How do people endure through boring garbage like this? I have to have Youtube or Sup Forums open at my second monitor just not to fall asleep. How do you guys do it? And they ALWAYS last at least 2-3 hours.
How do people endure through boring garbage like this...
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I was gifted it along with a pack of non-English-speaking Oscar Award winners and I have yet to watch it full, I quit towards the middle because of all the jerkoff symbolism and pretentious dialogue. The part where he shits on the socialist and feminist woman is good though.
sorrentino is cannes-tier ''''''''''''''''''intellectual'''''''''''''''''' garbage
It's excellent, not perfect but damned good. You might have to be a little older to get it honestly :)
Youth on the other hand is a mess. He needs a writer.
It was one of the best movies of the year though.
If you didn't discern the Dantesque metaphors by the end, you shouldn't be watching art film in the first place.
by not having an attention disorder
>Using intellectual as an insult
You are the worst kind of teenager
i liked the trailer more, it was short and straight to the point.
No idea, I've never understood the appeal of pretentious art films, I'm sure some legitimately enjoy them while others watch them so they can feel smart and superior
>pretentious art films,
>others watch them so they can feel smart and superior
Says more about you than any fans of these straw men "pretentious art films" that you think of them as such. They're just films.
I wish this was a troll thread
>all those high school summerfags
>>Sup Forumsptg
No, he's using pseudo-intellectual as an insult, teenager. Google "scare quotes".
La Grande Bellezza was even too boring for me, and I've happily sat through the movie Gerry twice.
quote posters like you are """"""""the worst"""""""
>Says more about you than any fans of these straw men "pretentious art films" that you think of them as such. They're just films.
Perhaps, but several times I've tried to delve into whatever you would call these films, these kinds of "intellectual' movies that were all the rage in Europe during the mid 20th century and I find them absolutely obnoxious. It might just be in my head but they come off as self-important and stuffy.
Give me Frank Capra over Federico Fellini any day, if that makes me a pleb then oh well
>Give me Frank Capra over Federico Fellini any day, if that makes me a pleb then oh well
#so humble
You're not a pleb, in fact, you're the real patrician!
>you're the real patrician!
I already knew that, but thanks
They actually hate him at Cannes.