>IMDb: 4.6
Fucking normies lied to me again, this is clearly one of the finest films of 90s.
IMDb: 4.6
based paul
only saw 1-2 scene. the pool fuck scene, that cunt's """acting""" is horrible...
Okay, but why does she have one leg?
seriously, is there anything this man can't do?
How did Paul manage to direct Starship Troopers, clearly his magnum opus, after the complete failure of this movie?
Starship Troopers is trash
I thought the rape scene was handled well
How's it like having shit taste?
I was better than what I was expecting.
Some movies are just hated by the general public because it's the "cool" thing to do.
Reminder that 91/2 Weeks was a flop and hated by audiences and critics. 5.9 on imdb.
Fuck this shit, it's a GREAT movie. Just because it's got some sex in it doesn't mean it's not a really well written, well acted, well shot film!
>I was just pretending to be retarded: the movie
only good for a fap,in the 90's before internet was big,gets a gold star if you liked saved by the bell but besides that it's garbage
You are the high-pleb, the pleb prince, the pleb general
RoboCop is his best film
>tfw Based Paul will never direct the 3rd Arnie Conan movie.
I have no reaction images to display this feel.
Wrong IMDb scores general?
Fucking Exorcist 3. It's as good as Friedkin's one.
>dat sex scene
She had to get amputated for the role.
Back in the day actresses were actually actresses.
Sliding Doors should be higher
>t. heinlein dicksucker who doesn't get his books were absolute shit and jokes in themselves when applied to real world mechanics
I tell you this movie has a very "queer" sensivity on it... I mean, c'mon, just take the script: That scene where Noomi and Gina Gershon have a chat (when Gina says she likes dog food), that joke about Versace... I always felt this movie was very gay in that sense, it's a story only someone with a very gay sensibility could have writen.
Have you seen the trailer of his last movie? It's about a middle age woman that gets raped and then seeks vengeance or something
Nah. The satire is just queer inside jokes nobody should care about.
Neon Demon was fashion satire done right.
Yeah, 'Elle'. IIRC it was really well recieved in Cannes, so here's hoping.
I wonder if Showgirls is going to be a cult feminist classic in the near time.
>Being well recieved in Cannes
Is that actually a good thing? As close as I understand, everything gets boo'ed there.
It is a clut gay classic because of the satire, and the inside jokes.
Gays have a sense humour
It was actually well recieved, not fucking biasedly praised by Miller and his gang.
I'm happy to hear that.
I mean, c'mon, it's kind of hard to screw a movie like this, a rape-vengeance movie. And if Verhoeven is behind the wheel you know it will be very crude
I really want him to make a comeback, to do more movies. I want him to do like Cronenberg, less sci-fi and more fucked-up movies
Absolutly Terrifying
I'm still pretty sure that the whole "you go girl!" thing in Showgirls will be used as the example of "good portray of The Woman in film" by feminazis.
it went over the critics head just like Starship Troppers
I love the movie in the 90's and still love it!
Get a good performance from Elizabeth Berkeley.