Huh? Care to explain your calculations? People who spend money every now and then are corporate slaves? Explain

>Can you explain?
>Care to explain?
I am not a part of this conversation but holy shit you are autistic.
