>ends up in a 5 dimensional representation of his daughter's bedroom
>each and every time is perceivable at one
>he didn't catch Murph masturbating
Ends up in a 5 dimensional representation of his daughter's bedroom
huh, really makes you think
I love this board.
she knew he was watching so she fucked her brother instead
Murph is pure, you filthy pedobastard
>ywn crawl into bed behind her and feel her innocently rub against your crotch
I hope you have a daughter when you grow up.
Girls don't masturbate
And you will die alone in your basement. And then as you die you'll have my permission to cry.
Me too ;)
Isn't that the opposite of what he should want? He'd get to fuck her and you'll stil be a virgin.
How do you know?
Their sex drive is fucking minuscule, and even when they do want sex, all that's needed for them to quench is to call Chad from work or school.
Girls don't want nor need to masturbate.
>Their sex drive is fucking minuscule
How do you know that?
>I have never had a girlfriend
And inb4 some lazy "lol her sex drive was low cause she was fucking other guys on the side" retort.
Well how don't you know it?
You clearly haven't had a girlfriend. If you're under 30 and you're gf isn't hungry for cock than something's wrong.
Let's quantify it under numbers then:
My girlfriend is only really swayed into having sex by her hormones once or twice a week. To me, that's negligible.
Girls are all like that, by what I'm lead to believe by most media anyways and what she'll comment about her friends. Women only become really hungry for cock maybe when they're curious about it from 14 to 18, and then from 30 to 40 because they want offspring.
>by what I'm lead to believe by most media anyways and what she'll comment about her friends
>My girlfriend is only really swayed into having sex by her hormones once or twice a week.
with you
"Dude my girlfriend has sex with me like all the time xD! What! Yours doesnt do it all the time)? Haha you little virgin"
Damn that's some idealistic view of relationships you got there. Sure you've genuinely ever been in one?
Women simply have a lower sea drive than men may be endowed with. I don't even see how you can refute that when it's easily proven by gauging the difference in hormone levels between a female and male brain.
Clap, clap, he made the cuck joke. Is he proud of himself?
Let me be equally clever. Ahem, allow me: we'll I dont care cuz I bet ur a virgin so I got more sex than u lol
Hate to tell you but you're literally a cuck, she's getting chads big cock while you're at work
Thanks for the insight.
Love to see posters project their woes on me, but what can you do?
Someday you're gonna catch her and you'll realize Sup Forums is always right about women. NEVER trust anything with a vagina
I don't doubt there is a significant hormone imbalance between the brains of males and females but I have been in a fair share of relationships with women and sex was a daily thing. Every night to every other night and when we would wake up in the morning she would go straight to sucking my dick, get it hard enough to penetrate and then back her ass up into it. But that's just my experience and I know everyone isn't the same. Maybe I just lucked into fucking with the really horny ones. But to make a blanket statement about all women having low sex drives. No. Lower than the common man - possibly. But low in general - that I have to debate.
>replying to pure idiocy
It isn't even bait, he doesn't have a proper working grasp of the world around him.
>10 yo girl masturbating
nah women don't masturbate till there 18 unless there sluts
>Maybe I just lucked into fucking with the really horny ones.
What were their ages?
And I don't know. As much as we could suspect that your own experience might be flawed from landing the nymphomaniac ones, mine might be too since I've always made a point of only seeking out the quiet and tame ones (and no, the "the quietest girls are the kinkiest behind closed doors" myth is retarded).
All I know though is that lesbian couples have way less sex than gay couples might. Females might've slurped on your dick continually but who's to say that that was from their own sex drive, and not just the will to please you?
So when women are single, I think it's safe to say that there's less of a need for sex.
You bring up good points though.
Now that's just rude.
Say it behind my back at the very least.
Is manifestation of typical "it happened to me, so it will befall everyone" thinking?
It's not a joke, user.
>What were their ages?
>once or twice a week
do girls even masturbate? or is this a meme?
can they get addicted to fapping like men?
I've only done it twice out of sheer boredom. I was 16.
I must be missing something.
So you admit to them being young when I explicitely conceded before that 13 to 18 year olds are huge sluts?
Too busy making science her bitch and besides she'd probably shlicking in the shower thinking about ghosts.
Do you just not do it because you can get sex elsewhere if you really feel the need?
Sounds like a medical problem. You might want to get that checked out by a professional.
why hello m'lady
You sound like reddit and your shit's all retarded.
I have never bf and still don't feel any need. Maybe I'm broken?
Fuck my wife like 4 nights a week. Other 3 nights, after she falls asleep, I masturbate while thinking of my students (High school teacher)
>You sound like reddit
Something only uttered by redditors. But sure, have it your way user. Be safe.
I had a female friend that masturbated a lot.
Don't want to seem rude but you might be.
Then again, asexuality is something many of us would profit from. It would be quite freeing.
guys masturbate at least once a week, if not once a day.
females are weird
No sexual desires. I got some bad news for you, thats 4 billion years of evolution telling you that it fucked up making you, and its best to not let that mistake replicate itself
actually no. The one I mentioned that would wake up sucking my dick was 25. Although I had a relationship with a girl who would try sucking my dick at risky times (driving and when we'd go to places) because she liked the thrill but she was 17 .
Was that before or after you cut your dick off ?
How do you know c: ?
