Is this show any good? Or is it really historically inaccurate, full of minority quota casting, and strong feminist characters?
Is this show any good? Or is it really historically inaccurate, full of minority quota casting...
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Its ok. No blacks. One Asian in the last season. Female empowerment. Thats it.
Would agree. Well, maybe not entirely: I wouldn't say it's "full" of minority quota casting and stronk womyn, but it has its share. This, along with historical inaccuracy in social dynamics, clothing, tactics, etc. do detract from my enjoyment of it but overall I like it a lot as a show. It is weak in places but has cool characters who do cool stuff, spots of some really good acting and generally solid scenes.
one asian fucktoy that gets killed when she annoys ragnar
Where the fuck is the second half of the season 4?
>Is this show any good?
Forgot to mention that Lagertha is the only reason to watch it, but she'll never show her tits.
I mean there's that deleted scene where she makes out with Kwenthrith.
Sadly it's 660 kb too big to upload.
upload somewhere else please
Still historically inaccurate. Mongol conquests wouldn't be for another 400 years. It's like having Elizabeth I repel the Spanish Armada and the Nazi Blitz.
never said it was ladboy
I gotchu senpai
Look it for Lagertha, it's worth it
season 1 and season 2 are good.
watch them for based Borg.
>its a Bjorn eats pussy like total beta faggot episode
Isn't she supposed to fuck one of her shieldmaidens this season or something?
This show surely killed off many characters with good actors.
I wish for this to happen to me.
I miss AppleStand
It's a pretty good show. I'm looking forward to the next seasons. There's a timeline jump and hopefully we will focus on other characters now. The Great Heathen Army is coming soon.
And hopefully we'll also get to see some Vikings go to Byzantium and get involved int court intrigue.
At least his stronk wymoen gf got knocked the fuck out.
I'm so glad she didn't become some bad ass warrior or some other bullshit.
>Show's called Vikings.
>Wastes half of every episode showing le English schemer and Rollo being a dirty french canker.
Good thing Egbert is so based.
What do you want? Season after season where they do nothing but sack villages and monasteries?
I enjoy both those plot points. Most of the Scandinavia shit last season was boring as fuck.
Atleast Björn is going to go and capture Sicily.
Is this their chance to cast Berbers as blacks for muh diversity?
Dunno about the show,but the battle scenes are absolutely fucking ghastly,terrible,cringe-worthy.
Plus some things in the story is outright fucking retarded
>Danes not knowing Britain exists