If Sup Forums were personified as a character from Seinfeld, who would it be?
If Sup Forums were personified as a character from Seinfeld, who would it be?
Did you miss that period where everything was ISHYGDDT?
Jerry's autistic mechanic
Soup Nazi
No, but George has characteristics that don't seem to fit exactly, he's anal about things like his clothes and hygiene
Is Kramer not the obvious choice?
Kramer is successful, we're all failures
>anal about clothing and hygiene
That's Jerry's thing. George literally ate garbage and wore a velvet tracksuit.
It sort of looks like Kramer is trying to grab Elaine's tit but she's stopping his hand from doing so
George's dad
It wasn't garbage it was on top of a magazine
Adjacent to refuse, is refuse.
>Delusions of grandeur
>Hates normies like Seinfeld
>Alone in his room
>High Probability of going postal
>hangs out with other outsiders like Kramer
Thus everything is refuse
Wouldn't /fit/ be Mandelbaum?
Sup Forums
This, Newman is the only choice, anything else is objectively wrong.
I hadn't considered Newman. This might be undeniable truth
>Implying she isn't /fa/
Sup Forums