What actually speaks against a sexual relationship with a child?

What actually speaks against a sexual relationship with a child?
Except, of course, this is prohibited by law.
Tell your opinions.

I bet she has a good set. ;D kek

They aren't ready for it? Why the fuck do you think most of the children that get fucked are raped, so forcefully introduced into sexual activities? Because even THEY, small children know it's not right at that moment, thing that seems to be forgotten by many of you sick fucks.

Psychological damages to the child's brain?

this is clearly a thread that will be filled with civil and thought-proving discourse. i await it with anticipation.

That is nonsense They tell us to suppress us.
children love sex

Children lack the intellectual and emotional maturity to understand the impact of engaging in a sexual relationship with an adult.

Im sure their parents would be a-ok with it

No they fucking don't. I've seen child porn in my life and from all I've seen they all cried and totally did not enjoy it

such a bullshit, dude.
These are very nice feelings. Also for children

Ivana find me a fine girl like that one day. KEK

Then you have seen other videos than me

Whatever videos you saw it's still not right to do it.


She is adorably beautiful... you sick perverted bastard!

There are so many videos where the children enjoy sex very much. You just have to treat them well and carefully :3

because sex has been put on such a pedestal and thought of as sacred. Take everything you've ever heard about emotional scarring caused by underage sex and imagine it were applied to touch of any kind (holding hands, playing tag). If people were brought up to believe that you only touch the person you truly love and that after you have been touched you are 'soiled' you will reach the same emotionally scarred state by someone patting you on your back. This is not a biological truth, but a societal one that drives people to suicide over their consensual actions. Teenagers could fuck as much as they wanted to and suffer from no emotional baggage if you didn't tell them they were supposed to feel bad.

This is aside from very young children who are coerced into having sex that physically hurts them or that they honestly don't want.

You have sauce?

I would like to see that.

viola, kait, april

give me just file names

Why is it so hard for people into underaged men/women to understand that the undeveloped brain of a child is vulnerable to the manipulation of an adult. It is nature and how we develop as a species: respect/listen to those older than us. It is this manipulation and the potential of chronic mental damage to the under developed brain of a child that makes it a heinous crime.

>This is aside from very young children who are coerced into having sex that physically hurts them or that they honestly don't want.

But that's just it, how do you know a child wanted "it" when they don't fully understand what "it" is. They may understand that it feels good, sure, but that doesn't mean they understand the bond it creates.

Even with your logic, it would like happening a child with $1 million dollars, but who doesn't yet totally understand the concept of currency. Sure they know it gets them things, but that doesn't mean they understand the difference in value between $5 and $1 million. So you go on asking for $1 million, effectively taking advantage.

What the fuck is wrong with this place?

KYS retard

>Viola 4-Foxy-012 Stop dont stop< is very nice

What do I do with these help me :D
Or are these for some Tor search?


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