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Dick and Maddox speculation thread
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The turning point was when Dick sent that Reddit message saying that he and Maddox aren't friends. Maddox took this to heart because he thought he and Dick were friends.
This isn't speculation, this was confirmed by Maddox.
kill yourself my nigger
The turning point was when Dick made Maddox a cuck.
It was such a good show, interesting and original concept, and two hosts who perfectly complimented each other.
I think Maddox is becoming legitimately bitchy instead of humorously so and it's breaking my heart. His 'If These Words Were People I Would Embrace Their Genocide' article was great, it actually picked apart stupid language and pointed out why it was stupid. It was Carlinesque. His video rant about the word 'cuck' though? Goddamn that's some cringe. Cuck is a perfectly sensible insult that fits the current cultural climate perfectly, it developed naturally, and the only reason Maddox rants about it is because it hurt his feewings D,:
Maddox's book made him successful, now he's complacent. From what I've gathered he's completely refused to compromise with Dick and as a result he's cancelling one of the single best podcast's on the internet.
And I say 'one of' only because, again, Maddox's ego stopped it from being THE BEST podcast on the internet. Instead of arguments flowing naturally, instead of them just taking advantage of the way they compliment each other so well, I got this VERY STRONG impression that between episodes Maddox would give Dick notes. In the earlier episodes Dick's competitive nature meant he would just disagree with Maddox. Maddox couldn't take this and so as the show went on all these artificially constructed concessions from Dick started cropping up.
To TL;DR this I'll point out two things: In the first and second episodes Maddox bitches out over Dick interrupting him all the time then in the last episode Maddox COMPLETELY REFUSES TO ACKNOWLEDGE DICK. Is it me, or does Maddox seem like the kind of sensitive princess he'd rail against?
>I got this VERY STRONG impression that between episodes Maddox would give Dick notes.
This was confirmed on the very second episode in which Maddox send him an email being all sissy pissy about Dick interrupting him during his arguments
>This isn't speculation, this was confirmed by Maddox.
>I got this VERY STRONG impression that between episodes Maddox would give Dick notes.
What are some good examples of that in the show?
Holy shit, I haven't thought about Maddox in years.
He teamed up with some guy named Dick and is a bitch now?
What the fuck?
I think the problem was that Dick gave Maddox's SO the dicktip.
>I think the problem was that Dick gave Maddox's SO the dicktip.
So they split after two years. Someone on the subreddit speculated contractual disputes, and I think that's the most valid point so far.
As for why Dick was uninvited from that episode in the 70s (77 or 79 I think), I have no idea.
He was uninvited from episode 77 which coincidentially was about sex
Madcucks didn't want Dick to be there because he would make fun of his lack of knowledge and bags of sand
Pretty much.
Once his book hit the shelves he became a cunt and it's just gotten worse.
He wrote a book? God damn. I remember thebestpageintheuniverse, but stopped following what he was up to when he stopped updating.
What a faggot he became.
I like Maddox and agree with all his autistic complaints on technology, because I'm a true Sup Forumsentoomen, but I'm sad that he doesn't have the social maturity to handle situations with differing personalities.
I sometimes worry, that *I* might be something of a Maddox.
Are there other brilliant men who became eben cucks to manlier more charismatic men on the internet?
Two books with another on the way.
His first book made it to #2 on the New York Times Best Sellers list and #1 on Amazon.
It gave him a massive ego boost
Fuck off, cherry-picker.
Maddox LEGITIMATELY wanted his arguments to be taken seriously. He tried to steer the Biggest Problem in a certain direction and failed when he realized his cohost Dick was not on board and wanted a more freestyle approach. As such, Maddox started asking Dick to not come to some episodes as he tried out several guests as new cohosts. When that failed, Maddox went full damage control and shut down EVERYTHING with the most minimal announcements he could possibly make.
It's obvious Maddox wanted something more mainstream and scripted. He wanted a business. Dick wanted something for people to enjoy, which is why he's the only one actually responding to fans.
>His first book made it to #2 on the New York Times Best Sellers list
It was #1 before it even came out. The amazing thing is how long it STAYED at #2, when you would have expected to have long faded from the list.
I'm 90% sure it was simple as a dispute about money.
Maddox was probably trying to start up this "network" with the idea of being some kind of mini-mogul of the internet age.
Dick, aware of his star power probably wanted a cut or a pay hike.
Maddox said no
Dick fucked off to Mexico, probably hoping Maddox would make a counteroffer
Maddox left holding the bag, and makes a terrible last episode.
I have no evidence, but I the fact that Maddox has been silent rather than mouthing off about Dick, insulting him suggests to me it was more about money than personal stuff.
Also to assume this is to assume Dick is a idiot. If he does slay as much pussy as we're lead to believe, there is no fucking way he'd be dumb enough to fuck his business partner's or employer's SO. Why would he jeopardize a hugely successful podcast and some extra $ in his pocket for a lay.
>Fuck off, cherry-picker.
The rest of your message make perfect sense, but I don't get why you're so angry at the dude you're replying to.
The only episode he wasn't invited to was episode 77, stop lying hambeast
>gave him
He was already pretty egotistical.
Just in a funny way...
The messages he's referring to speak the exact opposite of what that poster's saying.
I like Dick. He's a really cool, really likable guy, but I honestly think he's a bit of a dumbass, and really wouldn't put it past him to do something stupid like fuck another man's wife, even if it puts him in jeopardy. He's spoken in the past about
1) being PROUD of chaotic decisions "My philosophy is you already know what you have, so why not fuck it all up and see what happens"
2) fucking other men's wives
I mean, try to remember, this is the same guy who can't stop shitting his pants. He can play off shitting his pants really cool, and it really works because he's really charismatic, but at the end of the day, he's still shitting his pants.
