Kill billions of people

>kill billions of people
>conceal positive results on the Cylon Detector
>give nuke to Cylon
>colaborate with Cylon ocupation


hello Caprica 6

>it's a starbuck cucks somebody episode
>it's a laura roslin has feels episode

>it's a Laura Roslin makes out with Baltar episode

Gaius did nothing wrong

cylon pussy is crazy bruh
best show to date

Worth it for 6 desu.

Gaeta was right.

>it's a machines can't be raped episode

his whole religious thing in season 4 was so fucking dumb

actually, season 4 nearly ruined the entire show with how dumb it is

Did nothing wrong

>its a head 6 tells Giaus and the whole audience that she is 'an angel of god' early in season 2 and people are still surprised thats what she turns out to be at the end, episode

>it's a coming from inside the frakking ship

i love how saul went from an annoying dick to literally the best character on the show

>it's a Hellen was a scientist episode

Season 4 sucked hard because it abandoned most of the core themes of the series other than religion and had a nonsensical ending.

Daily reminder that gaeta did nothing wrong

And he is still the most human and relatable character there.
How did they manage that?

The right doses of being a selfish scumbag, a coward and feeling guilt for your actions

It's true, just because he became like a drunken sailor jihadist.

I should write that down . . .


God she was super sexy

>collaborate with Cylon occupation
It was an impossible situation. What could he have possibly done? What could anyone have done? Ask yourself, what would you have done? If he'd refused to surrender then the Cylons would have probably nuked the planet then and there.
>it's a Laura Roslin is a raging supercunt episode
Nearly every episode post Season 1 then.
If there is one thing that is good and just and proper war, it's SLAUGHTERING OUR ENEMIES! GETTING SOME RIGHTEOUS PAYBACK!
The Final Five twist was a cop-out but aside from that he was god-tier

i just finished rewatching it and the one thing i've always hated is how they sacrificed the pegasus instead of galactica

i mean i know it's the name of the show but why the hell wouldn't adama be commanding the pegasus instead of galactica in the first place? it's a better ship...

he was a faggot

Came here to post this

i never could stand her ugly fake tits. shit looks bolted on.

>inb4 well she's a robot lol

well she's a robot lol

Could the Galactica fought off 3 Cylon Basestars?

Im guessing Adama thought the Pegasus offered the best chance to rescue everyone with the limited resources they had.

I know, right?
She was a Mercury-class battlestar twice the size of Galactica fresh off the production line and she had her own Viper manufacturing bay.
But no, they sacrifice her to keep the 40 year old hunk of junk that was about to be decommissioned.

They couldn't hold off more than 2
Remember that he sent Pegasus off with the rest of the civilian fleet to look for Earth

>It was an impossible situation. What could he have possibly done? What could anyone have done? Ask yourself, what would you have done? If he'd refused to surrender then the Cylons would have probably nuked the planet then and there.

I see what you did there

>later ended up in Silicon Valley


galactica couldn't take on anything, that thing got fucked up in basically every single engagement

during the fight where the pegasus gets sacrificed, the thing completely destroyed a cylon base ship with a couple missile volleys

i guess it makes some sense that adama would use the galactica on that mission because the pegasus could stay back and protect the fleet, but ehhh, it shouldn't have been sacrificed, that was just dumb



If anything Pegasus should have lead the mission instead of Galactica

wow thats an ugly poster

Restart the clock

33 dubs

tom zarek did literally nothing wrong

>starbuck will never fuck you with a strap-on

You can't rape something that isn't alive user.


Adama/Roslin apologists will never accept this

I started out sympathizing with his ideological goals
Then he straight up murdered the Quorum of 12.
So...yeah, fuck Zarek.

the quorum were just roslin stooges

He had a hard life.

If that was true and they were just lackeys then they wouldn't have voted to deny the Cylon FTL upgrades without the captains' permission

I always imagined that Old Apollo used his angst about being on a version of BSG that he didn't actually like as a huge part of his Tom Zarek energy. I always imagined him coming to work on the days he had a scene and treating everyone like garbage because it wasn't "his" BSG universe. He was probably cool with EJO but hated everyone else, especially Jamie Bamber. He probably beat the shit out of David Eick every day for being such a failure

>ywn be Billy getting cucked by Dee, and all you can think to say for yourself is "I-I'm here with friends."

>yfw the cylon god was just a higher form of civilization than humans and cylons
>yfw that higher form of civilization was guiding the cylons and humans to find a suitable planet
>yfw the head six and head baltar were just members of that civilization
>yfw starbuck was a part of this civilization
>yfw starbuck throughout the entire series was just like season 1 boomer who didn't know what she was

makes more sense than "god did it"

Karma eventually worked itself out

Damn straight
Do you think Billy would have killed himself after they found out Earth was a nuclear wasteland?

And yet he's still not even remotely as worthy of our hate as fucking Lee Adama.

She doesn't have fake tits, Tricia Helfer's tits are all real and all glorious.

