Is this the best television show ever made? The answer is yes, yes it is.
Is this the best television show ever made? The answer is yes, yes it is
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Is OP the guy with the worst taste on Sup Forums? The answer is yes, yes he is.
Real talk: how can you not like this show? Are you satan?
Ash is the character that Bruce Campbell was born to play, that being said, I haven't made up my mind about this show.
Holy shit you talk like a faggot.
Is this what the average Evil Dead fan sounds like?
So, about the show...
I think it managed to become a worthy successor to the classic Evil Dead movies during the last few episodes, especially when they reach the cabin.
But my biggest problem were Ashs sidekicks, I think they didnĀ“t add anything great to the series.
>Ash was a little bitch at the start of the series
>part of the story is him deciding to just say "fuck it"
>you will see Pablo become the new Jefe
The chick is meh, but Pablo grew on me as a character.
Also that demon and practical effects were pretty good.
>i smoke weed lmao xD
>quips lmao xD
>i'm a jew lmao xD
>i'm a latino lmao xD
>i'm old lmao xD
yes, it's a good show, pretty epic!
So, other than your stormblr brain damage, what did you think of the show?
This guy is holding the chainsaw wrong
I loved it. It was unpredictable.
Well, at least if "it gets worse" isn't your only prediction
So these are the read it posters people here like to talk about? Sorry, im new to the television & film board.
wut? I just came here to tell the world how much i disliked spectre. Afterwards I had a quick look what other threads are there right now.
so, I'm no regular here
the spic and chick could not even be in the show
Ill watch anything with bruce
Ash taking joy in killing the waitress that earlier had declined sex with him had a very weird misogynistic tone to it, maybe I'm reading into it too much. I didn't think it was in Ash's character.
i wanted to fuck the jewish chick so badly its not even funny
I know this is a shill post but yes I liked it alright. Some of the episodes were really bad though. Please tell your supervisor I said that.
I felt that Ash's character really changed.
In the 3 Evil Dead films, Ash was took almost everything seriously and wasn't in on "the joke."
In Ash vs Evil Dead, he's self aware of EVERYTHING and the only one in on the joke. Everyone else plays it off seriously.
This. You're retarded if you missed how they are setting Paco up to be beaner Ash. Ash is gonna get dragged to hell or sowmthing and Pedro will be the temporary jefe
>Dana DeLorenzo
So when is the 2nd season coming out?
I really hope the show goes on for 4-5 seasons
It's a good show because Starz let them do what they want. The promo for season 2 looks fun as fuck.
October. A trailer came out like a week ago.
How is it even possible to not like Ash? What are you?
OP is a female!
>Cause you're part eggplant!
>You're a cantaloupe!
What did they mean by this?
Anyone who doesn't like this show either hasn't seen or doesn't like the Evil Dead trilogy. It's the perfect adaptation of that property.
People memeing it and calling it reddit are the most retarded of all. Normies and redditors don't care about Ash, Evil Dead or Sam Raimi.
The show sucks
Only good thing is Ash
Rest of the cast is just trash
These shitty GoT fan art pics always make me laugh.
it's good
but overrated by redditors
It's correctly rated as the greatest show ever. You're an idiot for browsing reddit though.
Season 1 started great but it had a lot of hiccups in the way. Especially in Ash's writing, they couldn't decide what they wanted him to be.
October my man
And it's looking better. Hopefully the writers took the complaints into consideration and fixed the major problems.
>setting up Paco up to be beaner Ash.
Fucking what m8, they're setting Kelly up. Pablo is still fucking useless against eldritch creatures, he's pretty much the good luck tokem/cheerleader of the group.
Kelly's the one that gradually became better at killing things.
Absolutely fucking not
google Alexa Rydell. pornstar who looks just like her
>Xena is now on our side
Fuck yes!
Why the fuck does Autolycus have a chainsaw for a hand?
Show was great, as good as the films...except the ending sucked. I still recommended it to everyone.
Why does Mitt Romney have a chainsaw for a hand?
She looks lebanese
On the show she's more lebaneasy.
Jewish on the show.
But she italian.
How is that possible? Didn't last season end with finding out she wrote the necronomicon and was basically the source of all evil?
The one thing that really bugged me about the show was that the other directors didn't even attempt any patented Raimi styled angles such as this one from the pilot.
>everybody is unlikable
>plot seems to have no goal and no direction
>evil demons powers make no sense and fallow no rules
>too many female characters, while they do nothing
>black female cop was pointless
i just cant even pretend liked it, barely above mediocre
he didnt kill her, pablo and kelly did and you should know better than to expect ash to accept responsibility for his actions or feel remorse
her character is tho
deadites, user
>deadites, user
Was spectre bad?
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums's Hell
I believe it.