>call Chad
/r9k/ confirmed. Girls usually even have higher sex drives than boys. You would know if you weren't a virgin, lmao.
>My girlfriend is only really swayed into having sex by her hormones once or twice a week
> once or twice a week
She's getting BLACKED on the side, m8.
If I cut me penis, will I stop desiring my older cousin?
Why did you have to put this my brain
>Not masturbating before work
>Not masturbating after work
>Not masturbating under your desk at work
Yikes lucky you.
I don't know what more to add. We've both obviously had very different experiences from which to formulate a view of female sexuality. Can't say I've ever had that would tug at my dick in a car.
Who's gonna tell him?
Lol, sry but your prude gf is in the minority her.
>lead to believe by most media
Jesus Christ that's embarrassing.
what's it like getting your dick sucked and cumming into someone's mouth?
>once or twice a week
Damn son she's getting it on the side
No black people in my country.
How's it work now?
It wasn't a cuck joke.
I was pointing that you are a lazy bastard who don't make anything to get her horny more often than her hormones do. You barely reach the minimun.
"Basically a future cuck, yes.
it's perfectly natural for young girls to masturbate
i know this cause i'm a pediatrician
I've never seen her doing it but she told me that she used to do it many times a week.
With less guilty feelings in the aftermatch
I'm female and I masturbate at least once a day. Is that weird? Reading this thread makes me feel like it's weird.
to orgasm?
On the technical side, is rubbing their legs together because it has their clit being caressed really masturbation?
I've seen my sis do that when we were both small, but they don't even know what they're doing. I don't think that it's fair to call it masturbation.
By the way. I just told the FBI about you pedos
Post your feet
My gf need to fuck or mastubate at least once per day, so I would say it's normal.
>many times a week.
Is this really what girls think is "a lot"?
don't worry, i'm male and i masturbate at least 4 times a day
sure, once upon a time i did it once a week but that don't cut it no more
No offense dude and I hate to draw the connection to a reddit tier show, but you and your gf sound like Sheldon and Amy. I'm saying that because you are talking like an overly rational robot with indirect evidence ("what I'm lead to believe about women in the media").
Women generally have a sex drive as high as men or even higher. Your gf is just an exception. Not necessarily because she's cheating on you, but she is.
Oh, nice. Thanks user.
Sup Forums is not a roleplaying board.
Fuck off back to /q/ or something.
Could it be that women are people and each has a different sex drive?
don't be ridiculous
Oh wait you're serious
>overly rational robot with indirect evidence ("what I'm lead to believe about women in the media").
In my youth, psychologists had suspected that I was autistic, but it's transpired that I'm not.
And the only reason for me articulating myself this weirdly is because english isn't my first language, and I only learnt via school where it's only formal english that is inculcated and by books. I mean, I watch english shows too where I'm taught "dat slang" but I'm not really a person that learns by listening, so turns out that I haven't learned yet how to speak like a normal american, and not autistic formal ones.
Hope I'm making sense. Nah, probably not.
Anyways thanks for the inquiry. I guess saying that about her is better than "harr she be cheating on you".
I was almost about to remove Sup Forums from my bookmarks bar but then I saw this thread. shiieeet
>5 dimensional future humans give you a chance to save present humans
>"at the same time" your old daughter is risking her life waiting for your transmission
>waste the chance on watching your kid daughter masturbating
>get hard but cannot masturbate through space suit
come on. Humanity is better than this.
those 5 dimensional people surely have watched enough of the privacy of their ancestral savior though
Well if you are so honest and genuine then that's okay
She also told me that some days she masturbated and others she didn't. I don't know what she tought about this, but I think it's quite a lote since 70% of women masturbate.
what is dallas buyers club doing with renesmee?
"About two-thirds say they masturbate, even though about half also say they feel guilty about it, Laumann says. By contrast, about 40% of women say they masturbate, and the frequency of masturbation is smaller among women."
Where did you get the 70% stat?
Thank you polite poster :).
>different experiences
Hey, that's life, right? Not everyone goes through the same thing. I try to remind myself of that every day. It really makes life more interesting and gives you more to ponder about. Like how a lot of posters in this thread are called virgins. I like to remind myself that some of those posts could be from women and some of those women could potentially still be virgins. Like how they might have lived their lives on the complete opposite end of the spectrum than the sluts and all they do is post on Sup Forums like some kind of neckbeard. You're probably conditioned by the media and what you see on porn to think that's impossible but I like to entertain the idea. It's just crazy to think about. A 30 year old female virgin just bursting with pent up sexual energy.
Even atheists consider the existence of a God after experiencing such a pleasure. Let's just put it like that.
>Women generally have a sex drive as high as men or even higher.
no, dude, just no. Seriously have you even sat and thought about that for even a second? Because if you had i feel like you have to be flat out retarded to still think it. Look at the way males and females interact, if women had sex drives even close to what men have, the world would be an entirely different place. And please don't ask me to explain this to you, no one can be that stupid.
>get hard but cannot masturbate through space suit
Ever since he left, Cooper secretly regreted of not fucking kid Murph even once when he had all the chances. It pains him to think that now Murph is getting older by hour.
Now, seeing the impossible view of young Murph from the past, Cooper's hardness surpasses diamond.
Cooper crushes the dimensional wall with his boner and falls into Murph's bed. Mankind is saved.