You know what it is

you know what it is


So that's where the other half of my ballsack went.

Should I shit on the floor?

should i kill my self?

should i contaminate myself with humans

Will I be millionaire?

Does she love me?

Should I swallow my boyfriend's cum?

does my dick smell?

Will I still win the lotto Kek promised me last week?

Is KEK on my side?

Will I be able to achieve my goals?

Should I give my boyfriend a hardy handjob?

Does ruby want to fuck me?

Does ruby want to fuck me??

Should i cheat on my first gf?

Well that escalated quickly

Should I reply?

Will she ever love me?

Will I get a girlfriend this year?

Can i suck my OWN dick?

Honestly im not mad

Where did she go? Would she return?

Does she?

Great thanks 8ball

Will I ever get pegged by a negress

is life worth living

is it likely i'll win more than a tenner on any form of lottery product in the next six months?


Is he a dick who doesn't care?


Im gonna fuck Carlie this year?

are we gonna hook up

Will i make it?

Satanic trips