>Also to assume (You) this is to assume Dick is a idiot. If he does slay as much pussy as we're lead to believe, there is no fucking way he'd be dumb enough to fuck his business partner's or employer's SO. Why would he jeopardize a hugely successful podcast and some extra $ in his pocket for a lay.
You've to put yourself in Dick's position.
Just a few episodes before the cancellation Maddox said there was literally nothing wrong with being a cuck. That's like a greenlight for some alpha male like dick to fuck your GF with no consequences or guilt guys know that Dick is a character, right?
The Dick Show is way better than Maddox's shitty new podcast
you do realize he has told numerous believable stories about him shitting his pants right
Nah, both suck
even the biggest problem was starting to suck after the first 50 or so episodes
How in the fuck can you possibly spin "one guy arguing both sides of an argument" as a good idea? Especially on unequivocally terrible topics like "Girl spends weeks gaslighting a guy into suicide"?
This meme again? Yeah, I know Dick Masterson is an alias stage name for Dax Herrera, but it's hard to conceive that the man saying these things the way he does, is actually hiding his true beliefs and true principles and is a radically different person than the one we're seeing.
Maddox is also supposedly a character played by George Ouzounian. A deliberately over-macho narcissistic asshole who ruins friendships over petty bullshit. Only problem is that there is little evidence that George is distinct from Maddox.
So has Sup Forums, so has reddit, your point is?
That's kinda the problem I see with the divide, though.
I can SEE Dick as a character based on his insane stories. I used to be able to see Maddox the same way, but a lot of his actions, especially dealing with the ending of Biggest Problem, have me unable to differentiate which is which. If that makes sense
>tries to argue both sides of Brexit
>is blatantly biased for remain in his arguments for both sides
>brings in a moderator blatantly biased towards remain
>his viewers still vote for leave after his arguments
made me kek
>Sup Forums and reddit have also told believable stories about shitting their pants.
And they also probably happened. Really weird shit like a man stabbing his own penis with a needle has been accompanied with a timestamp proving it really happened.
YOUR point sounds like incredulity, and some people on the internet lie so therefore EVERYONE LIES, and true truth is unknowable, which it is, but that's not a very effective way of living your life.
Dick was in the House of Phil. His real name is Dax Herrera.
>implying betas don't deserve to be encouraged to commit suicide
>Dick was in the House of Phil. His real name is Dax Herrera.
Link to the full episode pretty please? I've been lookin' on torrent sites like a madman.
Neither of them are faking it. It's just that it's easy to hide non-PC views behind 'satire '. See also Sam Hyde and Rucka Rucka Ali
>I can SEE Dick as a character based on his insane stories.
I can't actually think of any stories Dick has told that are "insane". What has he said, that sounds like it strains credulity in your opinion?
People got rekt so hard by Dick in that episode, I was literally in awe when I first watched it.
>1) being PROUD of chaotic decisions "My philosophy is you already know what you have, so why not fuck it all up and see what happens"
How much of that is just talk. false bravado? We don't know.
I see where you're coming from though. Fucking the status quo for the sake of it.
How deeply he takes that to heart though.
I still think it was more likely to be a professional dispute about money.
> That's like a greenlight for some alpha male like dick to fuck your GF with no consequences or guilt
ye, Nah. I don't think that's likely.
You don't wait for permission to cuck someone.
>You don't wait for permission to cuck someone.
Maybe YOU don't.
>he didn't read professional cuck ettiquete 101
Holy shit. Well, got damn am I surprised. So sad he turned out to be a sissy e-celeb.
Are there any actual new facts or things that they have said besides pic in Op? The speculation/info in this thread is weak.
>professional cuck ettiquete 101
Ya know. Considering how maddeningly specific and dogmatic people get about their fetishes I wouldn't be surprised if this was a thing.
But in all seriousness. That doesn't sound very Dick-esque.
>How much of that is just talk. false bravado? We don't know.
assuming his stories are mostly accurate, that sounds like a pretty spot on representation of him, listen to his story about throwing oranges at the guy, he just loves to fuck shit up
Maddox is a whiny bitch, Dick is way better
That was one of my favorite stories of his. Dick is practically a Taoist.
Like I said, I don't know. And even if he is a world class shit-stirrer (I find it very interesting there's a Gavin McInnes thread on this board at the same time as a Dick related thread) how much of a risk he would take is always interesting to speculate.
Was listening to episode 71 when I saw this thread. Glad to see it on here.
Dunno what happened to TBPITU but Dick has his own podcast now...
...and it's okay. Not as lively as TBPITU but still fun, Dick is still just as entertaining. He's hinted towards the break up of him and Maddox as being less than amicable.
After TBPITU, Maddox basically blocked Dick, tweeted about him, redirected their podcast's site and other passive aggressive internet drama. This included saying that he (Maddox) was staying silent on the details surrounding the end of their partnership to protect Dick, personally and professionally. Dick addressed that directly, saying that it basically implied that he'd done something unmentionably horrific like theft of money or sexual assault.
I'm assuming it's something Sup Forums related since Dick is a Trump supporter who is rumored to lurk Sup Forums. Maybe holocaust denial or casual racism. Dick has teased that he's going to go deeper into it on his podcast but is drawing it out for ratings.
It's one of the first 10 eps I think
it's one of the earlier episodes, I think the one where he brought in Fireball as a problem, or the episode directly after that
Will check it out when inclined.
Love a good dick story.
I've only heard the first episode of the new show, but the best part was the Mexico rant.
...not very Dick Masterful.