Is this the most an actor has physically done for a role?
Is this the most an actor has physically done for a role?
he even punch a girl into her vagina just to prepare for a character
>disgusting muscle fibre
>tiny as shit
>just ate low fat clean foods to get ripped because hes so small hed only have to eat like 1000cals
That's not the Machinist
>And I went over, and it was Chris. And he said, "Can you look at this?" And he turned and dropped his overalls, which he was naked under. And he had lost an INCREDIBLE amount of weight for the character. And he said "Michael, there's something wrong with my ass, can you have a look?" And the muscles in his ass had literally dropped out of the sockets of his hips. The dignity of the muscles, his ass had literally dropped out of the hips and thigh bones. And I said, "Hey Chris, your ass has dropped." And he said, "What do you mean?" And I said, "You've stopped losing body fat, and now you're actually losing elasticity of muscles" - I forget the exact medical term for it, but I said, "You've gone beyond body fat, and now you're into actual muscle tissue and things are being affected.
>An apple
>can of tuna
jackie chan and his HK movie stunts
getting fit is easy.
fat roles is where it gets hard trying to change your entire diet to eat shit non stop
nothing comes close to this afaik
>small amount of muscle
>cut to low bf%
yes such a feat
he was laughably terrible in that movie
no point in getting so ripped if you deliver an utterly shit performance
Literally me
So the lost tattooes were permanent? top kek
I imagine the hard part is to get rid of the self respect. It must be soul crushing to look in the mirror and see the piece of shit you let yourself become.
Why he look so fuzzy
Why does he have moth fuzzy fur all over his body?
Are you baiting? Getting fat is the easiest thing in the world.
I actually hate the infinite loop captcha in where you keep pressing whatever and it keeps appearing with no fucking end
What's the most an actress has ever done for a role?
Sucking dick doesn't count.
No, losing weight is easiest thing in the world. Gaining it is hard espeacially if you have fast metabolism
Didn't deniro also paid a dentist to fuck up his teeth?
Also chewing gum. He said chewing gum help him distract from the hunger as he was chewing.
Losing weight requires restraint. Gaining it requires self indulgence. Guess which one is harder.
If you REALLY have shit appetite, having 100ml of olive oil with each meal will sort this out.
Physical transformation is nothing compared to the emotional transformation one must make for the roll
spotted the fat faggot
how are those veins attractive?
drink some water dude you're not at a weigh in
not supposed to be attractive hes a cage fighter numbnuts
To lose weight you just have to not eat. To gain weight you have to eat, and you have to eat a lot. What is easier: to do something or not to do something? You say "restraint" like it's something hard You know what is hard? Shoving food into yourself when you aren't hungry, when you are ready to throw up. Been doing this for two month ended up with just +5kilo. Eventually i gave up on this and lost it all subsequently.
who's about to pass out from dehydration
fast metabolism is a meme, only teens and pregnant women have a fast metabolism to make up the difference of a person stuffing hundreds of extra calories into their mouth a day, because they're either synthesizing tons of hormones and adding inches to their height or literally feeding another human.
Otherwise a "fast" metabolism might mean you burn like 50 more a day, which is barely anything. Plus people with the fastest metabolisms are the biggest people - because big people need to burn more energy to move and repair their body.
I will never get people like you. Your day is like 16h long and you can't fit enough food into that kind of timeframe? One meal for me is like 1000kcal, and I could have another like that after 3h. I really have to control myself not to get fat.
But as I said, if you really can't eat much for whatever reason, just drink some oil.
> just drink some oil.
Am i being memeid here?
No, I'm pretty serious. It's almost pure fat, so low volume and high energy and it's liquid, so it's easy to put into your stomach. If you can't stand the taste, just add it to your food.
Why does his skin look like sand paper?
mast and winny
by pure fat do you mean actual fat or just very calorie dense? if it's actual fat you'll feel full faster, it's easier to get fat downing carbs and sugar
>by pure fat do you mean actual fat
Are you being genuine here?
I mean actual fat. And you are both right and wrong. Eating carbs will make you hungry again quicker, but single meal wise it's all about the volume. And carbs take a lot of volume, especially grains, pasta etc, because they absorb water when you cook them.
like cooking oil you can buy at the food store
Do you really not know what fucking olive oil is?
>Pretends to know shit about what foods make you "feel full faster"
>Doesn't know what somebody means when they say that oil is fat
You should have learned in science class that oil cell = fat cell ya dingus
>oil cell
What did he mean by this?
>i don't know what cooking oils are, but I know all about what someone should eat to get fat
as a biochemist this thread is making me feel sick
Nice trips
You don't have to be a biochemist to realise these guys haven't been to one biology class in their lives.
Fuck even a beginners cooking class will teach you what fat is.
At least the machinist was good. Matthew Fox went to all that trouble for a garbage movie.
hey guys lel
I'm amazed his teeth and hair didnt fall out
/fit/ here
He isn't natural, he clearly took anavar or another similar drug
Wouldn't that much tuna be dangerous?
I bet Bale would JUST his hair up and pull teeth out if he thought it would make him seem more legitimate