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onesix livesets when

i feel like if these guys clicked for me i could become totally obsessed but i'm still not totally feeling it

i quite like their early stuff and i fucking love lp7 but confield is still a bit lost on me

idk where should i go next

start with amber

when you say LP7 do you mean Draft 7.30 or LP5

ep7 you mean? yeah that one is great and massively underrated, so much superior to lp5 it's not even a contest

try chiastic slide, exai and draft7.30 next

fun fact: this track alone contains more emotion than the entirety of opn's discography


i'm already fond of their early stuff i said, doesn't blow me away or anything

sorry ladz, i meant lp5

oh well that one is one of their disappointing releases, yeah

anyway I stand by my recommendations, also listen to ep7 if you haven't already

Amber is godlike
>Piezo, Nil, Glitch, Yulquen, Furthur top tracks

Incunabula is godlike
Ending of Bike is just drool
>Basscadet, 404, Bronchus2, Doctrine, Maetl top tracks

Confield is just below this
>Pen Expers, Sam Gishel and Parhelic Triangle top tracks, under this come VI Scose Poise and Cfern

If you can't get into Confield, listen to Pen Expers closely, the melancholy is almost touchable

Tri Repetae is godlike
>I fucking love Stud, it's all I ever need, rest of album is really good too though. Very nice sounds.

Honorable mentions from various albums I haven't given as much time yet:
LP5 - Rae
Quarstice - chenc9

if Confield isn't clicking for you, you can try a few different things. You could go on to Draft 7.30, which is generative and algorithmic and uses a lot of the same production tricks as Confield, but it's put into a hip-hop structure, which makes it a lot more digestible for some people.
You could also take a break from Ae and listen to more music, not just electronic stuff. Come back sometime later and you might have a better appreciation for it

quick, name a track and the emotion or feeling it gives you

>perlence subrange 6-36
like descending to the depths of the marianas trench

it's like a horror movie where space colonists are hunted down by an alien predator, and at the final scene of the movie, you see the alien singing a lullabye to its eggs. it's actually a really tender, gentle track

fun fact: OPN is a big fan of Oversteps, and Sean said that he liked R+7

>c16 deep tread
It feels like getting such bad anxiety about your math homework that you finally have a full psychotic break and you start hallucinating asymptotes and complex functions that are trying to eat you

Listen to reniform puls

The entirety of Exai sounds like a soundtrack to BLAME!

stuck in traffic in a particularly shitty part of LA

what is BLAME?

Manga about an autist wandering around cyberpunk wasteland tunnels while wielding a magic gun. The author is referred to as the Japanese Giger.

Go read it while listening to Exai.

That could be an ae artwork easily

Bike, Eggshell and 444 are my favs from Incunabula.
Funny how they think their earlier stuff is "cheesy" now. The first two are gorgeous

i feel the same way
confield is really the only release of theirs that truly feels great
i'd probably be more of a fan if i got into these guys before afx

>Confield below their earlier stuff

Don't get me wrong I'm a fan of their early work, Amber in particular. But honestly they're later more experimental music is massively more interesting and creative to me.

Especially their recent output (exai, AE_live, elseq) is just mind blowing to me. I definitely think it's their best material, granted it takes at least a few listens to wrap your head around

AE_live is their best work t bh lads

Also Incunabula and Quaristice are underrated

Kouhei is pretty based

who is Kouhei?


this wasn't that bad.

Piecing together a murder mystery in a city within the arctic circle.

seriously wtf is the holdup boys

I know. I want to hear that Manchester set again so badly.

why is autechre such a great name? i can't think of a cooler word to say and that comes along with such strong feelings musically.

Goz Quarter / Pen Expers

best Autechre tracks

how was gamble btw?

The first time I heard Confield I thought it was a joke and now ae are by far one of my favorite bands
Don't get discouraged

Oversteps reminds me a lot of OPN's early stuff desu
Speaking of which this week Oversteps suddenly clicked and I realized how brilliant that shit is. Used to be my least favorite by a mile.

i've spend hours dicking around in max/msp trying to create "living" patches like they talk about in interviews but i can't come nearly as close to anything as awesome as the elseq shit

truly geniuses

Autechre has been doing it for 20+ years (or close to 15 if you only count Draft and onwards)
And even they didn't get it perfectly, plenty of songs on elseq just kind of fuck around and go nowhere (looking at you elyc6 0nset)





a e s t h e t i c



Elyc6 0nset ends in a completely different place than it starts, there's literally nothing in common

I really enjoy incunabula
Elder beeps

Confield and Oversteps are their two best albums. They are the two purely distilled concepts on opposite ends of the AE spectrum.

So does P.:NTIL. So does Surripere. So does Xylin Room.

The difference is that those tracks progress and evolve an interesting way instead of just spewing noise for 27 minutes while subtly changing the kick drum
I guess it's not a bad track but I definitely think it's one of the weaker tracks on the album and overall really not a great example of what either ae or Max/MSP is capable of

Excellent scenario for this tune user! Congrats!

Damn good. I'd not listened to him much before but definitely a fan now.
Every act was pretty incredible, honestly. Haswell just sounded like circuit bending.

Weird this exact feeling I attributed to Elseq. I imagined myself disappearing farther and farther into an immense complex. The enormity of the album really helped to create that helpless feeling. I could definitely see that with Exai too, but that album has that hip hop influence all over it which pulls me out at times.

Those are two of my favorites as well, along with Incunabula, Chiastic, and elseq 3&5

Idk man it really just sounds like you haven't listened too it closely enough yet if you somehow think the kick is all that changes. I can see why you wouldn't like the general aesthetics of it though

Same boat as you. Loved Amber and Tri Repetae, didn't feel the same with Confield.

Oversteps is one of their newer releases that I like. It's an album that came back to the more conventional sound.

Chiastic is about deep space / floating / satellites / relay antennas / abandoned supercomputers. I am convinced of this.

Please place your brofist here; I will keep complimenting your mention of Goz Quarter so long as you keep bringing it up.

"Culturally", Goz Quarter is that much jucier in that it: samples a noted instrumental hip hop song, is a strong opener on one of the best EPs that doesn't get talked about too much, /actually plays like a piece of jazz/, and even has a moderne treatment of Fallingwater on the cover. Autechre are doing their thing, and doing it really really well, but they're having a bit of fun too, with nods to others!

Envane is Autechre's /Take Five/, their /Mingus Ah Um/.

t. oldfig/dwelled in two concerts

I have always associated Calbruc with the escape sequence in Aliens, particularly the latter bits (of the Aliens escape).

Try this for yourself. There's no real "timing", just fitting two moods together.





Damn right

>no love for pro radii

rob a qt