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I hope you americans are completely wiped out in the coming war.
Fuck every single one of you.
Please stop relying on our military to bail you out. Eventually, you will have to transfer you welfare funding to defense.
I'm so sorry Harold Ramis.
What was the reaction in the cinema after they shot the bad boss guy in the dick?
The group I was with (all female PoC) started going round the theater and beating the shit out of every cishet white male we could find.
When the cops showed up we got the men we just beat arrested for sexual harrassment.
Fuck you. That movie will be AMAZING. It should win an Oscar. Leslie Jones is so funny. Paul Feig is the best. I'm so excited to see it and you are wrong.
But he was honored by the moview with his own bust at the beginning. I'm sure this the ghostbusters he envisioned making if he were still around.
>all these buttmad MRAs
lmao you all got fucking REKT. I'm going to buy five tickets for this movie just to rub it in your faces. Ghostbusters is back, baby! Sony does it again.
>would have been better if it wasn't a ghostbusters
>tons of reviews say this
hmm who said this would have been better if it wasn't a ghostbusters movie
Sorry for being both white and male.
t. Nu-male caucasian cuck
>gamergate lost again
>shills on overtime
Misogyny is a cancer that inflicts most men.
kek i wonder what they will give it?
>tfw you remember they gave fallout 4 a 9.5/10
Sup Forums get out
wtf i hate men now
Ign have it a 6.9. After reading all the reviews it sounds like it's sometimes funny with more mainstream comedy humor (farts, etc) and had a bad ending.
Very few reviews saying it's even near great.
>7 reviews
No one is being paid to shill for Ghostbusters by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear our campaign.
Her* campaign
>The movie was legitimately bad, but it's still problematic that you predicted it would be.
Any critical comments on them just "killing" the ghosts instead of trapping them?
You mean like how they trapped Gozer?
DUDE YES, hyped because of representation, straight males have no problems, everyone else does :DDDDDD
By crossing the streams, which they established would be "extraordinarily dangerous".
They blew him the fuck up you stupid retard.
I bet you would've liked them to make a giant ghost trap.
Good thing that this movie is fresh and not rotten
if it were rotten Sup Forums would have to be contrarian and say it was kino
a valid point....but they did something extreme to do it, in the previews they are just jumping around shooting them like a video game
What is with vloggers and constant cutting
>5 shekels have been deposited into your account for this post
>you fucking retard
can you even have a conversation with opposing views or points without becoming some socially handicapped sperg?
Truly the gayest meme attempt. Please stop perpetuating it.
>can go see the movie and not get shit from my irl friends
>can still shitpost about it on Sup Forums
thank you based god
Not an argument.
Just back fom a London press screening. It's ok. Throwaway fun and not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's SNL humour though - clearly improve and its not funny (just like SNL).
Solid enough story and the blonde lesbian one is sexy as fuck for some reason.
Why is the main bad guy the logo ghost? Can you at least answer this?
any shot of panty or bra or pusy or bum in this film?
It sort of is and sort of isn't. It's a cartoon of it that then grows into a huge demonised version that looks like the boogieman from Nightmare Before Christmas. It kind of works in the context of the film's own ruleset though.
I know that, you fucking mong. They blew him up because they had no choice. Do you think a containment unit would have held a literal God?
Think before you type, you inbred shitstain.
Do they choosE his form, or was that bullshit?
What's interesting is even though the main selling point of the movie is the cast. The posters in my country are just the Ghostbusters logo without featuring any of the actors.
>i hope people will harrass me so i can finally set up my patreon
No one outside of America will have heard of any of them anyway.
True actually
I know Sookie from Gilmore Girls, and the dude from superhero movies, that's about it.
Devin Faraci's review is apologist as all fuck
I'll give the movie a fair shake but I'm sorry literally emasculating your logo by shooting him in the dick isn't exactly high comedy for me.
The good news is that all of those are in there.
The bad news is that it's only of Leslie Jones
>the main selling point of the movie is the cast
The only selling point is the franchise. The all-female cast is pre-emptive damage control, a manipulative delfection of potential criticism using identity politics as a shield.
It saved the Wall Street bankers from OWS, it saved GameJournoPros from Gamergate, and it'll save Ghostbusters 2016 from critics who wanted to give honest reviews and audiences who wanted their money's worth.
I'm sorry for having sex with your mother 9 months before you were born OP.
I'm sorry.
Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums said it would be good.
I'm sorry that you needed to do damage control for the film.
Read the review in that bastion of neoliberal propaganda, The New York Times. It likens this rehash to a remake of MacBeth.
I wouldn't compare the original Ghostbusters with a Shakespearian work nevermind this unimaginative film.
This review convinced me to see it.
What's gender stopping you from believing you can do whatever it is you wanna do? So because a man is portraying something you can't believe you can't do the same?
The only thing that is stopping you believing you can do something is your own lack of imagination.
What if a woman wants to play on a men's sports team?
if she can kick/hit or make the shot she should be able to join. I understand the average female does not have the same upper body strength as a man, but the average man also does not have the same as a man in sports
you don't have to swing from the hips to swing with the arms so to speak
The result would be that the top 100 would be man and women would cry about opression
I'm sorry that critics are biased and judge a movie for the agenda rather than the quality.
Because every footage I've seen so far is beyond terrible and I doubt the actual movie would magically change such things.
And if a man is better than all the women on a women's soccer team? He should be able to play in that team?
Because I've seen women try to play soccer and it's like watching 10yr old kids play.
So is this any good?