And so it begins

And so it begins

Other urls found in this thread:

> 6.9

69 nice one op

>has to damage control by saying the actresses were good

>having to clarify that womyn are not the problem
Has it come to this?

>the new squad
>a plus
So they are implying that these whales are better than the old one or what? Else it couldnt possibly be a plus.

>ghosts of its past
Wtf does that mean? "Compared to the original this is horseshit"?

no, now it ends

It will be out of theaters by the end of July, except in countries where it hasn't been released yet.

Ship it.

Seriously who is the audience for this movie? Tumblr feminists. They will be done with it with a quickness.

Maybe then they'll go play in the ball pit.

You can tell they wanted to pander to both sides as hard as possible.

>t-the women are not the problem. Some of my best friends are women

The first one sucked, and this one looks much worse.

More like, they can't talk about the actresses being at fault without being called sexist.

Pretty much most of the reviews that have came out go through the lengths of avoiding to talk bad about the actresses even to the point of saying that it was the Directors' fault.

Skyward Sword was better than this


Nuo, naow eet endz.

>the new squad
top cuck

>the new squad
>ghosts of its past


>Though Jones gets some of the film’s most memorable lines, her character channels a shameful racial stereotype — one that traces back to the days of blackface when it amused audiences to see African-American characters spook easily, bugging their eyes and running for their lives whenever confronted with a ghost


>the ghostbusters themselves are great
ye im sure they are

It's amazing seeing all these people desperately latching onto even the faintest silver linings (or conjuring them out of nothing) just to be able to say it wasn't COMPLETELY trash so they aren't associated with "internet misogynists".

>the website that gives the new Call of Duty a 9 or higher every year

>any positive review
>any negative review

Both sides can pat themselves on the back for completely killing the point of reviews. Good job everyone.

Feminists are entirely to blame for that.

For you

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums post

Can you be more of a whiny crying baby?

>noh, nowitenzd
what did he mean by this?

I actually saw a movie like that from the 1920s. It was pretty fun.

>Higher than BvS

>who else not surprised here?

>nobody even stops to appreciate 4 dubs in a row

Coming from some user that is likely to lazy to read the review instead of look at the score to see if there is any bias's shown.

You mean baby-men.

>It's not because of the female cast! oh god please don't hurt me!

Absolutely dickless

>indirect non-necessary (You)

>Terri Schwartz

Internalized Misogynigygigy

i'm pretty sure it's going to be a huge normie hit anyway

Sony released revenue expectations and they're as low as 50 million, meanwhile the movie's budget is 150.

>6.9, oh that's not that bad
>on the IGN scale



>only positive is "New Squad "

>reviewed by a woman

You know it's way worse.


And no China release to save it.

So it's shit but critics are being lenient on it. Got it

>ID4 2 had an 8.0 on IGN


>opening at 67%

black people really are superstitious so what's the problem?

>tfw liberals are literally calling Leslie Jones being herself racist
Have we reached peak insanity yet?

unbiased """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""review""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
This will be the true measure for the film.

>chinks in charge of caring about women

comics are officially dead aren't they?

you still got blown the fuck out man Sup Forumsabby

Was it good?

That's still above average. The ass blasted being of Sup Forums

>6.9 on IGN
Fieg on suicide watch

>man of steel
guess it was kino after all.

>That's still above average
oh you poor soul, you think IGN is like IMDB or something?

People are going to look back on these scores in years to come and wonder what the fuck happened

There is no way this film is ~7/10 when the trailers were that abysmal

>im the prize

superior kino/umani

it's pretty fine. not as good as the original when you first saw it.

What are your top 10 films of the 2010s?

7/10 on IGN is like 2/10 everywhere else.

Pacific Rim

>say it was shit
>branded "problematic" and blacklisted from the progressive media gangbang

>say it was great
>lose every last shred of credibility with your audience

I can tell you frequent IGNA

Not in order, but this is an anonymous image board, which gives us the advantage of having to take each post, each argument, and each debate on its own merits, instead of just attacking the preferences of person making the argument.

The only winning move is not to play.

>another movie reviewed by a woman

So its same to assume you have shit taste

to an extent, yes.

To top it off, it's an IGN review.

No, its got 30% rt

Don't talk about tastes or scores again until you develop some taste then
this is your final warning

ty for the advise

Pal, please stop replying for me

It's weird

>the secretary is billed first

if you say so

>no, noitenz

They weren't in a row

>neckbeards mad about the coming of feministkino

" the coming of feministkino "

found the jew

no, now it ends

IGN is playing it super safe. Do you think there's a committee on these """"review"""" sites that spend many hours (maybe days) debating on what the final verdict should look like before being published since its literally black and white with feminists?

>playing it super safe
In case you didn't know, anything that gets below 7.5 or so by IGN is deemed abysmal. They're absolutely nothing like RT or IMDB.

IGN is pathetic in their reviewing. I never take anything they rate as a reliable stat. 6.9 really means 3/10.

That's an IGN score.

It was though. The entire idea was terrible.

I wouldn't know. I don't frequent Sup Forums senpai.

They review movies too as shown in this thread.

>63 is green for films yet a 75 is yellow for games


because film reception has lower standards.

Games get +30 point bribery bonus to their score whereas films only get +10 points. Getting a score >50 after deducting the bribery bonus puts them in the green.

I looked for you on the Trident.