haha hows it hanging my dudes and fellow chillsters
mac demarco here to remind you my radical and trendy new album is coming out very soon!!!!
so sit back RELAX! grab a viceroy(thats my shit) and buy my new album okay
its going to be full of your FAV tracks repeated over and over.
make sure to pick up some overalls from the thrift so "normies" can think you're weird just like me and so fucking UNIQUE
Haha hows it hanging my dudes and fellow chillsters
Other urls found in this thread:
Mac haters wish he was a stoner so badly, it would help them make shitty memes about him. Too bad he doesn't smoke weed
Too bad your girl does't have hu-cow tits for you to milk
Go back to tumblr user
>complains about mad fans being unoriginal
>posts the same mac hate thread daily
What did he mean by this?
Admit you would love to reply "dude WEED lmao" like on tame impala threads, but you stop yourself because you remember Mac doesn't toke
smoking weed isn't the obnoxious part
you can smoke weed and not be stupid, just like you can abstain from smoking weed and still be really stupid
you play any instruments OP?
I play guitar, and Mac is a good guitar player, so I enjoy listening to his playing.
Difficult to comprehend, I know. But some musicians play instruments to get their ideas across! Mac is one of those!
How much would you pay to swallow Macs cigarette dick?
fuck off 2 reddit
Bad news, "toke" has been around years before Reddit was, guy
And it was never not cringeworthy
This is to all the kids in my town who dress like Mac DeMarco; I can see through you, I can see how empty you are. Every single time you flick one of your shitty eastern European brand cigarette butts onto my doorstep I think, what led humanity to this point and how are all these kids wearing windbreakers and vintage baseball caps gonna defend themselves when the race wars break out.
Yeah it was awesome that one time you dropped fake acid and listened to Chamber Of Reflection, but how is your anthropology major gonna help you get a job after college?
All these kids go to their local music venues to talk during the opening acts and their friend groups consist of one female to every seven males. Whoever can dress and act like Mac DeMarco the most gets their dick sucked.
I think we should send all these kids to a farm where they can frolic free, away from society, preventing them from ruining the gene pool. They'll get a free copy of the new Mac DeMarco album and a loaded pistol for when they feel like they've overstayed their welcome
fuck off 2 reddit
>posting to make the same point twice
did you just quote some 14 year old youtube 'comedian'?
Please log off and go eat a balanced breakfast. This is an adult board.
Bad news, "cringeworthy" has been around years before Reddit was, guy
Goofball exterminators BTFO'd
>"why are all these people trying to be like mac demarco" - sam hyde clone #128742
Unchillians are in a perma state of btfo so they have to force these memes in a desperate effort to recover
>tfw people really hate macfags this much
Got em.
Holy fucking shit dude
You almost typed it.....and then you backspaced xD
>dude wee-
Cmon user you know you want to
is that kid an alt-right lover also?
forever mad never glad a lil sad
Let's turn this into a meme on every macpost
We're laughing at you user
I don't get why people are posting that kid too, when it's clearly ironic because he's dressing like mac.
>3 times
Be honest, you're too young to be browsing this site.
the difference is my laughter is chilled out and yours is bitter af
so C H I L L
>crying about repeat posts in a repeat thread while posting nazi frog
You realise you're completely validating the stereotype about Mac Demarco fans being retarded teenagers, right?
Why should I care about how unchillians perceive me?
>t. unchillians
>nazi frog
Holy shit user you need to go back. You're far too new for this place.
ok i can use a different reaction face DickMarcoRider213
>3 times
>implying that flannel + simpsons tee isn't the chillest shit you've ever seen
>what is irony
stop posting
Self awareness is pretty important
this one is cuter
but the first two points still stand
dude you need to up your layers
unchillians confirmed for not being able to into irony
>self awareness
>on an anonymous board
Top kek
A part of me wishes the macfag hatred was equally as strong for AnCo, but at the same time all the fun would get sucked out of it and I don't want that
thats for children
did you miss the lomographic camera hanging around his neck attached to his fucking keys
bet that takes some mad pics which he can upload to instagram after he goes through the boring process of scanning and printing
just unchillian things
Anonymity doesn't make you seem like any less of a retard
DESU totally missed that camera. Nice find brother. Chillian confirmed
How will unchillians ever recover?
