Make an album 10/10 by removing a song

>Pree-Sisters Swallowing a Donkey's Eye

user that song makes it a 11/10

>not acknowledging the ultimate pleb filter

why would you remove the best track

>Threatening ice cream truck noises



ahh the best

>Yellow Submarine

Driving School

Other versions have Recent Title, which is better, even if it sounds a bit too much like Gang of Four.

the opening aegispolis sounds like my fucking alarm telling me to wake up
SAW I is by definition nighttime music
it must go

what is WRONG with you

Pale Blue Eyes

yes im changing

Take out all the interludes


Nice bait
>inb4 dude weed lmao


Benny the Bouncer

Pleb Filter inc since 1969

It's not a pleb filter, it's a genuinely bad song.
Look, I like King Crimson's improvisational free jazz-ish stuff. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Starless and Bible Black, great albums. Moonchild? Shit. Nothing actually happens. It's just quiet, empty noodling.


The Murder Mystery actually

Trying too hard there, mate. I think the song is kinda overrated but it's really good and by no means the worst on the album

Pink Cellphone



agreed. The rest of the album rules.

To be fair, Pink cellphone wouldnt be bad if they cut out the last minute with the hot carling shit. I replaced the album version with the clean album version of the song that doesnt have that added bullshit at the end. so much better

>Jamaica Jerk Off

Fuck you mang Jamaica Jerk Off is one of my favorite Elton songs.

>Fuck That


As long as (-) ions is being kept I agree. It works really well between Aenima and Third Eye.

Just get the vinyl version, this track was cut down by 3 minutes

>not doctor robert

Ultimate plen

Honestly that's the worst one dude. -_- It's just 4 minutes of electrical current.

Can't go taking out the best one.

Least favorite VU song, it lasts too long and it's out of place with how strong the rest of the album is.

Fuck That is the biggest grower in their entire discography and contains some of their densest production yet. Listen to that shit on good headphones.


Don't remove it just cut the crappy improv

Mosquito Song

Hustle Bones. Thought after I bought this album it's grown on me a bit, but it still annoys me sometimes and I skip it more than I don't.

And now it's stuck in my head.

american tune

dont deny it

Does the mosquito man like that song

sorry you got triggered

that song is great

Bad Communication

>implying its better than any song on the album

it doesn't detract from the album, though. it's a great closer

You need to remove much more than just one track to make that a 10/10. And Yes I'm Changing is not one of them.

>Wild Pack of Family Dogs

nah the kazoos are retarded and the lyrics are dick, and it's a bit too repetitive


Disappointment at the Taco Bell

u fuckin wot mate

Seriously that album was my childhood don't you fuckin judge it