Been taking lots of ecstasy pis

>been taking lots of ecstasy pis
since summer, took up to 2-3 pills a week in december
>Took acid for the first time in december
>took my first trip was very enjoyable
>then took half a gram of coke and 2 more acid tabs
>took gram of the purest gram mdma ive had
>Took 2 pills
> i live in an area where people where dropping left right and center from dodgy pills
>took 2
>took a half gram of pure coke
>$100 for a gram of this stuff
> plus weed
>freaked out lots
>begged everyone to phone me an ambulance
>thought i was legit dying
>felt cold and sweating loads
>blacking in and out
>also skinny
>was i freaking out or should i consider myself lucky and stop taking drugs

dont stop

Still coming down 2 days later with pretty bad chest pains also though they were extremely bad on that night to a point i felt my chest ripping

m8 you did too much all at once. it's like alcohol: getting drunk is great fun, but if you rail two litres of jameson you're gonna have a bad time. find your limits, work out how much is the right amount to have a good time, and stick to it. it's not rocket science.

2-3 XTC pills a week? Shulgin himself would only do it once every 3 months, you're probably mentally retarded by now
its seems like you made so many dumb fucking decisions that it doesnt matter if you go clean, what are you going to do?

Not really i have seen people take 6 at a time and be fine

Then they're shit pills. If they're good quality pills (about 180mg+ mdma) then you'll only need a few spaced out over the night.

have taken 8 a night and 2 a night. those 2 fckd me up way more.

Im 50 and still do this keep going!

found the problem, OP seems like a druggy retard and i guarantee never tested anything, probably was eating underdosed bath salts for years

You are taking a lot of drugs man, I would say you should really slow it down or you're going to fuck up your brain in the long term. I'm not against taking drugs or anything but more that 2-3 of anything a month (at most) and you're pushing it.
Seriously man, I don't want you to get fucked up or hooked, you should take better care of yourself.
Also, if you can't rely on the people you're with to get you an ambulance when you could be ODing, then find better friends to party with.

everyone i know that has taken pills left right and center has killed themselves. Once you body burns up all its serotonin its stop producing and you become very depressed.

Another thing ive seen people dropping random pills is they become retarded. like people inhaling gas and shit. You can talk to them but they are so slow at processing that you have to repeat yourself are they are able to put 2 and 2 together.

I would recommend taking mdma once every 2-3months and have no idea about coke seems like a waste go get addrall or something

i meant Dopamine* not serotonin.

Meth heads i keep them out of my live most become low lifes will throw you under the bus for a another hit

take mdma every month. the serotonin-level will recover itself within 3-6 week.
3 months is bullshit

plus mdma aint interesting anymore after trying out almost every crap (no crystal and heroin), because mixed with alcohol makes you loose ur memory, go completely nuts and do sh*t u never did before. like dancing half naked on the pole and get clear after 6 hours in another club with a milf on ur ass and a couple infront of you wanting a threesome. fkn worst experience i've ever had, not even a 3-day-party-weekend was that fucked up





please op you should stop I have destroyed my brain on drugs and though they were fun experiences they ruin you, they eat you from the inside and I do not wish that life and fucked up brain upon anybody. Life is good when you have cognitive function and can think proper once you have fried your brain you are fucked there is no going back

Time for rehab budy

you fried your brain*
if you learn moderation and stay away from the evil trinity you will stay normal like the rest.
XP: Drug user of all but the evil trinity for the last 5 years, IQ is still 143..

which one destroyed you and how?
take breaks, because u can fuck ur heart up a lot. had that shit after a whole weekend full of cocaine and the pumping in the chest aint worth it. freaked me out as fuck

take mdma every month. spend the next 28 days trying to find any enjoyment in life other than taking mdma

i used to do it once a month last year and was fine even with a natural serotonin deficiency, you either dont know what your talking about or are a pussy

You are the reason drugs, and the people who do them a bad name

Doesnt Test
Doesnt give body enough time to recharge
Doesnt educate himself on the substances
Doesnt have any regard for safety

Yes please stop if your are this stupid

IQ stayed the same over 5 years? most IQ test change as your brain develops and once you brain is mature starts to fall off in IQ. so your telling me that you genius brain has had no development over 5 years and some how drugs has not effected it?

I think most genius would have the mental competences to do experiments with drugs and have the ability to stop once their brains have nothing to gain from the drug


neuroscience grad student here: the only way to not severely fuck your brain up from rolling molly is to take an assload of supps and if you didn't even bother to test your shit then I don't even have to ask if you pre- and post-loaded your roll

seems like u were tired as fuck and ur body got weak. if u didnt sleep and been on coke (or still are) then ur hands get sweatyand ur getting cold because ur body was exhausted.
just go to bed or get urself some ketamine and THEN go to bed