that thread confirmed mac was reddit
so its you that got btfo
okay my dude
That's not very chill of you brother man
>Look at us we might be generic hipsters but we can get ironic too
>so chill lmao dude haha
Unchillian detected
the image of the "generic hipster" is already drenched in irony, how could you possibly be this out of the loop
don't reply
>image of the generic hipster
here you go
my name jeff
user died before he could finish this post
I guess he was terminally unchill
Haha! Chill vibes okay okay mr funny
can u imagine being this mad
you realize hipster has really become what was once deemed 'urban' right?
anything commercial or fashionable or entertainment-focused or even remotely ethnic in the late 90s-early 2000s was considered 'urban'. Now those same traits are 'hipster'.
City folk are hipsters.
Mac is not city folk. He's literally just a fucking Canadian. Everybody in Western Canada IS Mac DeMarco.
As someone who thinks Mac Demarco is just fine, this thread is the most cringeworthy thing I've ever seen. Mac fanboys and Mac haters are equally faggy, all of you should consider suicide
he is a good musician and is pretty humble
Wow you must be a cool guy
go fuck yourself
Unchillians confirmed
Chillian spotted!!!
Reminder that Mac DeMarco is:
1) a manlet. He is like 5'5", a friend met him that is 5'10" and he was like at his shoulders.
2) Painfully insecure about himself. Every single "dude so chill" music figure in history has always been completely insecure and fake. This is supported by his manlet stature.
3) Likely a corporate plant to make lol cigarettes XD trendy in being "chill" and have an image of being artistic again. His ENTIRE PERSONA revolves around smoking. He's gotten so many followers into smoking. Coincidence? Oy Vey!
His entire following is also normies that think they're totally alternative. Ignore him and his fans, he is trendy 1975-tier garbage that shouldn't be supported. Don't worry, this post won't bump the thread.
this post however, will bump the thread
As a leaf, I can confirm this
Bro this was pretty unchillian of you and you should consider apologizing
Reminder these are the average Mac DeMarco fans
Mac is good
>basic people are incapable of having an independent personality
what else is new? stop bumping this thread
>tfw mac demarco fan from nyc and wearing all black rn
am I still a chillian
Yes, be sure to order some viceroys in bulk off amazon though user. It's the true hallmark of a chillian
These are literally the new scene fags
You're putting a lot of work into hating on a guy that just wants to make some tunes. Confirmed unchillian
fresh off of reddit
>goodwill and not an independent clothing exchange
I hate modern hipsters
Goodwill is great in the suburbs
is this you?
2017 HAHAH
That Fleet Foxes record is almost ten years old.
Doc Martens was founded in the '40s.
Carhartt is used by every single construction worker in North America, and will continue to be despite whatever trends come and ago.
Jeans jackets... like, really? When have they not been worn by trendy folk?
Cigarettes, feels pretty cool and arguably looks cool, but there's nothing cool about checking in at hospice when you're 46.
Arizona iced tea? I was drinking that shit 20 goddamn years ago...
Wtf is happening here?
Where the fuck do you live where this is considered hip?
Replace the photos of Kevin and Mac with yung lean and it's the same meme as 2014
new york
all of the things combined makes something
does anyone else sometimes wander into random threads and just watch random fights that break out? I don't even listen to rock music so I have no idea who's right here but this is funny as hell
why are you in such a denial?
Sounds like somebody is triggered at being stereotyped
Are you saying your better than me? I fucking knock your teeth loose CUNT
fukn kek
>shit unchillians say
when did starter packs become so toxic? it used to be harmless jokes now they are all about making people feel bad and like stereotypes
Very accurate tbqh