Somebody asked a while back who the best BSG waifu was and I couldn't choose.
Honestly, they all seem kinda shitty

athena is best BSGfu

Gaeta kinda really did nothing wrong. At that point adama was harboring cylons and led them to the end of the universe for nothing. Gaeta may not have beeb morally jusstified in doing what he did but he didn't do anything morally wrong either

Nigger please

racetrack is a pig

> angel of god

> temps him in with the sin of lust

U sure she wasn't a minion of the other guy?

He was absolutely correct when he said that Adama wasn't the same man he was 4 years ago and that he'd let his affection for a Cylon cloud his judgement
He wanted Adama to be held to account for betraying his oath of allegiance and the President impeached for her collaboration.
He didn't want outright civil war, nor did he want to see democracy die in the fleet die. Remember, he was appalled when Zarek had the Quorum executed.
He just.....his heart was in the right place. He just made a bad call.

There will bever be a racetrack and skulls spinoff series

top bsgfu are as follows

1. athena
2. cally
3. dee

rest are shit

Devils are fallen angels so technically not a lie.

Wait what did apollo ever do wrong? He was a bretty gud guy who even when he lost starbuck to sam he conceded graciously and moved on


1. Toaster
2. Harlot
3. Suicidal
When you think about it, who are the choices? Toasters, alcoholics, dead chicks, ghost chicks, bitches, druggies, dykes and despots.

He destroyed the Pegasus!

"Hey, guys. You know all that technology that we literally depend on for everything, all that medical tech that keeps us alive and cures our diseases, all those weapons that would make it easy to hunt and eat and all those tools that we could use to build shelters? Not to mention, all of our history, all of our culture and everything that defines us as a species? Let's toss all of that into the sun. Why? LOL."

Fuck Lee. He destroyed the remnant of the original colonies much more effectively and much more totally than the Cylons ever could. Tens of thousands of years of civilization, completely gone. Erased, as if none of it had ever happened because fucking Lee Adama wanted to start fresh. He should've been tossed out an airlock at the beginning of the show for all the good that he was ultimately responsible for.

I was kinda expecting the Tighs to be the Cylon God and Devil. Especially with what happened with Cap6's miscarriage.

He was a fucking Judas who couldn't adapt to the changing landscape. A complete and utter moron towards the end. Also he was pissed about his leg so it's not like that didn't factor into it.

Wasn't that his fathers decision

Lee > Kara desu

I remember that Billy being a Cylon was in the original Plan but the actor wanted off the show because he thought he'd do better in Hollywood or some shit.

Funny because I never heard about that guy again.

this, they could have build a utopia with the tech they had on that new world, they could write down what happend for future generations to learn from, but no, they needed that planet to be earth so they pulled this shit out of their ass.

>adapting to the changing landscape
>making peace with the very machine who were responsible for the obliteration of most of your species/civilization
Bit of a stretch
Remember that one deckhand who said "I respect you Admiral. But I hate the Cylons and I won't take orders from a man who won't fight them. I'm sorry."
Perfectly reasonable attitude.

>1. Toaster

>insulting athena, a character who saved everyone's ass multiple times and proved her loyalty every single episode

disgust. absolute disgust.

>Racetrack and Skulls were the most diehard Cylon racists in the entire show

>Skulls was black

What if Bee Ell Emm existed when this show was ariing? Would they have pitched a fit?


>Toasters, alcoholics, dead chicks, ghost chicks, bitches, druggies, dykes and despots

So, just like real women basically + toasters? Also, what's wrong with a toaster if it feels like the real thing inside?

I wish they did a spinoff show with a group of Colonials that didn't give up technology, but settled on an island somewhere. They'd have Raptors and tyllium generators, and live quite comfortable lives of exploration and adventures. They'd name their island after a city on Picon: Atlantis.

Remember when she shot 6 and threw the alliance into jeopardy because of her paranoid delusions?
Bill kicked her down for it and rightly so

>. They'd name their island after a city on Picon: Atlantis.


he did nothing wrong

I would watch the shit out of that, and so would everyone else. Anyone that says otherwise is a fraking liar.

Cylon Lives Matter. Oh wait, not really lol.

>And this....Lieutenant Agathon who evidently fraternized with and impregnated an enemy agent
That's what's wrong with it

Fuck me, I'd watch that shit in a heartbeat

So was Jammer.

>call sign is fucking "jammer"

>all he ever did was bitch moan and sow seeds of discontent

>always wore a yellow jumpsuit which set him apart from the orange-wearing engineers

He was supposed to be obvious, but then Moore and Eick lost the fucking plot after Adm. Cain died and the show went to shit, so a alot of their initial plans and tighter focus went out the airlock

cry me a river, admiral cunt

It would keep the series going, it would be completely separate from the rest of the series, and the cataclysm that sank Atlantis would easily explain why there's no record of the people from the 12 Colonies of Kobol.

>saves the fleet a dozen times
>still treat him like an unwanted space hitler

>he thinks Adama was better than Cain

Not really, but she was still a cunt

>Lucy Lawless unable to live up to the sexual awakening standards set by Xena


>Lucy Lawless unable to live up to the sexual awakening standards set by Xena
hmm ur blatantly wrong I had my balls blue during the Ash vs. EviL Dead Show