Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken...

>Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises

>Ride now!... Ride now!... Ride! Ride to ruin and the world's ending!


>Forth, Eorlingas!

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally the most epic battle speech and scene ever filmed.

>shatter the orc's flank with a massive charge
>horns sound behind them
>Theoden sees the mumakil in the distance, advancing quickly
>without hesitation, shouts "REFORM THE LINE"
>entire cavalry wheels around, reforms, and meets a line of hundred-ton walking death machines head on, without a second thought

Chills every time, my man.

>For Frodo

What was Saruman saying to him just before that?

>>entire cavalry wheels around, reforms, and meets a line of hundred-ton walking death machines head on, without a second thought

It pissed me off that they don't even try to fucking attempt to flank them


I am in the middle of reading lotr again for the first time in many years, and I notice now that the movies move the speech of the characters all over the place, and stuff is said by different people. The stuff about the horse and the rider that theoden says in helms deep is actually said by the company as they enter Rohan, long before that battle.

I wish they stuck to the books more closely.

One of the greatest cinematic moments. In the books its even more epic.
>theoden dispairs for a moment when he sees minas tirith is burning
>wind from the west (aka the valar) gives him renewed motivation
>gives badass speech
>blows on a horn until it bursts
>rides off before anyone else can catch up with him
>takes on harad leader in one on one combat and beats him
>his army finally catches up with him and bursts into song

What did they mean by this


ruining this thread

Why would Saruman say that? Did Aragorn start baneposting or something?

>his army finally catches up with him and bursts into song
The books are so fucking gay


Something I always wondered about those war scenes...the commander gives a big rousing speech... everyone gets hyped as fuck... but how do the guys in the far back even hear anything?? Do they just react to the guys in front suddenly going ballistic? Realistically, only the first 2-3 front rows and the guys within 30 feet of him would hear anything he says

Meme magic

tears everytime

Shit writing, shit directing.

Why was he so based bros?

stop posting this in every lotr thread nobody gives a shit about your turd thread

>Takes time giving 5 minute speech
>Meanwhile hundreds of Gondor men are being slaughtered by orcs

You're fucking gay, user.

You're fucking gay

Fuck you. Sometimes a man has to burst into song when he can't hold the battle feelings in

>pic related


he needs to rile up the boys

God YouTube comment role players are annoying as fuck


If I remember right, in the books it is Eomer who gives the "Death" speech. While he and a remainder of the Rohan forces are surrounded with little hope of survival.
Less grand perhaps than the movie version, but it actually gives the speech more importance.

Oh Sam..

And the Pelennor fields were kind of disappointing. He should have filmed that in Europe

>read the book speech
>feel inspired
>look up the film speech on youtube a few hours later
>it's just some flaccid thing

I'm...I'm not sure I'm going to watch these movies

Yeah, who thought that was a good idea. How are the people of movie Minas Tirith even fed? the whole plain should have been lush with fields.


Buffs have casting time you know.

I just watched the scene on youtube and the horses are OP as fuck.
They literally do not slow down from plowing through dozens of orcs

They're supposed to be the strongest and fastest war horses in the world or something

After all this years I just noticed this during the Helmsdeep scene

Is this fucking Jodie foster?

>just noticed this

Aren't a lot of Wormtongue's creeper lines about Eowyn originally said by Gandalf in the book? I seem to remember being surprised by that during my last read through.