"For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter"

"For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter"

lol conservacucks. You've elected a tangerine in a suit with a fucking corgi on his head that will literally deny his own children's existence if it means he gets to suck more Russian dick.

It's going to be a fun four years.

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how does it feel that noone gives a shit.


I'll give a shit just to prove you wrong

I'm not a liberal or a democrat but Trump is worrisome. Paul Ryan would have been better.


How does it feel all you do is sit on ur ass and watch shit like bill maher and other faggot lib pseudo comedians and think you're clever or witty for caring this much about politics?


join donald live for a chat


Some people will follow Trump no matter what he says or does. They will gloss over the bad and exaggerate the good. The Trump in their head is not the same Trump that exists in reality. Any good the real Trump does will only contribute to this cult of personality the Trumpling has developed, and any bad will go completely ignored.

It's how cult of personality works. It's scary shit.

>contains actual videos that disprove the attack against Trump
>I can't refute them, so I'll just attack the source

Can't wait till he starts gassing half the minority population then denying that he ever did it and the conservatives covering for his actions.

>conveniently cut out the rest of the video
>media only shows that small portion

Really nigger, try again.

Kys you fucking liberal douchebag


>replace trump with obama
>last 8 years in a nutshell

>gassing half of the minority
>crime rate plummets

And not a single fuck was given. Start in Chicago. Not even trying to be edgy.

>It's how cult of personality works. It's scary shit.

Yep. Makes for a good song, though.



Paul Ryan is a dumb person's idea of what a smart person is like.

all retards should be euthanized - sam hyde


Just read this, then come back.


i can't wait either


doesn't this apply to almost any politician? Many Russians think Stalin was a good leader even though he's objectively worse than Hitler


I care about politics because it's enormously consequential.

You're probably an Alex Jones watching motherfucker aint you? Stupid fucking cuck.

nice bait libtard. Back to your college safespace now.

>posting but saying nothing relevant

Liberals criticize Obama all the time. What the fuck are you even talking about?

Those dudes were black? How the fuck did I never know that?

suck it libfag

Oh no, he was worse than Hitler and killed Millions more. But Stalin didn't discriminate who he killed, which is why no one really cared.

The moral of the story is, if you're going to have a large scale massacre of your own people. Don't discriminate.

It's been 3 fucking months OP give it a rest and go rot on Sup Forums

Of course. It applies to fucking Elon Musk and pretty much every famous person too.

Are you fucking retarded?

>It's going to be a fun four years
Surely you mean "it's going to be a fun 8 years"

Also saving the motherland from Hitler while developing nukes and beating the yankees into space helped his legacy too.



you must think he's pretty fucking smart

8 years mate

This. Stupid motherfuckers will chew their own dicks off before they'll admit that they've been conned, or that Democrats might have been right about anything.

Only ever heard the song on the radio. I liked it, but not enough to get into it any further.

Implying conservatives don't stay inside their breitbart drudge fox news safe spaces while conveniently labelling everyone else "left wing media"

You're projecting.

> Communists in 1917
> their own people
pick one

If the public gives him the power to lie with no consequences, why shouldn't he use it?

на вку́с и на цвет това́рищей нет

Trips speak truth.

How about no?

For the 100th time. OP is a faggot

Have an upboat.

I thought it was obvious from the sound of their voices. Plus, they named the band "Living Colour".


It isn't the descrimination it's the speed, hitler killed in seconds, stalin killed in months, European settlers killed indians slowly over centuries by giving them shitty land and nobody gave a shit except modern historians trying to be PC even though their ancestors did it

Yup, I give a shit as well. Trump is an complete a-hole.

Go ahead and post 10 instances from the last 8 years. I'll wait...


MAGA! Sorry snowflakes its over.

comme on, catholics4trump when Trump is openly hates immigrants and praised Hitler. wake up

the same people think obama is also just a dumb nigger

I guess I never thought about how they looked based on their voice. Also, couldn't ever remember who sang the tune. Only heard it on the radio ever.

>slow and steady wins the race

***8 years and no one gives a fuck about you kid

For the 1000th time. Check these digits!

the worst thing about trump is how fucking dumb the man is but ppl still worship him. he must have the IQ of a fucking grapefruit. if you listen to him talk for more than 2 mins you can see he has serious mental problems.

hello Mr. Internet Explorer user xd

How does it feel your candidate lost to a "tangerine in a suit with a fucking corgi on his head"

Go ahead and look it up yourself faggot. I'm not your net nanny.

eh, not really tbh. and this is coming from a libtard.

don't get me wrong, the trumpnuts are certifiable in their praise.

lol you prove that modern day liberals have a mental disorder. Hell is a discussion without reason, stop trying to bring us all to HELL with you.

Convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, and he won't notice you picking his pocket.

-- LBJ, who understood racism better than anyone else who ever lived

>openly hates immigrants and praised hitler

If you honestly believe that, then the media is succeeding in brainwashing everyone.

>hates immigrants

Why would he hate immigrants? Most of his working force are legal immigrants.

>illegal immigrants

Bingo. They don't deserve shit here in America, send them back.

>praised hitler

Not even trying with this one now, are we?

he never praised hitler
he's against ILLEGALS, so am i

The real hypocrisy is that Obama also mocked the disabled, but the media basically gave him a pass. Of course, he apologized.

I must say I agree. He sounds like some dumb teenager. Sad!

america is nothing but a shit hole full of retards and uneducated buffoons. this guy represents them extremely well.

this is why democracy only works when the electorate can read and write.

atleast someone has some brains that haven't been indoctrinated by the globalists.

Yeah, burden of proof is on the accuser, faggot.

I don't think 10 instances exist in the last 8 years of liberals actually criticizing Obama. They slob on his knob worse than Dallas Cowboys fans are slobbing on Dak and Elliots'

Как сказать, по-русски?

>Hell is a discussion without reason, stop trying to bring us all to HELL with you.

Hate to go all Twilight Zone on you, but you already booked yourself a one-way ticket before we even had the chance to send you there ourselves.

You are wrong. There was lots of criticism that he failed to live up to the hype. Like all the bloody time.

At least they are saying he praised hitler instead of the usually "he is hitler".

He hates immigrants so much he married one. What better way to really show them dirty immigrants than to take one of the pretty ones.

Don't you dare talk about The_Donald this way

America is more important than whatever irreverent country you're from.

>trump IS openly HATES
why am I even replying?

Great. I had a typo. America looks stupid once again.


How to troll Sup Forums, the guide.

But becoming less relevant all the time. And Trump will speed you on your way. Who in the world is going to consider the U.S. a world leader now?

Please show some of these criticisms. 5 in the last 8 years should be easy if you're right.

>America is more important than whatever irreverent country you're from.

Only because of competent leadership during the '40s-'70s, and because all the other major countries (with the exception of the USSR, which remained a superpower) were bombed to shit in WWII.

>I think you mean race war

The tears are from laughter.

But we sure stuck it to Hillary, right?

Perhaps they are irreverent.

Sit down with any democrat and ask them why they hate Trump outside of anecdotes & out-of-context quotes and they'll have nothing to tell you.

Trump is going to show the whole world that America is back, Bigger, and stronger than ever before!

Can someone please compile a list of which groups of people are exempt from any and all criticism, regardless of what stupidity they do?

Cares more about shadenfreude than his actual country.